To be a Community where all persons will encounter the power and
love of the Living God, through His Son, Jesus Christ.
All Saints Episcopal Church is called by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to...
· Worship Jesus Christ
· Learn and Teach His Word
· Minister in His Name
· Proclaim Him and Share the Blessing of His Love
· Welcome All in His Name
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The All Saints Messenger
March 19th, 2023
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Rector's Reflection
He lived in a small village and was the son of a Roman official in Roman Britain toward the end of the Romans’ rule there. He was sixteen when he was captured and enslaved by marauders from what is today Ireland. His servitude was hard there: beatings, nakedness, work that never ended. While he hadn’t previously been particularly devout in his time growing up, he remembered the Christianity of his family and rather than succumb to despair over his enslavement, he poured himself into Christ, reciting the prayers he remembered from his childhood. After six long years, he escaped by traveling by foot across Ireland and found passage on a boat going toward the European continent. Eventually he returned to his home.
By the time Patrick returned home, he was convinced that his suffering, his endurance and his escape were being used by God. After several years, he went to Gaul (modern day France) to study for the priesthood. It was while he was there that he had dreams about Irish voices from the time of his enslavement, bidding him to return (to Ireland) and serve among the people there. His superiors discouraged his return, fearing he did not have the skills and learning he needed to have. He was delayed until he was in his forties, at which time he did go to Ireland, this time as a bishop. Patrick established monasteries and a network of churches. It is said that over the course of the rest of his life he baptized tens of thousands and ordained hundreds of local priests.
We read a story like St. Patrick’s and it is easy to come to the conclusion that he was “special” and that this story is legendary. There are legends about St. Patrick that are fantastical, but I am, at best, skeptical. I think of his story, though, and I am struck by how ordinary his story is. An entitled teenager, he encountered terrible trials, and returned to faith in God and served God the rest of his life.
I think of the children of Israel, in bondage in Egypt. They were delivered from their enslavement and learned to follow God through the hardships in their wandering. I think of Jesus, who humbled himself and was obedient to the point of death, on the cross, and the deliverance of the resurrection (see Philippians 2:5-11), so that we can follow his example and live lives of loving service to God and to others.
I know many people who suffered incredible hardships during their childhood and adolescence. Somewhere along the line they heard the story of Jesus and his love. It didn’t magically transform their existence, but as they practiced their newfound faith, they grew and were strengthened for service.
St. Patrick’s story is like an icon, a window, through which we look and discover God’s faithfulness to deliver, lead and guide. It was through Patrick’s life and his responses to what life dealt him, that God was able to work in extraordinary ways. Trials that test one’s very existence are part of the human condition. It may be part of our existence now. Patrick’s life teaches us that God is with us and will deliver us, that we may, in turn, more fully serve God.
Grace and peace,
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All worship services are in-person except the 10:30 service which my be viewed online or in-person.
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All Saints Vestry Members
Claudette Forbes, Senior Warden
William Graham, Junior Warden
Judy Cheek, Clerk
Carol Wertz
Jim McPherson
Kelly Halley
Allison Wells
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Altar Flower Dedication
No Flower dedication during Lent
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What is the Episcopal Church all about?
Please join us at 9:15 on Sunday mornings in the conference room. Episcopal 201 is for any who want to learn more, especially those who are wanting to be confirmed or received. The class is open to all, and I hope you will come.
Contact Lynn+ with any questions
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Yard Work Day!
There will be a church yard work day on April 1st, 2023 beginning at 9:00 a.m. We are cleaning up the church yard before Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday so please mark your calendars.
We need everyone's help, please join us.
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Help with Easter Egg Hunt
We are beginning to collect candy and eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. Please contact Allison Wells for more information.
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Lenten Soup and Study
Lenten Soup and Study will be on Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m. Come and enjoy a soup supper and good conversation. Will be meeting all Wednesday evenings in March.
See you on the 22nd.
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All Saints Men's Fellowship
All Saints has started a Men's Fellowship! The intent is to provide opportunities for the men of the parish to gather and build stronger relationships. Our weekly get together is every Friday morning at 8:00 AM at the Union Diner (1101 Union Rd, Gastonia). Have a cup of coffee or tea, order breakfast, or simply come and enjoy some interesting conversations.
Please contact Doug Orville at 207-801-8059 if you have any questions.
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Crisis Assistance Ministry
The cupboards are still low. There are many in Gaston County who are food insecure and hungry! You can help; please be generous in your gift of food to fill CAM’s shelves. It is being collected in the Parish Hall. Thank you!
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The Wednesday Morning Book Study
The Book Study is beginning a new book, Good Girls, Bad Girls of the New Testament: Their Enduring Lessons by T. J. Wray. We would love for you to join the group which meets for one hour on Wednesday morning via Zoom at 10:00 am. Please read chapters 10 & 11 for March 22nd.
Click Here to Join
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Thursday Evening BOOK STUDY @ 7:00 pm
Please join us for Book Study on March 23rd with Philip Yancey’s, The Jesus I Never Knew. Please read chapters 6 & 7. The study will be a hybrid study, meeting at the Orville's, and over Zoom, as well. The Zoom link can be found in the Messenger.
Click Here to Join
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Pacesetters are hosting a St Patrick's Day Lunch on Thursday March 16 at 11:30 in the Family Life Center. Reuben sandwich, salad, dessert, and punch will be served. Sign up is in the Family Life Center on the Pacesetter bulletin board. Bring a friend or neighbor to share in the celebration. In looking ahead keep Wednesday April 19th open as we hope to have a picnic and go to historic Brattonsville.
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All Saint's Music Ministry | |
All Saint’s Music Ministry
All Saints Singers
We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room on the second floor of the education building. We welcome anyone and everyone to come join us as we sing and worship together!
All Saints Ringers
We practice right after worship for 30 minutes every Sunday in the choir room. Even if you have never rung before, please come and check us out. There are still spots available at the bell table!
All Saints Children's Choir
All Saints Children’s Choir meets at 9:15 a.m. every Sunday morning before Sunday School. Come join the fun as we sing and play instruments together!
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Loose Cash Offering
Just a friendly reminder:
The loose cash offerings collected on the first Sunday of each month will be deposited in the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Please give generously!
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Chair Yoga is continuing at All Saints on Friday morning at 9:45am. The cost is $40 for 8 weeks. Instructor Jude Blankenship has committed to 8 more weeks with us. Please bring your checks for $40 made out to Jude Blankenship for our next session if you plan to continue with us. This is a great program for males and females to help us stay fit. If you have questions, you may contact Jerry Wertz at 704-577-9699.
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We are needing individuals to sign up for Coffee Hour for any available dates. As a member of All Saints, attending Coffee Hour is very important to welcome newcomers into the church. A sign-up sheet is posted in the Family Life Center, or you can let the Parish Administrator know what Sunday you will provide for Coffee Hour. A small plate of cookies is all that is necessary. We will make sure you know how to operate the coffee pot if you want to serve coffee, but lemonade or tea is also good. Our signs say All Are Welcome! So let’s make sure we make an effort to ensure everyone feels welcome.
Click here for link to coffee hour schedule
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The Ministry Schedule
Due to conflicts, the schedule is very dynamic. Please look over the proposed schedule and let me know if you are aware of any conflicts.
Click here to view Ministry Schedule
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SATS - Serving at the Shelter
Beginning with March 4th, we have opportunities available for All Saints to fix Saturday supper at the Shelter. Please sign up in the Parish Life Center.
(Sign-up is on the bulletin board in the Parish Life Center).
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March 24 - Karen Sims
March 24 - Jocelyn King
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All Saints Prayer List
Have compassion on those who suffer from any grief or trouble. We pray for Linda, Jane, Courtney, BF, Eleanor, Luciell, Kirby, Harold, Nancy, Mike, Wayne, Carol, Kristy, Elynanne, Kate, Lisa, Michael, Sally, Carol, Brad, Ashley, Dorothy, Isaac, Kim, Buster, George, Kate, Kathleen, Todd, Shelley, Collins, Jerry, Michelle, Cheryl, Josie, and Sam.
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William Graham
Carol Wertz
Allison Wells
William Graham
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March 19
March 26
April 2
April 9
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Staff Members
Gay and Lindsey
Jerry and Doug
Mickie and Elizabeth
Allison and Phill
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Eucharistic Minister
Reader 8:00 AM
Prayers of the People 8:00 am
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March 19
Kelly Morris
Doug Orville
Ken Harvey
Ken Harvey
William Graham
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March 26
Kelly Morris
Peter Mijumbi
Jerry Wertz
Jerry Wertz
Carol Wertz
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Eucharistic Minister
Reader 10:30 AM
Prayers of the People 10:30 am
Sound Tech
Altar Guild
Altar Flowers
Coffee Hour
Sunday School Staff
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March 19
Bonnie McPherson
Doug Orville
John Still
Gay Lindsey & Lindsey Wells
Marc Dudley
William Graham
The McPherson’s
Allison & Phill
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March 26
Phill Wertz
Carol Wertz
Kathy McKenna
Linda Duffy & Kathy McKenna
Gay Lindsey
Carol Wertz
The Avery’s
Gay & Lindsey
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The Rev. Lynn Orville
Emergency phone number: 207-801-8060
Church Contact Information
phone: 704-864-7201
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