MBC Weekly Newsletter
April 19, 2021
Join us this Sunday IN-PERSON @ 10:00

Pre-registration is not required.

BIG+ is our new exciting kid's ministry for Infants - Grade 8. It all begins in the Multi-Media Room and Nursery at 10 AM sharp. Your kids will have a blast.
The spiritual discipline of memorizing scripture is key to our spiritual growth. Each Sunday we will be given a new verse to memorize which will go along with the Sunday morning message. Above you will see this weeks verse to memorize. If you read it five times, twice a day, you should have it memorized by the end of the week.
Easter Offering

UPDATE: As of April 10th, $8,060 has been given through our Easter Offering. Our goal by the end of April is $10, 000. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated.

It has been one full year of coming into your home by way of online sources such as Facebook Live and YouTube. Over this past year we have expanded our online ministry from recorded services to real time livestream. We have also extended our reach by broadcasting on JoyFm each week at 9 AM. Each week several hundred people beyond our church walls are reached through online ministry.

Through your faithful giving we have purchased a powerful iMac computer, live-streaming software and a new lighting system. But now we need to upgrade our audio and video equipment by purchasing a new digital sound board and the first of several new PTZ remote control cameras. We are only able to purchase these extra-budget upgrades as funds are given through special offerings. So it is to these designated purposes that we are committing the Easter offering this year. The sound board will cost approximately $6,000 installed and one camera will cost approximately $4,000 installed. It is our hope that God will provide one or more donors who will be able to give toward the entire purchase of one of these this Easter season. Please designate “Easter Offering” in your online giving or on your envelope. May God bless you for your extravagant gift.
We are excited to invite you to the GHLC campsite on Saturday, May 15th for our family dinner “Spring into Summer”. Come out for a delicious meal, as well as a wonderful time of fellowship and special music. To maintain physical distancing we will host two sittings, 3pm & 5pm. An offering will be received for the on-going work of the camp. Call 463-CAMP (2267) or or 1-888-GHL-N-YOU (445-6968) to reserve your seats.
We have had issues with the church roof leaking over the past couple of years. Repairs are required to prevent further problems. The Leadership and Administration Team (LAT) is calling a short church family meeting to be held following our morning service on Sunday, April 25th to approve $11, 000 to be used from our savings account to cover the costs of the repairs. More information will be provided at the meeting. The work will be done early May.
For the month of April the Pond Chapter of Atlantic Baptist Women is taking on a home mission project to help the Student Hunger Program at Leo Hayes. Our ladies are collecting pasta sauce, pasta, canned sandwich meat, cereal/oatmeal and snacks. Donations can be given to Carol Murdock or any of our WMS ladies.
Sunday Mornings @ 10 AM
Ages: Infants - Grade 5
Leadership Development: Grades 6 & up.


Now that we are in Yellow we are meeting IN-PERSON at 6:30 PM.

All youth are welcome!
Tuesday Ladies Morning Out: We meet in the Multi-Purpose Room at 10:00. For those interested in joining us remember to bring along your mask and your own snack. Any questions contact Andrea at 451-9600.
Sharing Hands Food & Clothing Bank
Located at the Drive Baptist Church

Groceries: pancake mix & syrup, bottles of apple juice, juice boxes, canned peas/carrots and canned beans.

A donation box is available in the MBC church lobby.

Greener Village Fredericton Food Bank

All non-perishable food items are appreciated. A donation box is available in the church lobby.

Leo Hayes High School

Canned plain tomatoes (no spices). Please leave in Pastor Jason's office.

MBC Benevolent Fund

A reminder that the first Sunday of the month is "Benevolent Sunday." All loose offering ($1, $2, $5, $10 and $20) given in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary will go towards our Benevolent Ministry. A donation can also be designated in your offering envelope or online at anytime. Half of your donation is used by MBC to help those in our community in need and the second half is given to Sharing Hands for our shared benevolent ministry. For more information please speak to Pastor Jason.
We Would Love To Have You Join Us In-Person

Your safety and well being are our primary concern - so here are some things you need to know about attending in-person this week.

Entering the building
  1. If you are experiencing two or more symptoms associated with COVID-19 we kindly ask that you not attend service until you are feeling better. 
  2. Wearing a mask is required at all times. Disposable masks are available at the door. 
  3. A volunteer inside the entrance will ask you to use hand sanitizer as soon as you are inside the building, you will be asked to sign-in giving your name and phone number, and then proceed directly to the celebration centre or to the children's ministry check-in. 

Entering the Celebration Centre 
A volunteer will help guide you to your preferred row in the celebration centre. Please fill each row from the far left to the right in order to maximize our seating capacity. 

Please leave three empty chairs between family/friend bubbles. A family/friend bubble consists of anyone you normally spend time with on a regular basis. 

Our debit machine is available at the welcome desk before and after the service. Debit, Visa, Mastercard, Discovery & Amex cards are accepted. 

An offering box is available just inside the celebration centre if you wish to donate by cash or cheque. 

Online Giving is available seven days a week. See details below.
Online Giving

Debit, Visa, Mastercard & Amex
DONATE Now Via Interac e-Transfer

Email: give.mbc@nb.aibn.com

As a security password please use: myoffering
Would you like to sign-up for Pre-Authorized Giving? CLICK HERE to print a Pre-Authorized Giving form. Copies are also available at the welcome desk in the church lobby. Your donation can be changed or cancelled at anytime. Please return your completed form to Kathy Wywras or Pastor Jason.
Want to use the Debit Machine?

Contact Pastor Jason to set up a time or to donate over the phone.

Available on Sunday mornings at the welcome desk!

Debit, Visa, Mastercard, Discovery & Amex
You can arrange to have your offering envelope dropped off at the church or to have it picked up at home if you wish to donate by cash or cheque. Contact Pastor Jason to arrange a time. Please include your name, address and the amount of your donation on the front of a blank envelope.

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to MBC and Kingdom work.
Together we will make a difference.
Here is our Team Contact Information
Jason Hinsdale
Call/text: 506-238-3100
Email: jasonhinsdale@gmail.com
Joel Flores
Cell: 474-3411
Email: joel.mbcpastor@gmail.com
Derek Jones
Cell: 506-292-1718
Email: derek@lostandfoundpodcast.ca
Debbie Dow
Cell: 506-429-5190
Email: family.mbc@nb.aibn.com
Marysville Baptist Church