SAFE Community Newsletter: September 28th, 2020
Welcome to our local prevention newsletter! Here you will find information related to substance use prevention and mental health in our region. Please share with all who may be interested in this information! If you would like to join us for the next SAFE meeting on Thursday, October 1st from 11:30-1:00 (via Zoom),
contact Julia Mees, Program Director, at
Hope Sacks Update
Thank you so much to all who have donated to the Hope Sacks project! Special thanks to Excelsior Springs Hospital--their employees and patients donated several bags full! Donation are still being accepted through the end of September. Just drop off items at Good Samaritan Center and label them for SAFE/Hope Sacks. We will get them to EPICC/Commcare. Items needed: Toothbrushes, Trial-sized Toothpaste, Bar Soap, Trial-sized Shampoo, Feminine Hygiene Products, Shaving Kits, Small combs and Brushes, Lip Balm, New Socks and Underwear, Drawstring Bags, Sunscreen, Bandaids, Batteries (AA/AAA), and Protein Snacks.
Speaker/Inservice Ideas
We want your ideas
for inservice topics for SAFE meetings!
Please click here to give your input
in a very quick survey!
State Prevention Conference
Many SAFE members have traveled to the State Prevention Conference in past years. This is always a great conference filled with a variety of prevention-related information. This year, it will be held virtually November 16-17th. If you would like to attend, please email Julia. SAFE will get you registered and cover costs. Also, CEUs are provided by the conference for those who are interested. Thank you to the 7 SAFE members who have already signed up!
Youth Mental Health First Aid-Excelsior Springs
There will be a virtual Youth Mental Health First Aid class hosted by Tri-County on October 29th. Registration info will be available soon. This is a great class that arms you with knowledge and skills to help in a crisis, until additional help arrives (think regular first aid training, but for mental health). This is a difficult time for mental health. If you have the time to take this class, I think you'll find it worthwhile!
Take-Back Day!
The next National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is October 24th! The April Take-Back Day was canceled, so this is an important time to remind our community to dispose of extra prescription medications. Take a minute to clean out your medicine cabinets and dispose of medications at the drop-box at the ES Police Station. The drop-box is open every day of the year.
Roots of Resilience
Action Guide is Here!
Many people have attended a screening of the Resilience Film and wanted a "next step" for spreading education about the impact of ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and ways to build resilience in youth. That next step is here! The Roots of Resilience Action Guide is a resource developed by SAFE and other local coalitions. The guide helps small groups to develop next steps to build resilience in young people. We are asking all SAFE members to consider starting a small group of friends, co-workers, or family members that would complete the Action Guide process together. Go here to download an Action Guide today or to order a bunch (free) for your group!
Virtual Screenings of Resilience
SAFE now has the capacity to do virtual screenings of the Resilience film. If you are interested in bringing this film to your organization, please let us know! One of SAFE's goals is to educate about the impact of trauma on health and substance use, and Resilience is a good starting point for this conversation.