by Miriam Kass, Principal

With the fall holidays now behind us, this week felt a bit like another first week of school. While we navigate these school days with masks, hand sanitizer, and distance to keep us safe, it is heartwarming to see the myriad of ways we are able to be very much together. This week was full of community-building experiences, both in and out of the classroom.

Thanks to Covid, 8th grader Sam Nagorsky is unable to have his Akiba family with him at his synagogue Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat. We found a way to come together to honor the occasion in what we hope is the start of a new tradition at Akiba. Yesterday morning the 7th/8th graders sat (safely distanced) on the playground as Sam led us in the Shacharit service and chanted from the first chapters of the Torah.