

Arts Division Newsletter


On October 1, the 2021 Arts Convocation joyfully and solemnly welcomed students, families, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni and special guest Maestro Kent Nagano (Porter '74) who was honored with the inaugural Arts Distinguished Banana Slug Award. This bronze sculpture was created by Art Operations and Facilities Manager J. Gaston in the UCSC Foundry..

Pictured left to right: Former Dean of Arts Edward Houghton, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lori Kletzer, Chancellor Cynthia Larive, Maestro Kent Nagano, Dean Celine Parreñas Shimizu

Photo: Jackson Whitney

Read more about the Convocation.

Watch the video.

From the Dean of the Arts

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October 2021

A Note from Dean Celine Parreñas Shimizu

When I was 8 years old, I lived with my grandmother in the provinces of the Philippines. I walked a long way alone to the library looking for e.e. cummings and Maya Angelou, my mom’s favorite writers. Through their books, I found the mothering I needed as a child. My love for the arts and my belief in its power goes this far back and sustains me to this day.

I am so curious about all the people who compose the arts at UCSC especially as we emerge from the pandemic, knowing so clearly how much we need the arts to survive. Alumni, faculty, staff and students: I invite you to reflect and recall what leads you to the arts and why you need the arts in your lives. May it bring you purpose as you learn. May it reveal what binds us together, moving us to act in these historic times, imagining worlds we can create now.

Welcome to our first Arts Division Newsletter in 2021-22! Find here featured people in our community, news, and events! Join us in the Art of Change!

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Photo: Carolyn Lagattuta

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People in the Arts

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Featured Student:

Dave (Dáithí) Crellin

MA Theater '20, MFA DANM ’22

Dave (Dáithí) Crellin was a featured artist in the 2021 Museum of Art and History Frequency Festival. His performance installation, Lite Sprites, created an immersive, affective sensorium, anthropomor-phizing and inscribing light on an embodied register in a whimsical form of techno-human hybrid, featuring current and former UCSC dance students Kat Brault, Alexandra Mannings, Sienna Ballou, Amy Wilson and Sophie Eldredge.

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Featured Alumna:

Melanie Ho

Social Documentation MFA, 2020

Melanie Ho has accepted a job with The Southern Documentary Project at the University of Mississippi. She'll be joining as a producer/director, creating documentaries focused on the south and teaching in their MFA program now and then. She is slated to start in November 2021. Also, her thesis film, sống ở đây, was recently programmed at the Asian American International Film Festival (where it was nominated for Excellence in Short Filmmaking - Documentary), and Middlebury New Filmmaker Festival and will be forthcoming at the Viet Film Festival, the New Orleans Film Festival, the Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival, the San Diego Asian Film Festival and at NewFilmmakers LA. The film also can be seen online at Argo.


Featured Staff:

Edward Ramirez

Arts Digital Imaging Specialist

Edward Ramirez was just awarded an Individual Artist Fellowship from the California Arts Council. Edward is also a current recipient of the Rydell Fellowship in Santa Cruz County.

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Featured Faculty:

Dee Hibbert-Jones

Professor of Art

Professor Dee Hibbert-Jones participated in the Virtual McDowell program this month. Her work is currently on exhibition at Don Soker Contemporary Art SF.

Arts in the News

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Mellon Foundation Award to Support Institute of the Arts and Sciences’ Visualizing Abolition Series

The program fosters creative research and to shift the social attachment to prisons through art and education.

Link to press release

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Brian Baumbusch Wins Composition Commissioning Grant

The Creative Work Fund is pleased to award 25 new grants to Greater Bay Area artists collaborating with nonprofit organizations.

Link to announcement

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Kirsten Brandt Publishes Piece in

Ms. Magazine

Playwriting and directing lecturer Kirsten Brandt has a powerful new piece published in Ms. Magazine about age-blind casting and gender inequities in theater, film, and television.

Link to article

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Performance, Play and Design's Cynthia Ling Lee and Ciera Eis Win Residencies

Alum Ciera Eis and Professor of Dance Cynthia Ling Lee were recipients of Berkeley Repertory residencies at the Ground Floor Center for the Creation and Development of New Work.

Link to announcement

Join Our Events

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October 14

A Conversation on The Celine Archive

With Jonas Rivera, Academy Award-winning film producer at Pixar Animation Studios, and director Celine Parreñas Shimizu, dean of Arts.

Link to listing


October 14

Panel: Afrofuturism Then and Now

A panel of musicians, artists, and dancers working in the Afrofuturist tradition discuss their creative endeavors towards a better future.

Link to listing

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October 20

Talk: Professor Kelema Moses 

"In Sharp Focus: Architecture and Design in Kaka‘ako, Hawai'i"

Architects and planners utilize building codes, zoning ordinances, and urban growth models to create spatial narratives of exposure and erasure on native geographies.

Link to more

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October 21-28

Film screening: Since I Been Down

Since I Been Down tells the story of the impacts of the rising rates of incarceration on the community of Tacoma, Washington.

Link to more

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October 26

Discussion about the film Since I Been Down

adrienne maree brown and director Gilda Sheppard discuss the documentary Since I Been Down.

Link to more

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November 2


​Featuring this year's cohort of ARI research fellows: Anna Friz, John Jota Leaños, and Irene Lusztig.

Link to more

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November 9

Traction: Art Talk with Delilah Montoya

A conversation with artist Delilah Montoya on her groundbreaking art practice.

Link to more


November 12-14 and 18-21

Live theater: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

In-person performance. Graduate student-directed, student-acted, and student-designed production.

Link to more

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November 16

Traction: Art Talk with Cassils and

rafa esparza

Internationally renowned performance and visual artists discuss their individual art practices and their large-scale socially engaged collaboration: In Plain Sight, 2020.

Link to more



Giving Day is November 3, 2021

Link to press release

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