Dear Colleagues,

Many are in the grip of winter, but the light is slowly growing, and spring, with all of its promise, will be here before we know it.

We are delighted to bring you news of a recent joint meeting of the boards of our Alliance, the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA), and the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN). This historic meeting took place over Martin Luther King Jr weekend and marked another step forward in collaboration on behalf of quality education for all children. The mood throughout was positive and optimistic as we learned more about the work of each association and got to know one another. (Click HERE to read the executive summary. Note that Rainbow Rosenbloom was in attendance but was absent for the photo op.)

Our next major opportunity for collaboration will be the June conference, hosted by all three associations – another first. We very much hope to see many of you there and especially hope that schools will send a representative for cross-school meetings and dialogue, to be held Tuesday June 23rd. We believe that we will all have much to gain from this opportunity to share and discuss our work. Register now to ensure your first choice of workshops and to use the early bird (member schools only) or group discounts.

Warm wishes and hopes for an early spring,

Liz Beaven
For the Board and Advisors of the Alliance for Public Waldorf Education
Member Schools Job Postings
As a service to our schools, we will run a list of positions with a link to your school site.

Email Amala Easton  if you wish to place a listing. 
Professional Development and Teacher Preparation
with Helen Lubin
By Appointment
At Your School   

At Green Meadow Waldorf School
February 7- 9, 2020: Early Childhood Educators Conference
Spring Valley, NY    

At Cedarwood Waldorf School
February 14- 16, 2020: Early Childhood Educators Conference
Portland, OR   

At White Feather Ranch
February 19-22, 2020, Meeting the Needs of All Children
Placerville, CA

With Eugene Schwartz
June 1-September 30, 2020

At Chicago Waldorf School
June 22-26, 2020
Chicago, IL

June 27-July 11, Teacher Training
July 12-17, 2020, Teaching as an Art
Denver, CO

With Center for Anthroposophy
September 2020, Waldorf Teacher Training
Tuscon, AZ
For more information:

Liz Beaven , Alliance President 
Amala Easton , Administrative Coordinator 

1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218
Folsom, CA 95630

Public Waldorf is a service-mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America and used pursuant to a license.