Conference E-Newsletter
January/February 2022 - Volume 5, Issue 1
The purpose of the Oklahoma Conference is to 
"Proclaim, Disciple, Live With Christ"
Happy New Year from the Oklahoma Conference office staff.
Dear Oklahoma Family,

Happy New Year! As 2021 has come to an end and we look forward to 2022, there are many things we can be thankful for and definitely see the hand of God in our Conference, our churches, our families, and our personal lives. As the time for Christ comes closer, may we take the time to be intentional in our relationship with our GOD.

A lot of things have happened since my last update, so I have a few details for you at this time.
  • On November 18, 2021, we held a "New In Ministry Training" for new pastors in the ministry to learn about church policies, relationships, leadership, preparing for ordinations, and more. 

  • The conference office had a Thanksgiving break and then resumed with Year-end Pastors' Interviews. Each pastor meets with the officers and shares their ministries; then, they receive encouragement from the officers.

  • The Board of Education met on December 15, 2021. Reports were given, and decisions were made for the Oklahoma schools that would glorify God and provide the schools with opportunities to travel and grow in leadership.

  • Our Executive Board met on December 16, 2021. A significant decision that was made was in response to the Wewoka Woods Adventist Center Board's recommendation concerning the nature center. The recommendation made by the WWAC Board was to move the nature center to the ABC building at the camp. The recommendation came from a long study involving a survey the conference sent to Oklahoma church members concerning the topic. The Executive Committee approved the recommendation to move the nature center to the ABC building with the ABC meeting in the present nature center during campmeeting time.

  • The Southwestern Union Conference made funds available for three years to the Oklahoma Conference for a Ministerial Director position, so the Conference Personnel Committee met on November 29, 2021, to interview a potential candidate, Pastor Ricky Mercer, for the position. Pastor Mercer was a pastor in Oklahoma and is now working in the Ark-La Conference. The Executive Committee voted to accept Ricky Mercer as the Ministerial Director. He will begin his new ministry in Oklahoma on January 1, 2022. 

Happy New Year to each of you, Oklahoma Conference Workers, and your families! As we go through this holiday season, may you all receive God's special blessings prepared for you. May we be ready, by God's power, to do His work.

By Pastor Apple Park
Oklahoma Conference Welcomes New Employee
OKLAHOMA CITY - The Oklahoma Conference Executive Committee convened on December 16, 2021 and voted to hire Ricky Mercer as conference Ministerial Secretary. Mercer takes on a role that has been vacant in recent years and whose duties have been performed by the conference president.

Conference President James Shires says, “I am very excited about God’s leading in bringing Rick and Cindy Mercer back to Oklahoma. Rick brings a strong emphasis on prayer and spirituality along with evangelism. He will be a great addition to our team."

Mercer began his ministry in the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference in 2005 and served there until 2008 when he was called to pastor in Oklahoma. In 2014 the Mercers accepted a call to the Carolina Conference where they served four years until accepting a call back to the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference where he currently serves. Mercer says, “We are grateful and honored for this wonderful opportunity to return to the Oklahoma Conference. We are looking forward to serving with you to advance the soon coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ!” Mercer will begin his duties at the Oklahoma Conference on January 1, 2022.
Upcoming Events!
All Oklahoma young people are invited to be part of our iPreach 4Him challenge that will take place on January 15, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. in Oklahoma City.
Spanish-speaking participants will preach at the OKC Central Spanish Church and English-speaking participants will preach at the OKC Central Church. Click on the button below to register.
If you love working with kids, Wewoka Woods is offering a variety of job positions to work at summer camp this year. Sign up online ~ the adventure awaits you!
Mother/Daughter Tea Party
The Oklahoma Conference Children's Ministry is inviting all mothers and their daughters under the age of 16 to come to our annual tea party! Visit our website for more information:
God Made Me! The annual Southwestern Union Children's Ministries Training Retreat is back! Save the date: March 11-13, 2022 at Lone Star Camp in Athens, Texas.
Out and About ...
Oklahoma Prayer Conference
WEWOKA, OKLA. - The weekend of November 5-7 Oklahoma church members enjoyed a prayer conference at Wewoka Woods. The speakers were Carlos Craig, Southwestern Union President; pastors; Tony Anoble and Oswaldo Rigacci; and pastor Helvis Moody the Southwestern Union prayer ministry leader. Pastor Daniel Ortega, the Oklahoma Conference youth and young adult leader also helped. A music group from Southwestern Adventist University blessed the participants.  Our theme was “Pray Big. The idea is that we have a great and awesome God, with whom nothing is impossible, and we should not be hesitant to ask God for great things for His glory and purpose and our needs and ministries. 

The format was short devotionals and then quality time to pray together in small groups about the message, asking God to do something special in our families, churches, and state. Many prayers were sent up to God and we believe they are already being answered. During Sabbath afternoon there was a special training time by the Union officers for the elders from the Spanish churches. What a blessing that was for the leaders and pastors of those churches. Many others went into Wewoka praying with people door-to-door to pray and handing out literature. It was a great weekend of spiritual teaching, prayers, training, and mission work. 

By Pastor James Shires
Young Adults Go Backpacking
OKLAHOMA - In November the Oklahoma Young Adult Ministries organized a wonderful backpacking trip at Shores Lake Loop near Mulberry, Arkansas. A group of six people bravely decide to conquer a difficult trail with over 5,000 feet of elevation and a total of 18 miles. It was definitely a challenge for all, especially for three people who had never been backpacking before! 

The first night the youth group slept by a beautiful waterfall and it was the perfect little campsite! On Sabbath we had worship by the waterfall and then climbed up to the top of White Rock mountain. The view was incredible from the bluffs! We were reminded about the awe of God's attention to details and His wonderful creation. When looking out from the bluff we could see the towering trees, the valley, and the majesty of the soaring birds. God has given each thing a job in His creation and each its own unique aspect of beauty! Our world is full of man-made chaos: hustle and bustle, cars, and buildings all surround us. However, when in the remoteness of an 18-mile trail you can escape that chaos. You can appreciate the order and balance that God has provided on this earth! The birdsong, the scurrying of lizards, even the spiderwebs you run into all point to an ecosystem that isly fine tuned and working together. From the top of White Rock it looked like a painting, with the hills and valleys below bringing all the pieces into a masterpiece. We serve a mighty God. We are part of that creation and He has designed each of us with a job just like the creatures and the forest. We too can work together to sing His majesty like a songbird in the hills and mountains of Arkansas.

By Jason Vargas
Oklahoma City Youth Rally
MOORE, OKLA - On November 12-13, the Oklahoma youth department hosted its second youth rally in 2021. This time it took place at Hope Adventist Fellowship in Moore, OK. The program was organized and executed with the help of the Oklahoma City area youth leaders. After an initial meeting over lunch, they planned for a few months and mobilized their youth to prepare for this event. Over 200 youth and young adults from 20 different churches attended the rally, themed: Be The Church. 

The weekend began with an outdoor vespers program behind the church building. The weather was quite chilly that evening, however the young people were able to remain warm with not just one or two bon fires, but with six of them. This was quite an experience. Clusters of youth sat around one of the various fires, sipping hot chocolate during the program.

Sabbath was quite a festive day with an array of programing that took place. Sabbath School started off the day with group discussion centered on the weekend’s topic. The worship service was composed of inspiring music by a group of students from Southwestern Adventist University, a live painting demonstration, talented special music and a message by guest Pastor Ramirez from the Texico Conference.

After lunch was over, the young people participated in a hike at Martin Park Nature Center, while others participated in a community service project downtown, giving out clothing and basic supplies to the homeless. Upon their return, the weekend concluded with a final vespers program and a food sale by the Moore Mustangs and Edmond Eagles pathfinder clubs. We look forward to more area events taking place hosted by local church leaders teaming up together. 

By Daniel Ortega
Spanish Children's Ministry Training
OKLAHOMA CITY - On November 19-20, the Children’s Ministry Department held a Spanish Children’s Ministry Certification Training for the Oklahoma City area.  Midwest City hosted this event led by Oklahoma Conference Assistant Children’s Ministry Directory, Damaris Prieto. We are very grateful to the Midwest City church for their willingness to host and all they did to make the Certification Track 6 “Ministering to Parents” a successful training. Sonia Cano, the Southwestern Union Children’s Ministry Director, was a special guest, along with Yesenia Ortega and Norma Shepherd, representing the Oklahoma Conference.

We were blessed by the presentations given by Sonia Cano, Noemi Jimenez, Norah Chandler, and Damaris Prieto. Classes included “Growing Christian Values in Our Children,” “Children’s Mental Health,” “Helping Kids Cope with Bullying,” “Teaching Sexuality to Children,” “Making Family Worships Easy and Fun,” “Parenting and the Media Challenge,” and “Fostering Kids Alone Time with God.”  All these classes are relevant to the world we are living in and are intended to help Sabbath School leaders, parents, teachers, and all those working with our children to be better equipped in their ministry.  

Classes were taught in person, but also virtually to allow as many participants as possible to attend. Eight Spanish churches participated which included Capitol Hill, OKC Central, Durant, The Lake, Lawton, and Stillwater. Thirty-seven of the attendees successfully completed the certification and received their certificates. Thank you to everyone who helped make this a very successful event.

By Damaris Prieto & Norma Shepherd
Veterans' Parade
CLAREMORE, OKLA. - After weeks of planning and preparation, Claremore Heritage Adventist school students waited for November 11: Veterans' Day finally arrived! Anxiously, students gathered at the starting point of the parade and finished assembling their school float. Red, white, and blue shimmery skirting wrapped the trailer and huge flags from all six military branches were set on the sides of the trailer, along with Oklahoma flag. Proudly they placed “Old Glory” in the front to take the lead! "Thank you" posters were hung in place for our veterans to see. Our students matched in red shirts with yellow scarves. Parents, school board members, teachers, and veterans were ready at the stroke of 11:11 a.m. to start the parade trek down Will Rogers Blvd. in Claremore. The students’ pride, joy, and love for their country and veterans could be seen in smiles and heard in their shouts “Thank you for your service!” and “We love our veterans!”

It’s always an awesome privilege to be included in such a festive parade that 
honors our men and women who wear our country’s uniforms. Without their 
service and sacrifices, we would not enjoy all the freedom we have today!  Our deepest “Thank You” and Gratitude to all who serve our great nation now 
and to our veterans! 

By Cheri Robinson
Tulsa Eye Clinic
Click on the video above to see a few short clips from Tulsa's Community Service Center latest community event.
"Life-Saving Junior"
Brianna, a student at Tulsa Adventist Academy, is only 17 years old but she has already saved a life. The incident occurred toward the end of July, 2021. Brianna recalls she was driving around with her sister and “somehow we ended up in Arkansas.” They stopped at a Dollar General store to use the restroom and went inside but didn't see anyone in there. “We were super confused but we just decided to go to the bathroom.” As they walked to the back of the store, they saw a little crowd gathered by a shelf.

Brianna’s sister wanted to leave but “I told her I wanted to stay to see what was wrong and that’s when I saw the man laying on the floor and there was blood everywhere. Then everyone started backing up and I asked if anyone knew CPR. I waited a few minutes to see if anyone would speak and no one did. I told them I had worked at a summer camp and had my CPR certification. I asked them if I could help and they agreed. I assessed the man; he seemed to be about 70 years old. He had no pulse and wasn't breathing so I opened his airway by tilting his head back. I opened his mouth and started doing compressions.” 

Brianna continued, “I told a lady to call 911 and EMSA arrived about five minutes later. I explained everything I knew to them and someone else told them the rest. They got the man into the ambulance and took him away. I was told by a firefighter that they were able to regain his pulse. 

Brianna was scared and nervous: “After everything happened I just felt so overwhelmed.” Her lifeguard training at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center helped her know what to do and be brave enough to help. I asked Brianna if she thinks that God led her to be a lifeguard and learn the training she did so that He could use her to help in this situation and possibly others. She replied that “there was definitely a possibility that God led me to learn CPR and to go on that drive, considering we weren't even planning on doing that or going there.” Brianna recommends everyone who can to learn CPR and first aid. Brianna affirms the idea that no one is too young to make a difference. We can all gain inspiration from her story and from her brave spirit. 

By Brianna Reid as told to Cassidy Shaw, eighth-grader at Tulsa Adventist Academy
Broken Arrow Church Blesses Elderly Community
BROKEN ARROW, OKLA - Residents at the Village Health Care Center in Broken Arrow were once again recipients of gift bags from our church. Thanks to the efforts of church members, 35 bags were stuffed with necessities and goodies and delivered in time to be placed under the Christmas tree at the center. In addition, the fourteen new residents received fleece blankets like ones given out the previous year. Mike and Donita Shaw, along with Dottie Massengill, led out in this project and happily made the delivery to the center where the gifts were received with joy and thankfulness. It is a privilege to be able to share with our often forgotten elderly community residents and we look forward to helping more in the future.

By Judy Marquette
Coalgate Church Welcomes New Pastor
COALGATE, OKLA-. The Coalgate Seventh-day Adventist Church members were excited and blessed to welcome their new pastor. Pictured is Pastor Erwin Nanasi, wife Janell and their son Navi. the congregation is really looking forward to working with him in doing outreach programs in the future. Along with the arrival of a new pastor the church was very honored and blessed to receive a new Christian and American flag from the Woodmen of the World Chapter 1228 organization.  
Pictured at bottom, left to right, are Billie Abney (Outreach Advisor for Woodmen Life) Bernadine Perkins Loretta Abney (representative for Woodmen Life) and Mary Tate.

By Mary Tate
Providing Health Services to the Community
OKLAHOMA CITY - On Saturday, December 11, the Oklahoma City Central Hispanic Church and the Department of Health Ministries promoted among the members and friends the norms of the church about a healthy life. The central theme was titled “That You May Have Health,” with a complete program from Sabbath School, divine worship and presentations in the afternoon.

Through the Oklahoma Lions Health Screening mobile van, 32 people received free medical tests including vision, glaucoma, blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, lung function, and body fat composition. We had the collaboration of church volunteers led by Doris Pérez, APRN, BCNP.

Adventist hospital chaplain and psychologist Eliel Rosabal from Huguley, TX, led the Sabbath school lesson review with his wife, Leydis Rosabal, an oncological registered nurse. The divine worship message was presented by Andrea Chávez, LPC.

In the afternoon we continued with two talks. Sandra Bajaña, M.D., PHD is dedicated to scientific research and presented "Science and Vaccine in the time of Covid." Additionaly, the lecturer in health and nutrition, Dr. Emma Marlenis Alfaro, discussed the topic "Why We Get Sick."

The health department provided a bicycle to encourage physical activity, an Air Frier to encourage low-fat food preparation, a personal blender, and healthy recipe books.

By Nancy Flores
Christmas in Ardmore
ARDMORE, OKLA - Ardmore Adventist Academy presented its Christmas program on December 11. Students took an interesting view of the nativity story by emphasizing the prophecies of Jesus’ birth. Much more than the few prophecies often quoted, the Bible’s dozens of prophecies about the Messiah make it literally impossible for any other individual to have fulfilled all of them. Because we can prove that prophecies existed before His birth, it strengthens our faith both in Jesus—who is what He says He is, and in God who is the only One who could have accurately predicted such an amazing amount of detail! 

By Mary Burton
Loving One Another Through Health Ministries
OKLAHOMA CITY - Jesus says, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” What better way to show love than to help people experience the more abundant life that Jesus intends for us to experience? On Sunday, December 19 over 135 people attended the Diabetes Undone and Anxiety and Depression Relief training sponsored by Oklahoma Native Ministries. Pastor Lonnie Carbaugh commented that it was thrilling to see so many people eagerly learning how they could be more effective in ministering to the needs of others. 

Representatives from nearly 40 Seventh-day Adventist churches in Oklahoma were present at this conference-wide training session held at the Oklahoma City Central church. The training was for pastors and health ministry leaders to learn how to effectively teach classes on health to their churches and communities. Experts were brought in from different parts of the country: Danny Kwon, J.D., the Executive Director of Life and Health (, broke down in easy steps exactly how to teach a Diabetes Undone workshop. Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, LPC, Ed.D., with Abide Network, taught about the relevant topics of anxiety and depression, and scientifically proven methods of recovery that can be used in conjunction with professional treatment.

Resources and training were made available for the Spanish-speaking community as well. Jennifer Jill Schwirzer presented her message about mental health, which was translated, and afterwards Joaquin Cazares, M.D., and his wife Aida spoke about the Diabetes Undone program, as well as living a healthy lifestyle. The Hispanic Coordinator for the Oklahoma Conference, Luis Prieto, said six pastors and members from 12 Hispanic churches were present. He says the meetings made him feel good because they touched on a health topic that affects so many, and both the invited speakers and the materials will cover the needs of the church. He felt the Holy Spirit’s presence because the meeting was very spiritual, and everything that was discussed focused on God first and foremost as our Restorer. “The meeting was important because it was the first time the Hispanic sector was involved, and it touched on a disease that is common among us. We are so grateful for the gift of the materials and tools provided. It will now be our challenge to share what we learned with our community.”

Oklahoma City Central pastor Carbaugh believes these programs have the potential to make a huge impact on people’s lives. “Here at Central we now have seven people trained and looking forward to running these programs in our community.” In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus says, “‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest’.” Please join us in praying for church members as they conduct numerous health meetings in their communities, and that many souls will be won for the Kingdom of God.

By Lauren Via, Luis Prieto, and Lonnie Carbaugh
Tulsa Spanish Church Members Partner With God
TULSA - In 2017 the Tulsa Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church was under a $500,000 mortgage debt. At the time, pastor Luis Prieto came together with the church board and decided to create a plan to pay this debt called “Partner with God” by the end of 2021. It was an ambitious plan, but they put their trust in God and with great faith they move forward with a big goal ahead of them. In the first year they were able to gather $150,000. Each year they would get closer to their goal. The church scheduled countless food sales and sport tournaments, and children received piggy banks to take home so they could also contribute. By the end of November 2021, the church had a debt of $55,000, which was an amount five times more than what they would normally gather in a month. The church decided to commit themselves and find ways to gather that amount by the end of the month. The plan motivated the church and on December 11, the church received $41,000 in generous offerings and $25,000 in promises, surpassing their goal with $65,000 total. The church is overwhelmed with joy for they will be able to pay off the mortgage. Pastor Luis Prieto says that the church is making plans to have a special ceremony to celebrate with the whole church. 

By Yesenia Ortega
Guymon School and Church Receive Support from Native Ministries
GUYMON, OKLA - The Guymon Seventh-day Adventist Church has been working very hard to help its refugees learn the English language and to help the refugees get their citizenship. This effort has been made easier because the Oklahoma Native Ministries Department donated five Chromebooks to the ESL program and provided snacks and foods. This has helped the people practice their English and study for their citizenship test. Many have been able to be take the oath of citizenship because of the ESL program. 

When the Covid-19 shut down happened those Chromebooks saved the school. The students were able to transition straight into online school. The Chromebooks have had such heavy use with both the ESL program and the school that replacements were needed. So this school year the Native Ministries department stepped up again and provided the school with nine MacBook Air computers. The students are so happy and they can’t wait to get their paper and pencil work done so they can work on their computers. They love researching, working with the IXL study program, and creating presentations for class on the MacBook Air. Native Ministries is assisting in a stewardship program, scholarship for students, and even the church with free Diabetes Undone materials.

The Guymon church and Pioneer Adventist Christian School want to extend a big thank you to the Native Ministries department for all the help they have received. We have been able to give a true education that “is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come” (Ellen White, Education, p. 13) for our adults and for our children in Guymon. God has blessed us beyond measure and always answers our prayers. We would appreciate prayers for our church and school.

By Pastor Mang Lian
Native Ministries Provides Bibles to Group Home
TULSA - Adventist Fellowship Associate pastor Karol Mosebay has been ministering at a girl’s group home, Safe Haven, in Tulsa, Oklahoma for approximately one year. The journey began through the diligent work of Tulsa Community Service Center volunteer Stephen Adewunmi, when he noticed a spiritual need for the girls while delivering a food basket. Pastor Karol contacted the director of the home, Ms. Joyce, and asked if Adventist Fellowship could partner with the home in providing lessons, support, encouragement, and biblical curriculum. 

Initially, Joni Bokovoy and Pastor Karol Mosebay began to visit the home twice a month to pray, listen, and share an interactive Bible lesson with the girls. As Joni and Pastor Karol ministered through the word of God, it became evident that the girls needed bibles. Each week Pastor Karol would bring Bibles and the girls would request to keep them, but with nine teen girls in a home, it was quite difficult  for the girls to keep up with non personalized Bibles. The solution came through Native Ministries as the department decided to provide Bibles for the girls.

As a result of the partnership with Native Ministries, these teen girls in foster care have been blessed with a personal, beautiful leather bible that has their name engraved on it. The girls were elated and appreciative for their bibles. Currently, a group of women join Pastor Karol to minister every Sabbath. They can keep bibles with their belongings and it is their personal property. 

We appreciate the kindness and support of Oklahoma Native Ministries and the director, Robert Burnette.

By Karol Mosbay
National Service Organization Supports Local Base
OKLAHOMA CITY - National Service Organization Director Tim Kripps met with Seventh-day Adventist Air Force Chaplain Martin Lister to find ways that the Oklahoma Conference can assist him in reaching the Airmen stationed at Tinker Air Force Base.  During the meeting, Chaplain Lister mentioned that they can always use Bibles.  Enough donations were collected to purchase 120 King James Version bibles and 100 “Steps to Jesus” were purchased for the Airmen as well.  

Pastor Christian Smith of the Lawton Church had been conducting weekly Bible studies at Fort Sill Army Base until Covid-19 stopped him from having access to the base. He has recently been in conversation with the base chaplains in hopes of starting a weekly worship service again on the base.

We look forward to supporting our men and women in uniform whether it be at Tinker Air Force Base, Fort Sill Army Base, or any of our other military installations located in the state of Oklahoma. If you would like to help in getting Bibles, other books such as “Steps to Jesus,” or Bible study materials for use in reaching out to those in the service, please consider making a donation to the Conference NSO Department.

By Tim Kripps
Bartlesville Church Celebrates Baptisms at Year-End
BARTLESVILLE, OKLA - The Bartlesville church Christmas program lasted not one, but two Sabbaths. Eileen had been praying for years that her husband Paul Stinson would choose to be baptized. They had attended many Adventist churches in the past, but it wasn’t until they began attending the Bartlesville Seventh-day Adventist Church that Paul began to consider baptism seriously. On December 18, 2021, Paul, along with Cale Schnell, Ariel Schnell, and Mandie Schnell, all from the Ponca City Church, were baptized at the Bartlesville Seventh-day Adventist Church.   
With forecasted temperatures as low as 21 degrees and a 40-gallon water heater to heat a 500-gallon baptistry, we knew we would need a miracle to get the water warm for our baptism. Ponca City members drove an hour and a half to the Bartlesville church so that Cale, Ariel, and Mandie could be baptized. Nowata Seventh-day Adventist Church lent their water heater to the Bartlesville church for the baptisms.  
On the same Sabbath, along with the four baptisms, there was plenty of music, poems, and a Christmas-themed sermon.   

On the very next Sabbath, December 25, the baptistry was filled once again for Norman Barlow and Leah Soderstrom’s baptisms. The church also celebrated the first advent of Jesus with special music by many different church members, as well as a special offering for ADRA and a food drive for a local family. Not a bad way to end the year at all!

By Pastor Dominique Alipoon
Virtual Mental Health Summit
Our minds were made for magnificence. From the hands of our Creator we were given great capacity for intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth. Join us at the virtual Mental Health Summit as we launch our year of focus on mental health and wellness. Attendees will receive practical skills and resources for ministering to the needs around us.
Mission to the Cities
As more and more people move to the cities, it has never been more important to find ways to share the love of Jesus in urban centers. Mission to the Cities is an initiative of the world Seventh-day Adventist Adventist Church that is specifically focused on bringing hope to these rapidly growing, global hubs. The need here is great. There are 580 cities around the world with more than one million people and 31 of these centers don’t have a single Adventist congregation. A full 119 of these large cities have less than 125 Adventists living in them. It’s time to make an urban impact!
Adventist World
Former Rebels Baptized in the Philippines after Listening to the Radio
Philippine authorities sought for years to strike a peace deal with rebels to end a half-century conflict that has killed thousands of people on Mindoro Island. The rebels were offered land. The rebels were offered money. Nothing seemed to work.
Then the rebels, holed up in the lush green mountains of Mindoro, began listening to Adventist World Radio (AWR).
Adventist Community Services Across Multiple Conferences Get Ready to Assist in Six Tornado-Ravaged States
North American Division Adventist Community Services (NAD ACS) has been working to keep up with the latest situation in the U.S. states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, Missouri, and Mississippi after a historic long-track tornado ripped a wide swath of destruction across these states. The tornado event struck late Friday, December 10, into Saturday morning, December 11. 
What's Cooking
Sushi Rolls
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 150 g uncooked rice (no need to use sushi rice)
  • 2-3 nori sheets
  • 2 carrots, grated
Please share your church and school activities by emailing pictures and stories to Invite others to sign up to receive our E-Newsletter by visiting our conference website at The sign-up form is at the bottom of the home page.

Daniel Ortega, Communication Director 
Yesenia Ortega, Newsletter Manager
Caroline A. FisherNewsletter Editor