Weekly Update
A message from Principal Simpson...
Dear Parents,
Our core virtues for November are Sincerity and Humility. The definitions that we use for these two virtues when discussing them with students are as follows:
Sincerity: Be Kind. Say kind words and treat others as you want to be treated. Encourage others to succeed.
Humility: Be mindful of others before yourself. Treat them as you want to be treated. Think about how you can help others before being asked. Let others speak when it is their turn.
I'd like to sincerely thank all the teachers and parents for a successful week of parent conferences! It looked different, but it was valuable to share concerns, praise and development improvement plans. It’s always nice to connect, even if it's just virtually.
Last week, I shared surveys that the BFA COVID-19 Task Force developed regarding remote learning. I apologize if this topic came as a surprise. When we first started discussing learning mode options for this school year, we stated that we would reevaluate our programming in December. Additionally, it has been a topic of discussion at the past couple of Board meetings. When we were evaluating options this past July, we had hoped that by December we would be discussing loosening some of the restrictions and interventions we put in place for COVID-19. Obviously, with the recent spike in cases in our community and throughout the state, loosening restrictions will not be an option at this time. Instead, we will continue to work in cohorts, wear masks, distance during lunch and recess, maintain one-way hallways, perform temperature checks, clean/sanitize frequently, etc.
The Task Force is meeting next week to go over the data from the surveys, our local transmission data and other feedback received from the community. I will publish our recommendation to the Board in the newsletter next week. The recommendation will be presented to the Board during the Nov. 17 Board meeting. As always, you are welcome to listen into the Board meeting; the call in/Zoom meeting details are located on the Board’s agenda (posted 24-hours in advance) and they accept open comments until noon the day of the meeting.
As you may have seen in recent newsletters, we have started offering Prospective Parent tours when we do not have students in the building. Due to COVID-19 restrictions last school year and this summer, I realize that some of our existing families have not been able to tour the building. I have set up two tours for existing families (see article below for details), but you must sign up to attend. I will schedule additional existing family tours after the first of the year.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the cars decorated for the Veterans Day Parade next week!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Simpson
Tomorrow, Nov. 6, is a comp day for teachers so there is no school. Next Wednesday, Nov. 11, is a remote learning day for all students.
Quinlan Smythe competed in the 29th Annual University of Northern Colorado Math Contest last week and we’re pleased to share that he advanced to the final round which will be held in January.
Every year the University of Northern Colorado offers a math contest for Colorado students in grades 7-12. The contest consists of two rounds, a first round in the fall and a final round in January. Students compete individually to represent their schools. Both rounds challenge students to exercise their creativity and ingenuity to solve problems in geometry, algebra, combinatorics, probability, logic and number theory.
We wish Quinlan much success in the final round this January!
School Tours for Existing and Prospective Parents
Do you know any families interested in sending their K-8 student(s) to BFA? If so, we'd love to show them our amazing facility! Please direct interested parents to our website or directly to the SignUpGenius.
In addition, we have an existing BFA family tour for those parents who accepted enrollment without being able to tour the building due to Covid-19 related closures this spring/summer. The existing family tours will be held on Nov. 12 and Dec. 10 from 4:30 – 5 p.m. Interested families should sign up soon!
DCSD's Online Open Enrollment started Nov. 2
Parents of ALL prospective K-8 students, including siblings of current BFA K-8 students and BFA preschool students, must complete Open Enrollment during First Round to earn a priority status. First Round runs Nov. 2 - Dec. 1. Plan to complete the process before Thanksgiving break. BFA is closed and DCSD IT Support will be limited during the break. Once First Round ends, the next opportunity to complete the process will be mid-January.
Open Enrollment submissions during the FIRST ROUND ONLY will have priority based on the following:
- Children in the household of Founding Families;
- Siblings of current BFA students. Siblings that share the same birth date (ie. twins or triplets) shall receive automatic enrollment; and
- Children of full-time teachers;
- BFA preschool students, as detailed in the Enrollment Policy.
IMPORTANT: To leverage priority status, please complete Open Enrollment during First Round.
To access the Open Enrollment tool, as well as the most up-to-date information, step-by-step instructions, and answers to commonly-asked questions visit the DCSD Open Enrollment webpage. After reviewing this information, if you have questions about enrollment or need your EngagED Parent Portal login please email our registrar, Colleen Bobbin before Thanksgiving break.
Note: Parents can select “Email me my choices” to receive a confirmation email of the school choices made for your student. Registrars will not have access to this information until after First Round closes. Emailing your choices provides confirmation of completing the process. Should there be a question, parents will be asked to provide this confirmation.
Current K-7 BFA Students
No action is needed for current 2020-21 BFA K-7 students intending to return to BFA for the 2021-22 school year. If your student will not return to BFA next year, please let the registrar know via email.
2021-22 Preschool Students
Preschool Enrollment for the three-year-old and four-year-old classes will take place via the preschool webpage on the BFA website. Preschool enrollment for current BFA families will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 2. Preschool enrollment for the general public will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 13.
If you are interested in the Ben Franklin Academy Preschool program, please click here for more information
Veterans Day Celebration - Next Week!
It's time to celebrate the veterans and active duty service members in our families!
Attention Veterans and Service Members - RSVP by Nov. 6
If you are a BFA family who is currently an active duty service member or a veteran, we invite you to be our guest and watch the carpool parade beginning at 7:15 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 12, from the lower BFA parking lot. All cars will be socially distanced. Please RSVP by tomorrow, Nov. 6, so we can plan for your arrival!
Car Decoration Event - Happening Nov. 11
Come decorate your car for the Veterans Day Parade! The CEC will hold a car decorating event from 12-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at BFA in the upper parking lot. The CEC will provide decorations but please feel free to bring your own decorations to use or share with other BFA families. This event will require masks and adherence to social distancing guidelines.
Veterans Day Celebration - Happening Nov. 12
BFA will hold a Veterans Day Car Parade from 7:45 - 8:15 a.m. during our regularly scheduled carpool on Thursday, Nov. 12. We invite families to decorate their cars with balloons, streamers, and flags to honor the veterans of our BFA families and larger community.
National Junior Honor Society
Applications are now being accepted for National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). All seventh and eighth grade students interested in joining NJHS need to fill out paperwork and return it to the basket outside of Mrs. Murphy’s classroom no later than Friday, Nov. 20.
New members need to complete the application packet and the policy form, and returning members only need to complete the BFA NJHS policy form. (Both the application packet and policy forms also can be found on the NJHS website located under the middle school tab.) If you do not have a printer at home, please email Mrs. Murphy and she will deliver a copy to your child’s homeroom teacher. Please have your student contact Mrs. Murphy with any NJHS questions that are not answered on the NJHS policy form or the BFA NJHS website.
Senora Connell is offering before and after school Spanish classes for elementary school students (grades K-5). Classes will max out at 10 students. They’ll begin the week of Nov. 9 and will be offered on the following schedule:
Mondays and Tuesdays: 7:30 – 8 a.m. or 3:30 – 4 p.m.
Thursdays and Fridays: 7:30 – 8 a.m. or 3:30 – 4 p.m.
For more information please contact Senora Connell.
Requesting Donations for Veterans
The CEC will be collecting donations for the Veterans Hospital from NOW through Friday, Nov. 13. The VA is in dire need of single fleece blankets, hand/foot warmers, gloves/mittens and socks. (Please, do not send in hats this year.) Donation boxes will be located at each entrance so students can easily drop items on their way into school each morning. Thank you in advance for assisting veterans in our community who are in need of extra support.
Order Yearbook before Cost Increase
Yearbooks are on sale now! Similar to last year, the only way to purchase a yearbook is through the vendor, Walsworth. Right now, yearbooks cost $26 per book, but don't wait, as the price will go up on November 14! See the flier for additional details.
You may also order a dedication (or ad) for your student through Walsworth’s website. What a fun way to help commemorate a remarkable school year!
Order and pay for your 2020-21 yearbook and dedication today.
Do Good with Burritos - Chipotle Spirit Night
Mark your calendars for the BFA Spirit Night from 5-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at Chipotle (2209 W. Wildcat Reserve Pkwy). Chipotle will donate 33 percent of the proceeds to BFA, so be sure to tell the cashier that you are with BFA to make sure your purchase will count! If you order online, the BFA Spirit Night order code is: Q7N33KH. See the flier for details.
Destination Imagination (DI) is an international, educational program that gives kids an amazing outlet for their creativity, while teaching them leadership, teamwork, positive thinking, project management and so much more. Annually, DI offers seven new academic challenges in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), fine arts, service learning and early learning. In solving a challenge, students learn the creative process from imagination to innovation and the skills needed to thrive in school, their careers and beyond.
For the 2020-21 season of DI, teams can meet completely virtually or in-person (as long as they adhere to local county, city and state guidelines for COVID-19). For a preview of this year’s DI Challenges, please click here. For a more detailed “first look,” click here. In Colorado this year, tournaments also will be held virtually with all Central Challenge and Instant Challenge solutions being submitted via video. Remember, volunteering with DI counts toward your BFA volunteer hours (and Team Managers are always needed).
For more information about DI, please go to the BFA DI webpage, which includes FAQs and videos. If your child is interested in joining a team and you are interested in being a Team Manager, please email Jason Sunahara, BFA DI coordinator, by Tuesday, Dec. 1.
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Email: info@bfacademy.org
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
Email: attendance@bfacademy.org