Extended eligibility due to Hurricane Ida & other updates
All LA HAP clients with a 8/31/21 Core Eligibility End Date (CEED) have had their LA HAP eligibility automatically updated to 9/30/21.
Please note that you should still submit applications for these clients (when you are able) to ensure they receive their full 6-month eligibility after September, and should still submit applications for new clients or those with expired CEEDs. Please remember the online member application and portal is available (https://lahapenroll.com) and may be utilized to avoid any mail or fax-related delays.
Current status of mail & fax: Mail delivery to the LA HAP office in New Orleans is on hold. Additionally, LA HAP fax lines remain inoperable at this time. The only way for LA HAP to receive and process applications for new or returning clients is via the online portal (https://lahapenroll.com).
Current status of HIP & LA HAP offices: The HIP office in Baton Rouge is open. The LA HAP office is open, but limited to fielding calls and responding to emergencies as many of the staff are still without power and internet.
Ongoing updates will be communicated on this listserv and at lahap.org.
Please take care and be safe.