
Update: The Crisis in Uganda has Escalated - Please help!

Video above is one of the many children who are stranded, with no food or water, separated from their parents by murderous rebel attacks – Uganda.

He was found on 1-19-2023

Uganda is facing continued violence from the rebels, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

Our colleagues Gerald Nasasira, Executive Director, and Dr. Gilbert Beingana, Ruralcare Empowerment International Uganda have informed PTP that the murder of village members and the abduction of children has continued and is compounding the crisis of families and children without food or shelter.

In his latest email message, Mr. Nasasira implored, "Kindly get in touch with my elder David Wick so that you can help contribute money towards helping the people facing this high-level violence. And our target is to raise $4,300 to help the people get food and get the peace they deserve as a right given to them from God."

Please see below to make donations. Thank you.

Below are also photos of villagers fleeing however they can.- top photo.

Families and children were stranded in the bushes after continued ADF attacks. - next photo

The villagers that have fled have now been out of their homes with scarce food and water for many weeks. The killing and kidnappings continue, and they cannot go home. They must depend on the food and water Gerald and his team provide if they are to survive this crisis until it is safe to go home. Gerald and his team are depending on us. Together, our contributions save lives!

Many local community leaders have reached out for help for funds and food to Gerald Nasasira*, Executive Director, Ruralcare Empowerment International Uganda. Mr. Nasasira and his leadership team are working with Pathways To Peace on a Peace Education program that will be extended to 40 communities in his Western Uganda region.

Pathways To Peace and Mr. Nasasira are teaming up again to raise $4,300.00 for food and water in this time of crisis. We need your help to do this as quickly as possible. 100% of donated funds will go directly to Ruralcare Empowerment International Uganda for this crisis.

Please send your donations by way of:

US Donations:

Online: Network for Good  https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=680015625

Under Designation: “Uganda Relief”

By Check: Pathways To Peace

122 Demont Ave E, #173

St. Paul, MN 55117

Donations by PayPal can be sent to [email protected] Tezikiah Gabriel, Executive Director, Pathways To Peace.

The following photos are of the grateful families and children who have received food during the first week of January thanks to your initial donations. Thank you. This shows how you are a Pathway To Peace, and you make a difference!

Thank you for your care and generosity for those in need as we take another step toward the Culture of Peace.


With great appreciation,


David Wick


Pathways To Peace


*Gerald Nasasira from Uganda Africa, I am a social worker by profession, a development practitioner, a social scientist, a policy analyst, a youth activist, and a global peace ambassador in Uganda. I work with the regional non-profit organization in the communities of western Uganda and cut across the nation of Uganda.

Pathways To Peace works to raise awareness and advocate for nuclear disarmament and the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) globally and within Albania. It has been working for over 40 years locally and globally, intergenerationally and multi-culturally, to support Peacebuilding, Peacebuilders, and on initiatives to co-create a global culture of peacePTP is an U.N.-designated Peace Messenger Organization and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC).