Thank you for joining us this week as we pray for our global Baptist family and for God's work around the world. If you unite in prayer with us weekly, you will pray for every country in the world this year!
Refugees and Stateless/Displaced People

Pictured is a special time of prayer for refugees at the Venezuelan border in 2019. The prayer was led by General Secretary Elijah Brown, former BWA Forum for Aid and Development Facilitator Rachel Conway-Doel, and local Baptist leaders.
We give thanks for the many Baptists around the world providing Gospel witness to refugees and displaced people. We are also grateful for the many members of our Baptist community who are contributing to specific needs of those serving in camps and regions where displacement has been on the rise over the last year.
Pray for the ongoing increase of displaced people around the globe, especially in the midst of the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 80,000 people are considered forcibly displaced, and the BWA is partnering in numerous countries and with many Baptist organizations to provide resources and support.
Baptist World Alliance President Tomás Mackey shares an encouraging video message for the New Year. Watch and be inspired that "the best way to begin a new year is to be wholeheartedly involved in the work that God is doing in the world.”

From all of us at the Baptist World Alliance, we are grateful for you and pray that the peace of the Lord will cover our world as we enter 2022 with expectant hope.

Do you have a personal prayer request? Your global Baptist family stands ready to intercede for you. Click the button below to share a prayer need with us.
A Prayer on Waiting

Lord Jesus, I am tired.
Tired of waiting to be able to live normally,
tired of being chased,
tired of hiding and living in constant fear of being caught,
tired of being discriminated against and looked down upon,
tired of being taken advantage of and, at times,
a victim of abuse.
Corrupt systems and injustices have thrown me into a box,
where all I can do is to wait.
I am tired of waiting, Lord.
So Father, come in my restlessness.
Come in my hopelessness and bitterness.
Help me to be hopeful, joyful, and faithful.
Holy Spirit, help me to be resourceful, creative, and to grow in this place
that you have placed me.
It’s hard to see what your plan is for me,
but help me to see beyond my circumstances.
Remind me daily that I’m walking towards eternity,
where I can be home at last.

(Graceila Griffith from the Philippines after a conversation with a student in a refugee camp in Thailand)