The SHORT Report
Decanal Review - Dean Anderson
Nova Scotia COVID-19 Cases / 3-Layer Non-Medical Masks
Welcome New Staff
- Strategic Plan Questionnaire
- Welcoming International Students
- Medicine Subspecialty Match Day (PGY4)
- Virtual Site Visits
- Medicine Matters 2020: Pet Peeves and Unperceived Needs
- DoM Virtual Research Day 2020
- QI Survey - Managing Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) in Central Zone
More items
- Message from Nova Scotia Health President & CEO
- New Podcast - Check Up with Dr. Carr
- Colon Cancer Home Screening Kits Resume
- PPE Learning Module
- Influenza Immunization Campaign
- Renewal Project
- Dal Health Students Launch New Journal
- 60 Second Reset
- COVID-19 Halloween Photos
Standing items
- Videos - PPE and Masks
- Websites to Reference
Hi everyone,
Hope this newsletter finds you all well. We continue to navigate our way through our new world living with COVID. We are seeing increased activity in the province and I think this reminds us how important it is to continue to model for those around us the best practices for infection prevention and control. This week new recommendations for non-medical masks came out (see below) and it is important to continue to communicate that we continue to recommend against non-essential travel to promote infection containment.
This is a busy month in the department for academic activities. The R4 subspecialty match was yesterday. Congratulations to all of our Core Internal Medicine residents. I hope you have all found a good fit for your ongoing education and professional development and I look forward to working with those of you who are staying on in our Dalhousie sub-specialty programs. DoM Research Day and Research Evening for 2020 are being presented virtually over the next week. Tuesday’s presentations were excellent and we have a great interactive site to view posters on. Thank you to Heather Fraser for the amazing work she has done to make this happen. Part two is next Tuesday during our Grand Rounds slot and I hope to see you all there. To be added to the Grand Rounds distribution list, please contact Medicine Matters, our departmental CPD event is being presented virtually on November 13th. This year, as always, promises to be a fantastic event. Please register here if you are interested in attending.
One of the most important things we all need in order to grow and improve is feedback. With the launch of our strategic plan we are now looking for feedback on the plan itself and the strategic planning process. It is really important for us to hear back from all department members as we begin implementation. I hope you will take some time to read the new plan and fill out our feedback survey. Also, our Dean, department member and colleague, Dr. Anderson, is heading into his review and Dal’s Provost Office is asking us for feedback for the Decanal Review survey (see below). I encourage everyone to participate in this important process.
I hope you all had a bit of COVID friendly fun on Halloween.
Keep well,
Christine Short, MD, FRCP(C), FACP
Associate Professor & Head/Chief, Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University / Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health
A decanal review is currently underway for Dean Anderson.
Members of the Faculty of Medicine are invited to submit feedback by November 9, 2020.
- Phone 902-717-7062 to request an interview with the review committee
currently in hospital
due to COVID-19
- October 22 - Travel Advisory - Dr. Strang recommends that Nova Scotians avoid unnecessary travel to the Campbellton-Restigouche area.
Dr. Teresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, is recommending that non-medical masks now have 3 layers of protection due to the evolving research of masks.
- After discussion with Special Advisory Committee, there is marginal benefit to wearing 3-layer vs 2-layer masks. Conclusion: It is more effective to wear masks and wear them properly (eg. cover nose).
Masks should:
- cover nose, mouth and chin
- be thick enough that you can't shine a flashlight through it
3-layer non-medical masks:
2 outside layers - tightly woven fabric, such as cotton or linen
1 middle layer - filter, such as non-woven polypropylene fabric (washable) or a disposable / removable filter.
If possible, use different fabrics for each side of the face covering, so you know which side faces in/out.
Nova Scotia Government Coronavirus Updates
View livestream and archived collections on YouTube Channel.
November 3 Update:
We welcome the following administrative staff to their new positions:
Tumay Boxill - Division of Endocrinology
Anee Mendoza - Division of General Internal Medicine
Strategic Plan Questionnaire
We invite your feedback about our new plan.
Welcoming International Students
NS post-secondary institutions (eg. Dalhousie) resume welcoming international students to their institutions on November 3.
October 27, 2020
Last year, Nova Scotia welcomed more than 12,000 international post-secondary students from more than 150 countries.
Medicine Subspecialty Match Day (PGY4s)
In late October, DoM Education conducted virtual site visits with Saint John (2 day event) and Cape Breton (first virtual site meeting).
Medicine Matters 2020: Pet Peeves and Unperceived Needs
(Professional Development Conference)
- Only registered participants will receive Zoom links
Friday, November 13
8:25 am - 4:30 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Leading Recovery from COVID-19
- Dr. Tom Marrie
Be it resolved that all physicians should have social media accounts for public education and advocacy
- Dr. Lisa Barrett
- Dr. Christine Dipchand
- Dr. Shelly McNeil
- Dr. Geoff Williams
- Dr. Christine Short (moderator)
Small Group Sessions:
How Internists can improve Cardiology Care
How Internists can improve Hematology Care
How Internists can improve Dermatology/Immunology Care
How Internists can improve Palliative Care
How Internists can improve Geriatric Care
How Internists can improve Gastroenterology Care
Registration required
(open until Nov. 10):
- Open to DoM physicians and residents
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by Continuing Professional Development, Dalhousie University. You may claim a maximum of 7.25 hours (credits are automatically calculated).
For more information:
DoM Virtual Research Day 2020
Originally planned for April 16, 2020, DoM Research Day evolved to a virtual event.
November 3 & 10: Podium presentations 8 - 9:30 am
November 3 – 10: Poster presentations & more
We hope to see you there!
QI Survey - Managing Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Central Zone
Please participate in a short survey about your experience managing diabetic ketoacidosis in Central Zone.
- Deemed a quality improvement initiative
To improve quality as we revise the way that we manage this condition.
< 5 mins, voluntary & confidential
Intended for nurses, physicians (including residents) who manage DKA in Central Zone
Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Thank you for your participation.
Barna Tugwell, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University
If you finish the survey by November 13, 2020, you will be given a chance to enter to win one of three $100 gift cards to the Superstore.
Dr. Brendan Carr, Nova Scotia Health President & CEO, addresses every member of Nova Scotia Health in this fall message.
Video uploaded: October 15, 2020
Current priorities:
- COVID / service reintroduction
- Critical infrastructure and redevelopment projects
- Explore organization's culture and identity
Episode 1 (25 mins)
- with Dr. Todd Hatchette, Chief of Medical Microbiology for Nova Scotia Health, Central Zone
Episode 2 (27 mins)
- with Shauna Thompson, Senior Director of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine for Nova Scotia Health
Colon Cancer home screening kits resume after a temporary suspension due to COVID-19.
“Thanks to the combined efforts of Cancer Care Program leaders and the provincial endoscopy team, Nova Scotians who were waiting for a program screening colonoscopy have either had one or have an appointment for one. As a result, we are in a good position to resume mailing out home screening kits," said Dr. Don MacIntosh, medical director, Colon Cancer Prevention Program.
Since the screening program was introduced in 2009, program screening colonoscopies have identified more than 11,000 Nova Scotians with a cancer or pre-cancer.
Currently, 34% of home screening kits are completed. Dr. MacIntosh encourages Nova Scotians to take the test when it comes in the mail.
October 14, 2020
Nova Scotians that were due to receive a home screening kit between March and September 2020, may call:
1-866-599-2267 to request a kit.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Droplet and Contact Precautions - COVID-19 Learning Module
In preparation for the next wave of COVID-19, all NSH team members working directly with patients/ clients/ residents are asked to complete this interactive module.
- Using Internet Explorer 11, view the LMS Catalogue:
- Login with your NSHEALTH account
- Search "COVID-19" to find the new module.
To get credit for completing the learning module, you'll need:
- NSH login
- Internet Explorer 11
| had more than:
(over the past year)
- 5.5 million unique visits
- 59 million page views
DoM had more than:
(over the past year)
- 150,000 unique visits
- 408,000 page views
Quick facts:
- DoM is 1 of 22 departments in the Faculty of Medicine
The Healthy Populations Journal (HPJ) is a multi-faculty, student led, open access, peer-reviewed journal housed at the Healthy Populations Institute (HPI) at Dalhousie University.
Population health is thinking beyond the health of an individual and looking at the health outcomes of a whole community.
New journal launched October 15, 2020
If you need to pause and reset your perspective, try 60 seconds of:
- conscious breathing
- stretching
- drinking water
- stair climbing
- saying hi to a friend
The possibilities are endless - start with one.
Physically distanced treat bags
Pull your treat bag from the clothes line.
The pins and circular line allow for easy refill.
Credits: Christine Short
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
Uploaded: June 15, 2020
Video: 1 min 25 seconds
Uploaded: July 20, 2020
PDF – 8.5" x 14" poster
My Personal Directive
(Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia)
Complete online then download or email document. Once signed and witnessed, it is valid.
Spectrum MD
(Antimicrobial Stewardship)
Nova Scotia Health logo needs to be visible in the upper left corner of the home screen to ensure you are accessing local content.
A list of some neighbourly businesses offering convenient, discounted or free services.
NSHA workers experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, contact:
1-833-750-0632 (Daily 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Government of Nova Scotia
World Health Organization
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.