Acknowledging Land and Its History
Dear Church,

As we approach the 30th of September, schools, workplaces, and community centres are taking the opportunity to wear orange as a way to reflect that #everychildmatters. 

This movement began in 2013, based on the experience of then-six-year-old Phyllis Webstad who entered the St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School, outside of Williams Lake, B.C. Phyllis was wearing a brand new orange shirt for her first day of school which the Mission quickly removed and replaced with a school uniform. While she only attended for one year, Phyllis has spoken of the school’s lasting impact. She has said, “ I finally get it, that feeling of worthlessness and insignificance ingrained in me from my first day at the mission… Even now, when I know the truth, I still sometimes feel that I don’t matter.”[1] Phyllis story, and many others, has propelled a national movement to recognize the experience of survivors of Residential Schools, honour them, and show a collective commitment to healing and reconciliation. 

World Partners is happy to participate with each of you in marking this day, and taking the time to learn, listen, and prayerfully consider how each of us can continue to build friendship with Indigenous communities. We are grateful for the leadership of those in the EMCC who have been actively pursuing the process of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples across Canada. 

We are grateful to hear from World Partners Supervised Workers today. 
Thanks for being on the journey together,
Reflections from Rob and Sharlene Dilts, building community and friendship in Golden Lake, through a summer camp experience called Pinaaz-i Zibi Maamawi.

Greetings, we would like to acknowledge that the land on which we, Pinaaz-i Zibi Maamawi, gather is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg-Omàmìwinini[2] (Algonquin) and includes the 1850 Robinson-Huron Treaty (Anishinaabeg-Ojibwe) and the 1923 Williams Treaties (Chippewa & Mississauga)[3]. We want to acknowledge that, "On November 17, 2018, in Rama, Ontario, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, apologized on behalf of the Government of Canada for the negative impacts of the 1923 Williams Treaties on the Williams Treaties First Nations."[4] It is important that we acknowledge these traditional territories and these treaties and their impact to demonstrate respect for these lands, the Anishinaabeg-Omàmìwinini and other First Nations who have been the traditional guardians of this land from time immemorial.
In acknowledging the original occupants and caretakers of the land, we enter into agreement with Paul’s words, 

“Beginning with the first human being, he made all tribes and nations. He wanted people to live all over the face of the earth. He decided ahead of time when and where each tribe should live. He did this so that all people could look for him and find the trail that leads to him." (Acts 17: 26-28, FNV).

Pinaaz-i Zibi Maamawi means Travelling the River Together.  We follow Creator Sets Free (Jesus) as we sit at the drum, join the circle and serve in relationship with our community on the trail they have been on for so long, as Jesus sat with the woman from Samaria at the well (John 4, FNV), inviting others to travel with us on the trail of Creator Sets Free.

On your learning journey with land acknowledgement and reconciliation, we are happy to recommend the resource below prepared by Theresa Paplinskie who has been part of our circle. Her placement with us as a summer student and participation in the CRC's Youth Ambassador Reconciliation Program were of great joy and benefit to us.

We ask that you join with us in prayer and remembrance of the children who experienced the residential school system and the traumatizing and generational effects experienced. If there is an event in your area, pray about joining and if not, pray about encouraging your worship and/or school community to sponsor an event. We encourage our partners to take the time to learn about the lands they worship and live on and the original peoples of those lands. We ask you to prayerfully seek out stories from survivors and hear their hearts.

Reach out to Rob and Sharlene for more information or prayer as you join them on this journey of reconciliation. Click on their photo to get in touch.
Stan and Sally Bragg 2019
A Prayer from Stan and Sally Bragg, fostering community on the Saugeen First Nation.

The release of the report of the TRC of Canada and its 94 calls for action in 2015 brought increased awareness to all Canadians about the details of residential schools. [5] 

In reckoning with this reality, what is equally astonishing is the resilience and bravery of the survivors and their families. This resiliency is what needs to be supported and celebrated as we journey on a path towards reconciliation with our First Nation peoples.

Dear Lord,
We thank you that you are faithful & that you love all people. We pray that your healing love would flow to all the First Nation families that have suffered as a result of Residential schools and the trauma that they endured. We praise you for the resiliency and bravery that you placed inside these precious people.
We pray for forgiveness & reconciliation with our First Nation brothers & sisters. We pray the release of Jehovah-Rapha - the Lord our Healer across Canada.
We lift up the men, women, youth, and children of Saugeen First Nation and we pray blessing & restoration over them. Lord would you help them become all you planned & purposed for them, heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds.

Reach out to Stan and Sally for more information or prayer as you join them on this journey of reconciliation. Click on their photo to get in touch.
Links to Learn More

Click on the photo to visit the Orange Shirt Day's webpage of resources and suggestions for observing this day within your own family and community.

Click on the photo to download the Land Acknowledgement Template, prepared by Theresa Paplinkskie

Click on the Whose Land logo to download the app and find out the traditional territory that your home and community is a part of.

[1] For more information, go to
[2] Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation (2018). Culture. Referenced on September 4, 2020, from
[3] Native Land. (n.d.). Territory Acknowledgement. Referenced on August 26, 2020, at
[4] Government of Canada. (2018, November 16). Statement of Apology for the Impacts of the 1923 Williams Treaties. Retrieved September 04, 2020, at
[5] YouTube/Netflix "We Were Just Children"