To join a Zoom worship, look for the link on the UUFD website. Need help learning to use Zoom? Try this video tutorial or this FAQ.


June 6 
The Kaleidoscopic Beauty of the Divine 
-LGBTQIA+ Social Justice Team
What is the meaning behind including our pronouns when we introduce ourselves? How can understanding expansive gender identities help all of us live with and welcome more authenticity?

June 13 
Flower Communion: Messengers of Fellowship and Love
–Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris
We’ll gather at the UUFD parking lot, so bring a camp chair, (leaving our cars at Needham Elementary) for an all-community, joyful meeting of community and fellowship. Bring a flower for the bouquets we’ll create. 

June 20     
Gratitude: The Divine Emotion
–Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris and Sara Sautter
As we ready to say goodbye to our Interim Director of Faith Formation, we also thank all of those who contributed to leading our fellowship in this unique year. 

June 27  
General Assembly Worship    
-First Universalist Church, Minneapolis 
UUA President Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick Gray selected the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis to serve as worship leaders for this year's GA Sunday Morning Service. Music will be offered through collaboration with 2021 GA Choir Director Susan Mashiyama, the GA virtual choir, and musicians from First Universalist.