See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
April 15, 2021
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Pastor's Message
   "I drown in grief.  I’m heartsick.   
Oh, listen! Please listen!  
It’s the cry of my dear people  reverberating through the country. 
Is God no longer in Zion? 
Has the King gone away? 
Can you tell me why they flaunt their plaything-gods, 
their silly, imported no-gods before me? 
The crops are in, the summer is over, 
but for us nothing’s changed. 
We’re still waiting to be rescued. 
For my dear broken people, I’m heartbroken. 
I weep, seized by grief. 
Are there no healing ointments in Gilead? 
Isn’t there a doctor in the house? 
So why can’t something be done 
to heal and save my dear, dear people? "
-Jeremiah 8
Dear Grace Friends,
These words speak to me. I am heartbroken about what is transpiring in our dear state of Minnesota. I mourn and lament the death of Daunte Wright. A young, man who died too soon and unjustly. A death that shouldn’t have happened and yet, we, as a community are now dealing with the aftermath. There are voices rising up in protest. Voices rising up to be heard. Demanding, listen, listen to us. Our black and brown brothers and sisters have been raising their voices for a long time and pointing to the injustice in our nation, and in our midst. I hope that you will listen to their voices with openness and not look for justification or excuses.  Because mourning doesn’t need justification. Mourning doesn’t need excuses. Weeping and wailing needs to be heard for what it is- anguish and despair. Change needs to happen. This way of being cannot continue.   
However, if we want to pretend what happened to Daunte Wright is a police problem or a law enforcement problem and not our problem, we are wrong. Demonizing the police department or police officers is an easy out from all of us doing the hard work of understanding the division and problems about race in our country. We cannot ignore our own culpability. I am heartbroken to hear of the threats being made to law enforcement and their families. The law enforcement I know are dedicated public servants who give of their time, their lives, and work so hard for the protection of others. I know many of you have a loved one or friend who serves as a first responder. Yes, law enforcement is part of the problem as a broken system, but so are our churches, our schools, our government, our communities, our families.  We can be broken-hearted together without responding with hate and blame.   
As I write to you all today, I long for there to be a quick healing that God can bring to God’s people. I long for the balm in Gilead to cure the sin sick soul, but I am reminded that the prophet Jeremiah longed for the same thing. That he didn’t see a balm either. He wondered why his people yelled, “peace, peace when there is no peace.” And today, we do the same thing.   
Dear people of Grace, how I long for there to be an end to the racial inequities that are present in our country and yes, in our own state. We have work to do. It is not someone else’s problem. Brooklyn Center is only a few miles from us. Jesus reminds us that it is our job to love our neighbors, which means we know our neighbors. We listen to our neighbors and instead of pointing out the speck in their eye, we examine the log in our own eye. How have you been given privilege in your life? How have you benefited from the systematic racism that infects our nation? How might you create change in your work, your school, your community and yes, your church. I know I have work to do, and I am grateful to have you as partners on this journey. Please join me in prayer: 
God of those with broken hearts, nourish our hearts with your love and break us open so that we might see more clearly. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the cries of our neighbor. Help us to listen, without judgment, but in holy lamentation for all who are grieving today. We pray especially for the family of Daunte Wright, for his friends, for the community in Brooklyn Center, for Kimberly A. Potter and her family, the Brooklyn Center police department and all who serve in law enforcement. We ask for you to bring healing to our state and transformation to us all, so that we might see each other as beloved. Bring us our balm, O God of love and lead us in your way of peace. Amen 
Pastor Joanna Mitchell  
Jonathon Orwig's Final Worship Weekend
Saturday/Sunday April 17th & 18th

Jonathon will be outside after each worship for you to wish him well and say good-bye. There will be a card basket in the Narthex if you wish to give him a card. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 protocols there will not be a cake for his last worship weekend.

Online Worship is now being recorded at our Saturday evening service. Online Worship will not be posted until late on Saturday nights. It will be available here for you to join us online on Sunday morning.

For In-person Worship, we are asking for people to sign up for a worship service (see links below). We ask you to stay home if you are sick and to follow all of our COVID-19 protective guidelines. Thank you!
We will be continuing to have sign ups through May due to the rising COVID-19 numbers.
Worship Help Needed

Grace is looking for Communion Servers, Ushers, Readers, and Altar Guild volunteers at all worship times. If you are interested please call or email Kris Miller at 763-421-6520 or
Ministries News
Sunday, April 18th
12:30-1:30 PM

Grace will be serving another Family Table “take-out” meal on April 18th. If you’d like to help by providing a food item, packing meals, or bringing the meals out to our guests in the parking lot, please sign up using this link. 

We also want to extend an invitation to Grace members to identify any neighbors or friends who might be in need of these meals, but who are unable, for whatever reason, to pick up the meals themselves. If you would like to reserve a few meals and are willing to deliver them to the people you’ve identified, please contact Lynda Wilde at and we’ll be sure to have extras on hand. 
Social Devotions-“Sing for Joy”
The Women’s Retreat Team is excited to be hosting another “Social Devotions” in the month of April. “Social Devotions” is a monthly virtual Zoom Gathering for ALL Grace Women. Because of COVID-19, the Women’s Retreat Team wanted to connect and encourage every woman at Grace Lutheran Church during these trying times. 

So feel free to Virtually swing by to get a “Spiritual Nugget” and Socialize with the Women at Grace on a monthly Zoom Call. Each month’s call will have a different theme and is meant to uplift and provide a few spiritual truths for you to apply to your daily lives. 

April’s Social Devotion will be on Sunday evening April 18, 2021 from 7pm-7:45pm. The Zoom Link will be available for you on Grace at a Glance as well as on the GLC website under Church Online – Zoom Meetings. There is no need to RSVP – just pop on each month and enjoy seeing our Grace Women and hearing how God can impact our lives!

Our theme this month is “Sing for Joy”. Songs bring joy into our lives and help us get through some tough times. Let’s share that joy and comfort with each other on April 18th. Please bring a list of songs that make you smile, give you comfort or inspiration. We will share them with each other on the call and then make a "playlist” for the future.

Below are the Monthly Themes and Dates:
April 18, 2021- Sing for Joy
May 16, 2021 – You are Not Alone

Please look for an email in April that will remind you of this fun and encouraging event! If you have any questions – contact Stacy Surratt at 317-506-6362 or
Continuing our Conversations
on Race

Join Adult Ed, Wednesday April 21st at 7 PM on ZOOM. We will be continuing our Conversations on Race. At this session in particular, Pastor Maria and members of our Adult Education Team will facilitate a conversation on what the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), our churchwide governing body, has to say on the topic of racial justice. Please read the ELCA statement below to prepare for our conversation.  
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Health 101 – Sunday, April 25th,
1:00-2:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Most of us experience ups and downs related to our mental health, just as we do our physical health. What’s “normal?” When is it time to seek help? This presentation will help address such questions as:
·        What’s the difference between feeling “anxious” and having an “anxiety disorder?”
·        How do I know if a loved one is just feeling “down” or is truly “depressed?”
·        What signs or symptoms should tell me that I (or a loved one) needs help?
Suicide Prevention (QPR) – Sunday, May 2nd,
1:00-2:30 PM in the sanctuary
QPR – Question, Persuade, and Refer – are the three steps anyone can take to help prevent a suicide. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught “gatekeeper training” program in the United States. (Gatekeeper training teaches people to identify individuals who are showing signs of suicide risk and help them get the services they need.) This 90-minute class is for anyone over the age of 16 who wants to learn best practices in suicide prevention.
We hope you’ll consider joining us for one or both of these important presentations. A link to registration will be included in Grace-at-a-Glance as we get closer to the events. 
Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser

The youth are selling $25 dollar Green Valley Garden Center gift cards to raise money for their Christikon camp adventure in Montana this summer! The gift cards never expire or lose value. Students will be selling gift cards before and after worship on April 18, 25 and May 2nd or you can call Kris at the front desk to arrange for a pickup. The sale ends May 10th. Questions? Contact Kris Miller or Kristi Larson at
OK@Play will be meeting outside IN PERSON in May!! Yahoo!!

We are planning a picnic gathering to simply socialize in person and eat together outside. Here are the details:

  • Thursday, May 13th, from 6:30-8:00 pm on the Grace lawn and/or parking lot.
  • Adjust the image above, as we will still require masks (except while you are eating) and social distancing per our guidelines.
  • Bring your own food and drink for what you wish to eat.
  • Bring your own lawn chair and roasting fork for marshmallows.
  • We hope to use the church fire pit to enjoy S'mores. Ann will be bringing supplies for making the S’mores and Joe J will be bringing for Gluten Free S’mores.
  • In case of rain, we will meet the following Thursday, May 20th.

Any questions, please contact Mary Jo Trapp, Deb Stang, or Ann Lange.

Hope to see you in person on Thursday, May 13th!!

Ann Lange
Books and DVDs wanted for Family Promise
We are seeking donations of gently used books and DVDs for Family Promise. All proceeds from the book sale on May 20-22nd will help Family Promise support families who are currently experiencing homelessness. If you would like to donate, please contact Gayle Pacholl by phone or text at 612-750-2910 or email her at to arrange for pick up. This is a great way to make a difference to homeless families while cleaning out your bookshelves! Thanks for your support!
Building Task Force

The Building Task force has continued to meet. We have made a recommendation to Vision Board for hiring an architect. Once that decision is finalized we will be gathering more information from you about your needs for our facility as well as your dreams about ways to expand our ministry. Please feel free to share information and learn more from our website.
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Looking for Grace Leaders 
The Nominating Committee for the Vision Board is looking for Grace Members that are interested in serving a three year term on the Vision Board.  The election will take place the end of May at Grace’s Congregational Meeting.   

If you are interested in serving Grace Lutheran in a leadership position, you should prayerfully consider serving on the Vision Board. Please contact the church office or any of the members of the nominating committee if you are interested by Wednesday, April 14th. Members of the nominating committee are:  Pastor Joanna Mitchell, Scott Lien, Carla Renner, Tracie Russell, Dave Trapp, Anne Weikle.  If you have questions about serving on the Vision Board please contact Carla Renner or Dave Trapp  
Become a Voting Member of Grace at the
 Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly

Are you interested in learning about the larger church and the ways in which we as the Minneapolis Area Synod learn and work together? Consider being one of the voting members from Grace at the Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly. The synod assembly will take place on Zoom Friday, April 23rd from 6-9pm and Saturday April 24th, from 9am -1pm. 

Click here to read more. 

If you are interested please contact Pastor Joanna Mitchell or Pastor Maria Markman. 
Noisy Offerings

For the month of April, Noisy Offerings will be used to support Hope 4 Youth and scholarships for our Golden Rule Daycare families who are having financial difficulties. We are grateful, as always, for your compassion and generosity in caring for our neighbors! 
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

For all who call upon your healing name: Justin Richards, Stephanie Fernandez, Paul & Michelle, Pam Overson, Jake, Tom Boshart, Gladys Heys, Carroll Potter, John Malecha, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Lynn Zirkle, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Ralph & Colleen Wernimont.
Today we give thanks for the baptism of Haven Grace Blossom. We also celebrate with Eric & Candace Mahowald the safe birth of their twins.
Draw near to all who grieve especially for Mary Danielson & family and June Gritti, mourning the death of Loren Gritti, and all who are grieving. 
May Grace Notes Deadline

Please have your articles in by Friday, April 23rd at 5pm. Articles should be in Word format and emailed to Marie Kolar at
Virtual Connections

During this time of high COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to connect with Grace and others! If you are looking for ministries and groups to connect with please visit our web site at and click on Church Online to see opportunities to connect.