A newsletter that promotes our core values of
Personalization, Risk-Taking, Integrity, Discovery, and Empowerment
Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341
Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
Thank you to all who serve our country. In honor of your commitment and service, we will be closed on Thursday, November 11, 2021.
Sanborn Drama Presents: Clue
The Sanborn Regional High School Drama Troupe will perform "Clue! A Whodunnit Play" next weekend.
Show dates are 11/12 at 7PM, 11/13 at 2PM and 7PM, and 11/14 at 2PM. Tickets are $8 for seniors, veterans, and students and $12 for all others. Tickets can be purchased in advance here: Audience members will be asked to wear a mask into the building and should social distance with their group from other groups in the Auditorium.
We hope to see you there!
2 COVID Clusters Identified on 11/5: Masks Now Required Through 11/19
November 5, 2021
Dear Families:
We are emailing you today to let you know that we have identified a second COVID cluster in the building (one cluster developed earlier this week).
According to the NH DHHS School Childcare Toolkit, as well as in accordance with the SRSD 2021-2022 School Reopening Plan, we are moving Sanborn Regional High School and Sanborn Regional Middle School to a status of “Fully Masked” for the next 14 days. This means that all individuals in both schools will be required to wear masks while in the building. This measure is being put in place as an appropriate next step to contain the spread of the virus.
We will also increase our cleaning measures in the building, and will be monitoring the levels of hand sanitizer so that we have full containers for individuals to use. We will be reinforcing increased social distancing among our students and staff as well.
Should your child experience any symptoms of COVID -19, please isolate them at home and seek testing for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status. Tests can be found at major drugstore chains as well as from urgent care centers.
To summarize, both SRHS and SRMS will be in a “Fully Masked” status effective immediately. Masking ends at the end of the day on Friday, November 19th.
SST to Hold Open House: Parents of Sophomores Take Note!
Sanborn "Swag" Makes For Great Holiday Gifts!
Senior Spotlights to Return Soon
As many of you know, senior spotlight articles are a highlight of our weekly newsletter. These articles will start running in just a couple weeks as we start to celebrate the accomplishment's of Sanborn's Class of 2022!
Sanborn Cuts Ribbon on New Greenhouse Project
Thank you to all in the community who helped make this project possible!
On October 22, 2021, the Sanborn Regional High School Life Skills Program held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the opening of the Life Skills Greenhouse.
The Life Skills Program is composed of energetic and enthusiastic students whose curriculum consists of hands-on learning activities and functional learning opportunities. The greenhouse will provide numerous cross-curricular opportunities for students in the program to learn about the idea of “Farm to Table” and where some of our foods come from.
This project would have not been possible without the support of the Sanborn Regional School Board and school and district administrators.
The Life Skills Program Greenhouse Project was funded through the generosity of the following people and community partners:
- Various community members of Kingston, Newton, Fremont who made donations,
- Taylor Rental of Haverhill, MA) for the rental of construction equipment,
- East Coast Lumber of Hampstead, NH for the donation of building materials,
- ReVision Energy of Brentwood, NH for a solar panel system,
- A special thank you to Richard Beaudoin and his family, Christopher Beaudoin and Joseph Beaudoin Jr. for spending numerous hours building and insulating the Greenhouse to ensure that it lasts.
The staff and students of the Life Skills Program are greatly appreciative of the support and are excited about the possibilities that will come from this project. If you would like to learn about more ways that you can support the Life Skills program in this or future projects, please email teacher Kevin Beaudoin at
Sanborn Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October
Bring the Ring: Watch how Sanborn students celebrated breast cancer awareness month in October.
Student Reminder: What To Do When You Are Absent
If students are missing class for any reason, they need to contact the teacher as soon as possible.
Students should check ALMA and email often because teachers are communicating a lot of information using those tools.
When they return, students must schedule time in FLT using Enriching Students to work with teachers to get caught up.
Sanborn 4th Annual Blue Gray Event to be Held November 19
The Sanborn Girls Basketball Program will hopefully host their 4th Annual Blue/Gray Night on November 19th, 2021. The event will start at 5:30PM at the Sanborn Regional High School and will involve all levels of female student athletes in the Sanborn Basketball Program. The night will be open to the community and will be a family friendly event that will raise money for the Girls basketball program and collect food donations as part of the Girls Varsity Basketball Team Hoops for Help Food Drive. Based on the school board meeting this past Wednesday, we as the players are limiting their spectators to 2 adults and we ask all spectators to wear a mask while indoors watching the game. All of the food donations will be collected and brought to the Holy Angels Food Pantry in Plaistow, NH. This pantry serves the areas of Fremont, Kingston and Newton as well as other surrounding areas.
The event will feature a full inter-program scrimmage with each level taking the court for a quarter and competing against each other for bragging rights. Each quarter will feature players from grades K through 12th grade with K-2 at Half Time. Players can still sign up to play until November 1st at to get a free t-shirt. The score will keep building all night and we will see whether the Blue side or the Gray side will take home the win. This event is our season kick off which is a fundraiser coached by rec coaches and the official season will start on November 29th for the High School.
Admission for this event will be 3 dollars a person with 5 and under free. Admission is only a $1 a person if they bring a food donation. There will also be concessions, fan contests between quarters. We hope that the parents of our players and the members of the community will come out for a great night of fun. We will be limiting the number of spectators to 2 per player.
If you have any questions or would like to be one of our sponsors for the night, please e-mail Girls Varsity Coach Brian Gray at
What's in an Energy Drink?
Recently students have come to the health office with side effects from consuming energy drinks. These energy drinks not only contain high levels of caffeine, but other stimulants that can cause harmful effects on the nervous system. The other legal stimulants can increase your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. Whether you chose a 16 oz bottle (70-240 mg of caffeine) or a 2 oz "energy shot" (113-200 mg of caffeine) you are consuming excessive amounts of caffeine. Compare this to a 12 oz can of cola which contains about 35 mg of caffeine and an 8 oz cup of coffee with about 100 mg of caffeine. Another downside to energy drinks is that the amount of sugar in them exceeds the maximum daily recommendation of sugar. Think twice before consuming energy drinks to stay awake. They won't necessarily improve your performance in school, they may make it worse.
Some of the dangers of energy drinks include:
- - Dehydration (not enough water in your body)
- - Heart complications (irregular heartbeat)
- - Anxiety (feeling nervous and jittery)
- - Insomnia (unable to sleep)
- - Digestive problems (nausea and diarrhea)
Here are some tips for getting a good night's sleep:
- - Fall asleep in your bed, not in front of a screen (phone, computer or television)
- - Try to be in bed at least 8-10 hours
- - Try to go to bed at approximately the same time every night
- - Be active every day, but avoid vigorous exercise in the evening
- - Avoid caffeine products after midday
- - On weekends try to get up within 2 hours of your usual wake time
Winter Sports Information
Practices for Winter Sports begin next month, and it’s time to register student-athletes and begin to prepare for the coming season. More information on all high school winter sports can be found here: HS Winter Sports. Physical Exams are required of all athletes, and must be no ‘older’ than 13 months at any given time. This can be a bit confusing, so here’s an example: If the exam was completed on October 1, 2021, it would be valid through November 1 of 2022 (13 months later). Most local urgent care centers will give your child a sports / camp physical on a walk-in basis for as little as $20. Mr. Dawson also has vouchers for free exams from Convenient MD--just ask.
We have moved very successfully to an entirely new system for student-athlete registration this year, FinalForms. This has dramatically improved communication, our ability to track athlete medical information in “real time”, and allows parents to keep current on needed forms and such more efficiently than with our previous system. In order to register your student-athlete, visit Final Forms at
Schedules are still in the working stages, and will be released soon. If parents / guardians have questions, or need assistance with the registration process, please reach out to Athletic Director Bob Dawson at
Youth Risk Behavior Survey to be Administered November 17
Dear Sanborn Community,
On November 17, 2021, our school will take part in the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) sponsored by the New Hampshire Departments of Education and Health and Human Services. The survey will ask about the health behaviors of 9th through 12th grade students. The survey will ask about nutrition, physical activity, injuries, and tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use. It will also ask about sexual behaviors that could lead to pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
Students will be asked to fill out a survey during their advisory period that takes about 35 minutes to complete.
Doing this survey will cause little or no risk to your child. The only potential risk is that some students might find certain questions to be sensitive. The survey has been designed to protect your child’s privacy. Students will not put their names on the survey. Also, no school or student will ever be mentioned by name in a report of the results. For the survey results to be accurate, it is important that all students, regardless of whether they have engaged in health risk behaviors, are given an opportunity to participate in the survey, but the survey is voluntary. No action will be taken against the school, you, or your child if your child does not take the survey. Students may skip any questions they do not wish to answer. In addition, students may stop taking the survey at any point without penalty. If you would like to see the survey, a copy is available at this link:
Two weeks before the survey date, you will receive a letter in the mail from me about the YRBS survey. It will contain an opt-out form. You can complete the opt-out form only if you do not want your child to take part in the survey.
If you have additional questions about the survey, please email me at You can also contact the Department of Health and Human Services at
Thank you.
-Brian Stack, Principal
SRHS Ice Hockey Boosters Annual Craft Fair Set For November 27
Parents: We Need Your Help.
Dear Parents,
As a parent of five myself, I get it. We are all busy, and we all can't always make the time to commit to help in ways that we would truly want to. Having said that, our parent groups desperately need your help. Many hands make light work but right now, due to a lack of parent volunteers, many of the services and programs these groups provide our school may go by the wayside. In the last year, some of our groups have folded all together and others are struggling to find new members. Our school is going to feel the impact.
As one example, consider the annual Saturday morning homecoming parade, an event that has always been run by our Athletic Boosters - one of the groups that folded. The school simply doesn't have the capacity to run this event on a Saturday morning the same way that the parent group did. While we plan to offer a similar Homecoming experience that is within our control on our campus during the school day, it won't be the same as the Saturday event that the Boosters ran each year. Parent volunteers are a critical part of our school community, and without them we have to make modifications to what we can provide.
What can you do?
You can start by sending a simple email to one of our parent groups to ask how you can help our school throughout the year.
Here is the contact info for our groups:
Thank you for your consideration. A little help on your part could go a long way.
Brian M. Stack, Principal
The mission of the Sanborn Regional High School Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance and support the Sanborn Regional High School learning community of students, staff, and families of Fremont, Kingston, and Newton. This is accomplished through the following endeavors:
*Community Outreach *Teacher Involvement *Educational Programs *Civic Cooperation
*Volunteer Programs *Fundraising
If we all help a little it will be amazing how much we can accomplish as an organization.
We typically meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom
(check the Points of P.R.I.D.E. Newsletter or our FB page for any changes)
Thank you for taking the time to complete the membership form and become part of the SRHS PTO. Check us out on Facebook at Sanborn Regional High Scholl PTO.
If you have any questions or information you would like to share with our organization, please contact Alicia D’Antonio at
The next meeting of the year will be December 15, 2021 at 7:00PM at the high school in the cafeteria. We hope to see you there!
Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK) Update
70lbs of Drugs and BRUINS!!
Sanborn towns collected a total of nearly 70lbs of unused and expired medications during DEA Take Back Day last Saturday! Way to go Newton, Kingston and Fremont! Remember locking up and disposing of your unused or expired RX mediation is critical to keeping it out of the hands of youth. If you are in need of medication disposal pouches, or locking medication containers, SoRock can provide them to you free of charge.
Permanent Rx drop boxes are located in the Atkinson, Hampstead, Kingston, Plaistow and Sandown Police stations.
DEA Issues Public Safety Alert on Sharp Increase in Fake Prescription Pills Containing Fentanyl and Meth. These pills look exactly like legitimate medications. Remember never take any medication that was not prescribed to you and obtained from the pharmacy.
SoRock was honored to receive the DEA’s Operation Engage Excellence in Leadership award this past week at the State Red Ribbon Week kickoff celebration! This award was for our “leadership, time and dedication to drug prevention”. If you are a Kingston resident, we would appreciate your support on this year’s petition to become a warrant article. Please sign and email back to Thank you!
ATTENTION BRUINS FANS!! Our annual Bruins Fundraiser Raffle is back for 2021!! These would make great holiday gifts for the hockey lover in your life! Cash, check, or online donations accepted for the raffle. Make sure to indicate which item when purchasing tickets
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. Click on a picture to send one of us an email.
Bob Dawson
Assistant Principal
Steve Krzyzanowski
Assistant Principal
Heidi Leavitt
Counseling Director
Jennifer Mitchitson
Assistant Principal