Cornwall Public Library Newsletter January 2022
From the Director's Desk...
Are you the type of person who plans, and then plans some more? Personally, I am more of a fly-by-the seat-of-your-pants "planner." At home, I get done what needs to be done...well, when it needs to be done. But that's not how the Cornwall Public Library works. The staff here must plan months and months in advance. One of our staff members mentioned at a meeting recently that they are beginning to plan for summer. I thought, "Summer? Winter just started - Yikes!" But I know that if we want to continue to deliver the quality programs that happen here at the library, staff must plan well in advance. 

So we invite you to come in this New Year and enjoy the fruits of all the library staff planning. Participate in some of CPL's great programs, or just come in to cozy up with a good book.

Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
Special Library Closing

The library will be closed for staff training on Tuesday, January 25 from 9am-4pm. The library will re-open that evening from 4-8pm.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, January 12

All meetings are in person and open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
Featured Library Resource

Want to page through a magazine, but don't want to purchase a subscription? The library has the solution! Visit the library to enjoy the most recent publication of dozens of titles. You can even checkout and take home older issues.

In fact, we could use your help to make sure we offer our patrons what they want. Please take a moment to fill out our magazine survey and have your voice heard.
Digital magazines are also a great option. Use the Libby app to enjoy thousands of titles. For more info on accessing digital magazines, please call the library at 845-534-8282 or email
A Glimpse at Some CPL Holiday Programming Fun!
Programs For Adults
Midday Matinee
Tuesday, January 4

Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie. January's selection is Emma, the 2020 release.

Registration is now required and space is limited. Please register via the library website.

CDC guidelines for indoor gatherings
will be followed. No Food Permitted.
Know the Signs:
Alzheimer's Early Detection
Thursday, January 6
via Zoom

This virtual program will outline the risk factors, warning signs, diagnostic process, resources and benefits of early Alzheimer’s detection.

Register via the library website. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program
KonMari Tips for Tidying Your Space
Thursday, January 6
via Zoom

In this virtual program, KonMari Consultant Shannon Huneycutt provides you with the skills to maintain a tidy home, office and life!

Please have a standard t-shirt and pair of pants available to use while learning folding techniques. Registrants will have the opportunity to be entered into a special giveaway drawing.

Register via the library website beginning December 15. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program
Basic Knitting
Tuesday, January 18

Beat the winter blues with a fun new hobby. Learn the basics of knitting - no prior experience needed. All materials will be provided. Adult program - ages 12 and up are welcome.

Register via the library website beginning December 27. Admission is by registration only and space is limited.

CDC guidelines for indoor gatherings
will be followed.
Knit a Valentine Heart
Thursday, February 3

Add a little love to your kitchen by learning to knit a simple heart dishcloth. Some prior knitting experience required. All materials provided.

Adult program - ages 12 and up are welcome.

Admission is by registration only and space is limited. Please register via the library website beginning January 3.

CDC guidelines for indoor gatherings
will be followed.
Best of Ireland
Fully Inclusive, Guided Vacation
October 14-22, 2022

Experience the stunning beauty of Ireland with Friends of Cornwall Library and World Wide Travel. Sightseeing by luxury coach, a professional tour director, full breakfasts, most dinners, entertainment and more! For additional information or to book, contact Manuela Mocan at 845-534-4333 or Brenda Goldfarb at 845-534-8282. Flyers are available at the library.
Virtual Creative Writers

Register via the library's online calendar (only new members need to register).

A Zoom link will be distributed on the Friday before the meeting.
Member's Choice
Book Club
January 5 @4:00pm
The Darwin Affair
by Tim Mason

New members are always welcome. Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program.
Virtual Mystery
Book Discussion
January 20 @2:00pm
The Guest List
by Lucy Foley

Get your mystery novel 'fix' with fellow mystery lovers.

Digital eBooks are available through Libby and hoopla. Hard copies are available at the library.

Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program.
Virtual Out and About
Book Group
January 26 @8:30pm
The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Chosen and the Beautiful
by Nghi Vo
Read the "classic" and then the "retelling" and enjoy a discussion to compare the two!

eBooks and eAudiobooks are available through Libby and hoopla. Hard copies are available at the library.

Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the meeting.
Virtual Book Chat & Chocolate
January 27 @7:00pm
Heart's Invisible Furies
by John Boyne

It's the Hudson Valley's sweetest book group!

eBooks and eAudiobooks are available through Libby. Hard copies are available at the library.

Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program
Caring for Your Heart
Tuesday, February 1
via Zoom

Make a strong start to "Heart Health Awareness Month" with this excellent informational seminar given in partnership with Montifiore St. Luke's Cornwall. Registration opens January 3 via the library website.
Programs For Kids & Teens
Dog Tales
Select Mondays
January 3 & 17
Grades K-12

Read to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.

Please register via the library's calendar for a
15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to the program.
Chess Time
Select Mondays
January 10 & 24

All ages and skill levels are welcome. An instructor will be available to help.
Registration is required and space is limited.
Please register via the library's calendar. Registration opens one week prior to each program.
Story Time @ Home

Stop by the Youth Services desk and pick up a special story time created for your family to enjoy at home.

For ages birth to 5 years. New monthly offerings available.

Don't forget to check out the accompanying video on our YouTube channel.
Art Afternoon
January 19 @4:30pm
Grades K-12

Look at "mistakes" in a new light and make something beautiful out of them. Dress for mess.

Registration required and space is limited. Please register via the library website beginning one week prior to the program.
Put your observational skills to the test with this fun new display outside at the library. Enjoy some fresh air and the latest I Spy challenge. Clues will change periodically, so repeat visits to the library are always a good idea!
Book Group
January 11 @4:30pm
K-2nd Grades
Under the Snow
by Melissa Stewart

Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Book Break
Book Group
January 18 @4:30pm
3rd & 4th Grades
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
by Kate DiCamillo

Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Readzza Readzza!
Book Group
January 25 @4:30pm
5th-8th Grades

To Night Owl from Dogfish
by Holly Goldberg Sloan
& Meg Wolitzer

Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Teen Book Group
January 11 @6:30pm
The Downstairs Girl
by Stacey Lee
9th-12th Grades

Love to read? Curious what others think of a particular book? Hungry for some new recommendations? We've got the club for you!

Hard copies are available at the library when you register in person. Digital eBooks and eAudiobooks are also available through Libby.
January 7 @6:00pm

Grades 6-12. A library teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair at for more information.