June 2021
Back from School!
“Have I not Commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 
Joshua 1:9

I always find Joshua to be a book that encourages me, particularly the first chapter. During this past and current years, I have turned to the pages of this book many times to encourage me and help me to encourage others. All through the Bible, however, you can see how God stands by His people – His children. 
In Uganda we currently have a complete lock down once again. This country has had the lowest cases of COVID in all the world, but just in the last few weeks it has seemed to spike, which I have particularly noticed in Kamonkoli. I imagine if you do not know the Lord, Jesus Christ, then you will be living in fear. I always feel we should not fear such things because our lives are in God’s hands. I will not die until it is my time and only God knows when that is, and I firmly believe that “to live is Christ to die is gain.”
All the children are back from school again, some had just started back, and others had returned just a month before. The little ones (1st through 3rd grades) never got to return to school. They are feeling so sad that they are not going again as they miss their school friends and know that school is important. Through all of this, however, I have been reminding the children regularly just how important it is to stay focused on Jesus. Many of the youth and children are actually feeling depressed and, just like in America, there have been suicides as a result of the lock downs. My little girl, Eunice, was chatting with me about it and she asked me “Mom, how big will I be when I finally get to the second grade?” Then Enoch piped in that he would be big before he got to third grade! I know you all know the feeling, so please pray for them. 
Many children around the village have very little or no food. We are doing our best to give them food when we have funds given to us, and in the last three month’s we have been able to give out over a 1,000 food baskets per month in the community of Kamonkoli. We hope to be able to continue for the people who so desperately need this help.
At the children’s home we are planning a talent show with all the kids. We will sit around the campfire and watch as each child performs! The children are all excited, some practicing a dance, others a song – and I believe it will be fun for them all. Their eyes light up at the mention of the show. This is all being arranged by Victoria, a wonderful young lady, who is with us for a month from Houston, Texas. Victoria is studying to be a Christian Counselor/ Psychiatrist. She got here amidst the lockdown, and I can’t help but feel that it was God’s plan for her to be here at this time. She is doing so much at the children’s home and the kids are having a blast! Victoria is also spending time talking with and teaching them about the Lord and introducing them to new sports, such as baseball!
Roise grew up in Kenya in an intact, Christian family. In 2008 both she and her mother became very ill. During prayer, Roise felt God leading her to focus on Him rather than their health problems, the flesh. Surgeries offered her mother new health and a busy, active life. Roise’s doctors could no longer detect the heart problems she had been suffering. This evidence of God working in her life led Roise to become a strong woman of prayer. 
Praise and Worship with the kids

As a young woman, Roise received a certificate in hospitality and spent many years working in hotel administration. After her health troubles and healing she felt the Lord leading her to work with children in need. She first moved to Kampala, Uganda for further work in hotel administration while volunteering in a children’s home for disabled children. She felt the Spirit calling her to full-time children’s ministry and a friend told her about a position at our children’s home as the house mother for the teen girls and helping out in the main home as well. Roise offers good counsel and spiritual guidance to the children and never misses a teachable moment. She is a blessing to Katherine as a strong helper in the home and a fellow prayer warrior.        
We were so happy that people responded to help us get new kitchen cabinets for the children’s home. They are in and look great! Enjoy the pictures below, as we enjoy the cabinets!!! I am very thankful for the support received from all the faithful donors for sponsorship and other needs. I cannot say thank you enough to all of you who have made our work here in Uganda for the Lord possible. May the Lord bless you always. 

With love, Katherine
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Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa