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JWUMC Update Thursday March 9, 2023

Sun, Mar 12, 2023 2:00 AM

The time will move forward one hour Sunday morning.

The clocks moving forward means you will lose an hour of sleep, as your usual wake-up time of 8 a.m. will now be 9 a.m. on 12 March, making you late for church! If you find yourself at home when church is starting, join us on livestream!

Soup for the Soul – Tomorrow March 10th

Michelle Lowry will share a story of transformation. We will meet in the chapel at 12 for a short service followed by a delicious soup. Join us for a time to feed the body and feed the soul. 

Lenten Bible Studies have started.

  •  Our Lenten studies are based on the book “Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross” by Susan Robb. You can still join for any of the times they are being offered: Sunday morning (8:30am), Monday Evening (6:30pm), Tuesday morning (10:30am), Wednesday at 6:30pm (zoom) and Thursday at 2:00pm at the John Wesley House. The office has copies of the book available for $10.

Lent Preaching Series. During Lent, Pastor René is doing a sermon series based on the same book by Susan Robb “Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross.” Each Sunday will be dedicated to one of the last seven words of Jesus on the cross, and each will bring us closer to understanding God’s love and salvation for the world.

Prayer Wall "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" (Corrie ten Boom) Our prayer wall is up in front of the church. We are inviting our church community and our Falmouth community to pray. Write down your prayers, sit on the bench to contemplate and pray, or let others know about the power of prayer.

Chapel Communion Every Sunday at 9:00am

Every Sunday morning at 9:00am, you are welcome to join us in the chapel for Holy Communion, accompanied by a time of self-reflection. 


Rummage Sale Saturday April 22nd 8:30 -3

Items included in the sale:

Linen & Clothing $5 a bag *jewelry clearance *attic treasurers *books


people to set up on Friday *people to help during the sale *people to help clean up on Saturday afternoon

Housing in Falmouth.

Robert Bacon, a regular church attender, has been asked to vacate his apartment on March 30th as the building has recently changed owners. He is looking for a one-bedroom apartment in the Falmouth area. If anyone knows of an apartment, please email him at bbacon158@gmail.com.

Changing the World Offering 

The “changing the world” offering for the month of March will be used to help the victims of the Syria/Turkey earthquake. If you would like to contribute, you are welcome to send your change or donation to the church, or deposit them in the offering plate. There are special envelopes in the pews for these donations. You can also drop it off during the week, or feel free to send a check, earmarked “Syria/Turkey Relief.”

Monday Morning Crafters

The Monday Morning Crafters are meeting at 10:00 in the Fitzgerald Room. We would love to have some you join us. New ideas are welcome! We are a small group but a mighty one, as we make and sell our wares at the Holiday Fair in November. Do you knit, crochet, sew, quilt, Cross stitch, needlepoint, woodworking, etc., we would love to have you stop by some Monday. You do not have to join us every Monday. You can work at home and if you need some supplies, we just might have what you are looking for in our stash. If you have any questions about our group, please see the following ladies: Marge Dean, Sally Tracy, Eileen Burt, Cynthia Smith or Linda Duane.

Bishop’s Day in the District 

We are invited to join others in greeting our new Bishop and hear about her vision for the New England Annual Conference! Bishop Peggy A. Johnson will be in the Commonwealth East District's Old West Church, 131 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114 for an afternoon of holy conversation on Saturday, March 18, 2023 at 1:00 pm. Clergy and Laity are encouraged to attend. For planning purposes, please register.

The New Conference is offering anti-racism training 

The Conference’s Commission on Religion and Race (CCORR) is providing training events across the conference that will deal with intersectionality. This training is designed for clergy, lay ministers, and those in leadership positions. For more information or to register see pastor René or click here.

Correction: The funeral for Patsie Tsarides is on Friday April 21stat the Chapman Funeral home in Mashpee. Visiting hours will be at 10am with the funeral following at 11am.

Sunday School:

Sunday School for Kindergarten - 4th Graders is during the 9:30 service, after the children's moment. This week we are going to do a recap about what we previously learned about the Kings of the Old Testament!

Nursery Care for the youngest members of John Wesley is also available.

Youth Group

The Middle School Youth Group is on Sunday evenings from 4:00-6:00. The middle school group will begin their Lenten study on superheroes. High School Youth Group is on Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00. The high school group will be participating in an Inductive Bible Study relating to the 7 last words of Jesus. There is an hour overlap for both groups to enjoy dinner and games together.

We are in need of dinner volunteers for the next few weeks. If you are interested in making dinner for the youth group, please click here or see Hannah!

John Wesley Youth Recreation Center:

The JWYRC will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-5:00 pm and is for 5th-8th graders. This is a safe space for the middle schoolers of our community to hang out in after school. Youth are welcome to walk over from Morse Pond and Lawrence schools or they may be dropped off.

We have a special featured activity each day that we meet! Click here for the calendar of events for February and March. We hope to see your youth then!

Youth Fundraiser:

Thank you to everyone who supported the youth with their fundraisers for the Winter Retreat! We are so thankful for your generosity. Please continue to pray for our youth and chaperones as they go on this retreat!

Upcoming Save the Dates:

April 8: Easter Egg Hunt

August 14-18: Vacation Bible School

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