March 11, 2023

News from DAAD USA
Stay up to date on DAAD's activities in the US - from news about scholarship programs to opportunities for study and research in Germany.

Short-Terms Grant Deadlines Announced

DAAD is now accepting applications for Short-term Research Grants, Research Stays for Faculty, and Re-Invitation Grants. The application deadline for all three of these programs is May 15.

For more information on these scholarships, please click the links below in this newsletter or visit the Scholarship Database on our website.

Important Dates & Deadlines for DAAD Programs, Scholarships, & Grants

As of now, we expect all funding, programs, and internships below to resume as planned. For any updates, please visit the funding page and

Important Dates and Application Deadlines:

March 12: Germany Today 2023

March 24: DAAD Post-Doctoral Fellows at Johns Hopkins University

March 30: GAIN Internship Applications

April 3: Falling Walls Lab 2023

April 28: Germany Grad Fair 2023

May 1: German Studies Research Grant

May 15: Short-Term Research Grants

May 15: Research Stays

May 15: Re-invitation Grants

To view our informational video on who we are and what we do, please click here!

DAAD Programs, Scholarships, and Grants

Information Tour

Germany Today

DAAD invites representatives from universities, research institutions and funding agencies in the United States and Canada, as well as colleagues from the fields of education policy and politics, to join us for our “Germany Today 2023” information tour. This year’s tour will focus on the cooperation of German universities with industry. The tour includes on-site visits to a variety of higher education institutions, research institutions, and companies in Bielefeld, the Ruhr Valley, Aachen, Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Bonn and will take place from June 11-17, 2023.

Application deadline: March 12


Call for Applications

DAAD Post-Doctoral Fellows at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) - Johns Hopkins University

The Paul H. Nitze School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is pleased to announce the opportunity for outstanding scholars to conduct research in Washington, D.C., on “The United States, Europe, and World Order.” During the academic year 2023-2024 up to two post-doctoral fellowships will be awarded for a ten (10) month period from September 1, 2023 to July 1, 2024. Research and related activities will focus on “the roles of the United States and Germany at a crucial moment in world history.”

Application deadline: March 24


Science Slam

Falling Walls Lab 2023

The DWIH San Francisco will be hosting a Falling Walls Lab at Stanford University on April 19. Falling Walls Lab is a world-class pitch competition, networking forum, and stepping stone that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students and early-career professionals by providing a stage for breakthrough ideas both globally and locally. The multifaceted format supports participants in driving their innovations and develops their communication skills, fostering collaboration and creating a space for the impactful and sustainable community to thrive.

Application deadline: April 3


Join us in NYC!

Germany Grad Fair 2023

Come meet with us at the Germany Grad Fair 2023 hosted by the German Consulate General New York and the NY-based German University Liaison Offices! The Germany Grad Fair will give participants the opportunity to meet representatives from German universities, funding agencies and cultural institutions, allowing students and young professionals to make more informed decisions about the most suitable program and university for their specific goals. Participants will also gain an understanding of the application process and degree requirements, and they will hear from alumni who will share their experiences studying and/or doing research in Germany.

Join us on April 28 (RSVP required)



Research Funding

German Studies Research Grant

German Studies Research Grants are awarded for one to two months to highly qualified US and Canadian undergraduate and graduate students nominated by the professor supervising their German studies-relevant research.

Application deadline: May 1


Spring Deadline Announced

Short-Term Research Grants

Short-Term Research Grants are awarded for 1-6 months to highly qualified candidates who have completed a Master’s degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant supported research, or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).

Application deadline: May 15


Spring Deadline

Research Stays

DAAD offers grants for one to three months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. The aim of this particular program is to support short-term research stays and thus promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Application deadline: May 15


Spring Deadline

Re-Invitation Grants

DAAD offers grants for one to three months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. The aim of this particular program is to enable former scholarship holders to carry out research projects in Germany and to maintain contacts as part of DAAD’s global alumni network.

Application deadline: May 15


Work With Us!

Paid Summer Opportunity

GAIN Internship

The German Academic International Network (GAIN) at the DAAD New York office is accepting applications for a summer internship starting between May 1 and June 1 and ending on September 15 or 30, 2023. The internship involves assisting with organizing the 23rd Annual GAIN Conference of international mobile researchers from Germany – the largest forum for PhD students, postdocs, and professors currently researching abroad.

Application deadline: March 30


DAAD Alum Nan Goldin Wins the Käthe Kollwitz Prize

Last week, renowned photographer, activist, and DAAD alum Nan Goldin officially accepted the 2022 Käthe Kollwitz Prize awarded by the Akademie der Künste in Berlin. The prestigious yearly award goes to a contemporary photographer that has made major contributions to the field. Goldin's work is known for exploring topics related to the LGBT community, the HIV/AIDS crisis, and the opioid epidemic. In 1991-2, Goldin received an artist's fellowship from DAAD to live in Berlin, a city she still considers her "home."

Learn more about Goldin and the Käthe Kollwitz Prize here.

This announcement was prepared by:

DAAD Regional Office New York, 871 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017, legally represented by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn


Tel.: (212) 758-3223 





Head office:

Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105


Editorial staff:

Benedikt Brisch, Director DAAD New York

Amelia Wallace

Peter Kerrigan

with content by Brenda Lamboy


Image credits:



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