The increased need for food continues and Community Action Agencies are doing everything they can to address it. From operating traditional and mobile food pantries to delivering groceries and meals to collaborating with local vendors and restaurants to expanding their own capacity to secure and store food and supplies, CAAs across the state are not resting!
 ABCD Boston delivered 50 bags of groceries and essentials to Casa Maria Apartments. They also partnered with La Famiglia Giorgio's to deliver 50 hot, nutritious meals to North End Ausonia Apartment residents. All in day's work! PACE New BedfordFood Pantry is mobile, and it is always on the move! They post dates, times and locations each week. They serve approximately 1,200 people per week (up from 1,000 month pre-COVID).
 QCAP Quincydistributed food to families at their Head Start Center and continue to serve so many at their Food Center. They have served 4,800 clients and have seen a 300% increase in new clients.
- BCAC Pittsfield to purchase a walk-in freezer, refrigeration and a refrigerated van which will be used in support of our network of food pantries and feeding sites
- Citizens for Citizens Fall River to purchase a refrigerated food truck and related facility equipment to supplement their current food pantry operations
- LEO Inc. Lynn to purchase a refrigerated cargo van as well as storage and important kitchen infrastructure including commercial refrigerator and freezer units, worktables, and insulated food containers
If you or someone you know needs help with food or other needs, or you want to know how you can help, please contact your local Community Action Agency.