December 22, 2020
At this time last year, we had no idea what was ahead. We were engaged in end of year activities, making program and advocacy plans, getting to tasks on our lists that we kept on deferring to the next day or week or month.
Even though we were not planning specifically to address the devastating health, economic, and social effects of the pandemic and racial inequality, we were ready.  Our readiness was born not only of the firm foundation we have established in our communities and the integrated services we provide, but also of the dedication, commitment, responsiveness, innovation, and professionalism of our staffs across the state.
We share a common sentiment that 2020 cannot end too soon, and we look forward to 2021 with hope, gratitude, and a renewed commitment to the diverse communities and the people we serve - confident in our ability to adapt to crises, having added to our capacity new ways to administer our agencies and to help and support our vulnerable friends and neighbors.
The pandemics have exacerbated the challenges people living with low incomes face. Among the first and most pressing is food insecurity.  Early on CAAs and our allies across the state rose to the occasion to meet immediate needs and develop sustainable approaches to service and fighting poverty.
As we know from our report, Obstacles on the Road to Opportunity: Finding a Way Forward for the Children and Families of Massachusetts, addressing hunger, heating homes, preventing homelessness are critical to fighting poverty. However, we must also address the structural challenges that cause hunger and housing instability including low wages/the wage gap, racism, and the cliff effect.
Thank you for your commitment and service.  Stay safe and healthy.
Happy Holidays!

Joe Diamond, Jessica Benedetto, Lisa Clay, Amaris Kinne, Kathleen McDermott, Kathleen McDonald, Patricia Pelletier
The increased need for food continues and Community Action Agencies are doing everything they can to address it.  From operating traditional and mobile food pantries to delivering groceries and meals to collaborating with local vendors and restaurants to expanding their own capacity to secure and store food and supplies, CAAs across the state are not resting!

ABCD Boston delivered 50 bags of
groceries and essentials to Casa Maria Apartments. They also partn
ered with La Famiglia Giorgio's to deliver 50 hot, nutritious meals to North End Ausonia Apartment residents. All in day's work!

PACE New Bedford
Food Pantry is mobile, and it is always on the move! They post dates, times and locations each week.  They serve approximately 1,200 people per week (up from 1,000 month pre-COVID). 

QCAP Quincy
distributed food to families at their Head Start Center and continue to serve so many at their Food Center. They have served 4,800 clients and have seen a 300% increase in new clients.

CAA's receive 2020 Food Insecurity Infrastructure Grants to add capacity: 
  1. BCAC Pittsfield to purchase a walk-in freezer, refrigeration and a refrigerated van which will be used in support of our network of food pantries and feeding sites
  2. Citizens for Citizens Fall River to purchase a refrigerated food truck and related facility equipment to supplement their current food pantry operations
  3. LEO Inc. Lynn to purchase a refrigerated cargo van as well as storage and important kitchen infrastructure including commercial refrigerator and freezer units, worktables, and insulated food containers
If you or someone you know needs help with food or other needs, or you want to know how you can help, please contact your local Community Action Agency.

Our Mission
To strengthen and connect the statewide network of Community Action Agencies and collectively advocate for an end to poverty.

Our Vision
All MA residents will be able to meet their basic needs, access economic opportunities, build strong communities and move toward prosperity...

Find your Agency
There are 23 Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts serving virtually every city and town in the state.  To locate the agency in your area and learn more about the programs they offer, click here.
