Tickets are going fast! 2/3 sold out! Have an evening out and support the NWCA Easter Egg Hunt/ BBQ. Good times! For tickets email or 250-542-4516

NWCA Easter Egg Hunt/ Community BBQ
Saturday, March 31 at noon
 Westshore Estates Park
  Details coming soon


Response to Rant in Westside Post:  In the February issue a "ranter" wrote that the NWCA "introduced and passed a motion before Christmas NOT to provide any financial support or contributions to The Westside Post." The factual quote and motion in the NWCA October 2, 2017 minutes is as follows: " The board discussed this and has concluded that the $600.00 given this year will stand as such with no further donation this year - this is the largest donation the board has given to any community initiative. Motion to discuss ongoing support in January of 2018 with perhaps a donation of $25/month. "

The NWCA Board of Directors 
Rocket Building & Launching - Sunday, March 25 - 10am at the Fire Hall - 514 Udell Rd.
Hosted by Jason Satterthwaite - Funding 50/50 NWCA & Parents. Meet at the fire hall to build your rocket (approx. 2 hrs.) - parental or older sibling supervision required for kids under 6. When the rockets are built everyone will go to Westshore Park for launching - you must arrange your kids transportation. Please bring a snack for sharing.
Rocket kits have been purchased - 6 rockets still available - call Jason 250-260-0044  
North Westside Communities Association