December 3, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
On Guilt, Shame, and Freedom
Northminster Family,

After the service on Sunday, I received a few messages responding to my sermon on hope and hopelessness. More than one person said something about feeling “guilty” in response to the sermon, particularly in response to the statistics of hopelessness I shared near the end. 

I want to say first that guilt was not (nor will it ever be) my intention in giving a sermon. I don’t deal in shame, because inherent in questions of shame are questions of “Am I still worthy of love if…?” and the answer to that question is always Yes.

My intention in the sermon was rather to say: When you encounter something or someone that gives you an unpleasant feeling, when you encounter situations of hopelessness or experience hopelessness yourself… don’t look away. 

Don’t numb yourself. 

Don’t distract yourself. 

Feel it.

My intention was to invite us to move beyond the duality of hope and despair, beyond the duality of attachment and aversion, beyond the duality of past and future… and into the place where you are free. My hope was to point us towards the place where, in desperation and disillusionment, we are liberated to do what must be done, to die to the part of ourselves wrapped up in hope and despair so that we can allow the God-self in us to run loose with dangerous love that topples systems and lifts up the lowly.

That’s what I hoped would come through in the sermon.

However, if you’re one of those who experienced shame and guilt watching the sermon, I want to say two things.

1. You are unconditionally worthy of love. You are living your life in response to a roll of the cosmic dice and can be no one other than who you are. You are God wrapped in circumstance. Your worth has never been in question. Love the Spirit in you.

2. Sit with your guilt and ask it questions like: Why? Is it true? and What message or invitation is this feeling carrying? Grab a journal and a pen or call up a friend to talk through these things. Don’t settle for easy answers and don’t let yourself off the hook. Wrestle with those questions like Jacob on the Jabbok until they yield their blessing.

As always, I’d be glad to talk more over the phone or Zoom. Please let me know and we’ll find a time!

Thank you,

Photograph: "Rescue On Pit River Bridge,"
from the Newseum's exhibit on Pulitzer Prize winning photographs.
The Prayers of the People
An opportunity to celebrate and pray alongside siblings in our community.
We pray alongside...
H.T. Garner, as he recovers after a hospital visit last week.
Tim and Marissa Jaquess, as they grieve the death of Tim's sister Carolyn Long.
Sara Younger, as she is hospitalized at St. Francis with COVID-19.
Renee Decker who will be undergoing tests over the next few weeks related to upper gastric and heart related issues.
Debi Chandler, as her father Hugh Chandler prepares for a medical procedure in mid-December to address his kidney stones.
We celebrate alongside...
Will Sumner (3rd), Jaylynn Graves (3rd), Nathalie Shlosman (4th), Trae Carrington (5th), and James Helton (10th) as they celebrate their birthday.
If you have concerns or celebrations you would like us to add to the newsletter, please call the church office or email
The Work of the People
How we are responding to the Spirit of Love
Coordinating Council Special Election
Ballots are in the mail to the membership as the Coordinating Council seeks to fill the unexpired term of David Culp who resigned from the Council last week. This was not an easy decision for David but he felt he could not fulfill his responsibilities to Northminster at this time. Therefore, the Council has submitted the remaining three names from the original election ballot for you to vote in one person to fill David's role. These nominees are, Anita Breen, Susan Curry, and Kyle Gregory. Please be sure to return your ballot by mail or drop in the church's secure mailbox by the front door prior to Wednesday, December 9.
No Christmas Without Her:
Advent Sunday School Series
Begins This Sunday
A trickster who subversively sought her own justice. A sex worker who bargained for those in her care. An immigrant whose passionate faithfulness echoes down to the present. A survivor who would not be silenced, even by a king.

These are the women who made it into the genealogy of the Messiah. Join us Sunday mornings at 10am to dive into the stories of the 4 women named in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1.
"The Longest Night," A Service for Those Who Grieve
The holidays are not necessarily a joyful time for everyone. For some it can be a particularly difficult season of grief and depression as the hours of darkness grow longer and memories of all that we've lost come to the surface.

On December 13th at 5pm, we'll gather online for a Longest Night service. Sometimes called a "Blue Christmas" service or a "Service of Light in the Darkness," this will be a service designed to honor grief in a safe place that won't try to push it away. You don't have to move through this season alone.

Whoever needs this space is welcome.
Go Care's World AIDS Day Service

If you weren't able to see Go Care's World AIDS Day service on December 1st, please take a moment to take a look. The theme this year is "Global Solidarity and Shared Responsibility."
Around "Town"
Things going on in our community
Northwestern State ULA Christmas Gala
Robert McCandlish is in several acts of this year's NSULA Christmas Gala. On facebook, the NSULA Creative and Performing Arts page shared:

All of us at the Dear School of Creative and Performing Arts are sad we cannot offer our annual Christmas GALA live due to COVID. However, we have been working over the past weeks to record a special video recording of our 2020 Christmas GALA. The Christmas GALA offers our school the opportunity to raise resources that provide opportunities and materials not typically covered by university funds.

On Wednesday, December 2nd, you will be able to visit the CAPA webpage to access this year’s GALA video. A link will be provided on the webpage so that you may make a donation to receive the link to the video. Donations will be of your choosing, however, the suggested donation for access to the video is $5.00 for individuals or $20.00 per household. Once your donation is received through the online link, you will receive an email with a link to the video recording. THE RECORDING WILL BE AVAILABLE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd THROUGH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6TH ONLY.

Please visit or call 318-357-4522 for information.

Thank you for your support and please have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Holy Ideas
How might we respond to the Spirit of Love?
In this new season of social distancing, we need holy ideas to help stretch our imaginations for what is possible within this community more than ever.

Since we can't make use of the physical "Holy Ideas" board in the hallway, we'll maintain it virtually and keep it updated here in the newsletter. If you have an idea for a way the church can be church in this season, or if you see an idea you'd like to support to help it become reality, email the office.
Giving to Northminster
Support Northminster's Work
We are sensitive to the reality that financial uncertainty is one of the side effects of the pandemic. However, if you find yourself in a position to continue or increase your contributions to the church, know that your donation will be greatly appreciated. We have made the decision to honor our commitments to all those on our payroll (ministers, staff, choral scholars, childcare) who are relying on this income in an anxious time, and we cannot do that without your continued support.

To support Northminster financially, you can click here, or scan the QR code below with the camera on your phone.
Over the Coming Week
Sunday 12/6
10am - Sunday School
10:45am - Preludes and Online Chat
11am - Sunday Morning Liturgy
After Worship - Narthex Chat
5pm - A Service of Gratitude

Wednesday 12/9
6:45pm - Digital Choir "Rehearsal"
Worship This Week

The text this week is Jeremiah 8:8, 11, 18-22

Claire Helton will preach Sunday's sermon, which will be streamed at
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