Improving Port Economic Impact Analysis in Response to COVID-19
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional “counting” approaches to the economic contribution of ports are no longer sufficient to communicate the story of how a port supports a local, regional, or state economy. Clearly, we have seen in recent months how port delays have exposed significant bottlenecks in the supply chain, both in terms of time and reliability, and thus have become primary lynchpins in strategies to help solve these problems. Read More
Recently in the New York Times, it was reported that the structure and condition of the electric grid are increasingly serious obstacles to transitioning away from one-way central electricity generation to a more complex grid design where energy is generated by both utilities and new, distributed customer inputs for which the central systems were never designed. In parts of California and elsewhere, rooftop solar and other distributed energy sources generate more electricity during certain times of day than the grid can use, frustrating homeowners who have made expensive investments in renewable energy systems but are not seeing payback from selling their generation to the utility. Read More
Good Practices in Economic Incentive Programs
Incentives, grants, training programs, and other inducements are policies designed by government to enhance a location’s competitiveness, create a local benefit, or otherwise induce a company to make a location decision that they might not otherwise make. And just like any other tool, they can only be used effectively if those applying it understand the problem they are trying to solve, and then bring the right policy to the table. Read More
New York City’s COVID-19 Recovery-One Year Later
It has been nearly a year since our last blog about New York City and its COVID-19 related challenges and responses. At that time, uncertainty about how well the City would cope, as well as long-term prospects for recovery, were at their height. Since then, the national, state, and local public health responses have greatly improved. COVID-19 vaccines have been rolled out, and after initial difficulties in production, distribution and administration, vaccines are now plentiful, as is COVID-19 testing.
Three critical areas key to recovery are transportation, real estate, and workforce. How have they performed, both in absolute terms and relative to projections a year or so ago? Read More
Chris Steele Contributes to IEDC Gold Award Winning Industrial Development Incentive Program

Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association (AIHA) was recently recognized by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) by winning the prestigious, Gold Rank Award for AIHA’s Heartland Incentive Program (HIP). Chris Steele was hired by the AIHA to work with its member municipalities to help finalize the policy, and then to write the individual municipal bylaws to implement the program. Read More
EBP is looking forward to participating in person and presenting at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101st Annual Meeting, which will be held January 9–13, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Our staff will also be involved in numerous committee meetings and events, and we hope to see you there!