Outstanding Eagle Project, Merit Badge Counselor Lists, Range Master Training... and more!
Our Camp Masters Popcorn arrived at the Kloke Group warehouse this week!
Visit www.PopcornVirginia.org to participate in the Popcorn & Peanut fundraiser.
September 10th, 2021
Percell Jackson of Troop 553 Unveils Outstanding
September 11th Memorial Eagle Project
For his Eagle Scout Project, PercellJackson of Troop 553 planned, designed, and created a 9/11 memorial for the Henrico County Division of Fire. The memorial is located at the Henrico County Division of Fire Training Center off of Woodman Road and recognizes the men and women who lost their lives during 9/11. Due to its location, Henrico County firefighters will encounter the memorial when they participate in training. In addition, the memorial will give new Henrico County Fire recruits motivation during their academy classes which are held daily at the training center.
The Central Virginia Orienteering Club (CVOC) is presenting its 8th Annual Orienteering Weekend at Albright Scout Reservation. CVOC members, Scouts, and the public are welcome. This event is primarily directed at Scouts that need to complete a mile orienteering course, requiring measuring height and/or distance, for First Class Rank. This event is FREE for Scouts and adult leaders.
Thursday, October 7th is a bad day to be a clay! The Richmond Area Sporting Clays Classic, presented by Virginia Green,is a fun event for both experienced shooters and novices. The annual sporting clays tournament is a great way to entertain clients and reward your business associates all while supporting HOVC Scout camp programs. Carefully laid out around the beautiful Cub Adventure Camp in Goochland County, the course consists of multiple stations with unique presentations.
The merit badge program is a primary support system for Scouts BSA. They provide exposure to areas of interest that could be pursued as a vocation, a hobby, a sport, or possible business. Chuck Sullivan, HOVC Advancement Chair, has provided us with a great resource regarding merit badges and their counselors, including how unit leaders can access a list of registered counselors in Scoutbook.
Want to learn more about our 2022 Council contingent to Philmont Scout Ranch, the Boy Scouts of America's premier High Adventure base? Explore more than 214 square miles of rugged northern New Mexico wilderness and experience this legendary country during the summer. Are you up for an adventure? Apply for the Philmont 2022 trip now as crews are beginning to meet and prepare. More than 12 spots are available for Scouts, and adults are needed! [Details/Application]
"Dreams can grow wild born inside an American child." - Phil Vassar