Community Conversations: Davening Together In-Person and Online

OR TBD--more opportunities coming!

As we move toward gathering in person again, join us for an hour-long community conversation: What about davening together online has nourished you? What do you hope to carry forward when it becomes more possible to gather?
The Makom Minyan* is a new working group of Shir Tikvah community members. We are convening to vision the shape of an accessible sanctuary that spans across physical and virtual space. As we enter an era where some people will gather in person while other people will continue to gather online, we are presented with an opportunity to deepen our practice of radical hospitality. How will we daven together as a community in this multi-modal space?

This minyan’s first task is to understand the kaleidoscope of our experiences, needs, hopes, and visions for gathering. Throughout November, we will hold space to have conversations as a community about how we daven together. In December, we will let what we learn in these conversations guide us to an approach for davening together across space and time. In January, we hope you will join us with curiosity and openness as we try gathering in a new way. We will invite you to remain in conversation with us into January and beyond so we can, as a community, evolve and grow our practice of coming together in tefilah.

Keep an eye on the eNews in the coming weeks for more opportunities to join the conversation.

Want to join the working group? We need partners! Email Sam or Harry for more.

*Makom means place and often refers in Tanakh to sacred space. It is also one of G-d’s names. We call ourselves Makom because we seek, through our work in strengthening how we gather together, to enter that sacred Makom, that sacred space. We call ourselves a Minyan to dedicate our conversations and labors together to our tefilah (prayer).
Shir Tikvah | 612-822-1440 | |