November 1, 2021
Remembering Our Alumni

As we celebrate All Saints Day, we ask that you take a moment in prayer to remember all of those alumni that have gone before us.

Veterans Day Observance

On Thursday, November 11 we will observe Veterans Day at SFD with a brief ceremony to start the day. We invite all Veterans or those currently serving to join us that morning. Guests will meet at 7:10am in the school's Vision Room. Bishop Brennan will also be here that morning to celebrate. To RSVP, please email Karen Cofojohn at
Class Notes
Congratulations to SFD alumni Jacob Vaughan '09, Douglas L. Reisinger '04 and Edward Powell IV '10 who recently graduated from the Columbus Division of Police Academies 135th class. The Academy motto is, “come here to learn, leave here to serve.” Our alums continue to serve our communities in many different ways. We thank all those who serve, and are so proud of those who are living examples of the lessons of hard work, integrity, and love for others that was instilled in them while at DeSales.
Share Your Story

Have you recently had a child, tied the knot, moved, been promoted at work or recognized by a peer group with a special honor? We want to know about it and so do your fellow alums! 

Stallion Way is Almost Complete

Last week pavers went down on Stallion Way - the new drive connecting Ferris Road to our campus. With this addition, our students will gain an additional access and departure point to/from the south parking lot, make the student commute safer, and alleviate traffic on Karl Road. Follow the finishing work being done on Stallion Way on the school's social media pages.
Cheers to a Great Event!

Thank you to all who attended and supported Friends in the Courtyard Wine Tasting and Auction! After 751 days, it was wonderful to be together for an evening of fellowship and fun, all while raising money to benefit our students. A special thank you to our event sponsors, donors, volunteers and parent co-chairs Lisa Solazzo and Betsy (Pharion) Stewart '97.
Class Reunion Celebration
Members of the Class of 1990 had a great time celebrating their 30 + 1 reunion last month at Fado Pub and Kitchen in Dublin's Bridge Park. Thank you to all who attended and helped plan this wonderful gathering!
In Memoriam     Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Ryan Hogan, class of 1996, passed away on October 14, 2021.

Joshua Nesser, class of 2002, passed away on October 29, 2021.