Week of September 20 to 26, 2020
As we seek to continue to keep connected as a church family, below you will find several ways to participate in worship, prayer, and service with others from HBIC. We invite you to join us in any of these various ways this week!

There's also some important information in this week's e-mail, so be sure to scroll the whole way through!

We continue to pray that you will experience the riches of the Lord's presence during this time in which many of us are not able to be present with one another!
-- HBIC Pastoral Staff

Our pastoral staff are working together each week to record a worship service for our church family.

The service will be available on the HBIC YouTube Channel on Sunday mornings by 9 am, as well as anytime thereafter. This pre-recorded, online service is available in addition to the in-person worship services at Lingle Park.

This week we will be sharing in communion during our services. If you are joining us online, you'll need to be prepared with your bread/cup elements.

We are live-streaming both the 9 and 11 am in-person services, giving one more worship service option for those who are not able to join us at the park. If all works well, you'll be able to link to either of the live-stream services on our HBIC YouTube Channel ( at the time of the service, or you'll be able to watch the recording of the livestream anytime.

The Worship-At-Home Resource Page serves as a companion to the weekly worship video on the HBIC YouTube Channel and includes the song lyrics, the sermon scripture, reflection questions, plus some links for children. ...If you have more than one device and you'd like to see the lyrics to sing along, or have the sermon scripture handy to read along, you can have the video playing on one device while you follow along with the worship resource on the other!

May you experience the blessing of God
as you worship this week!

Each week, we'll include here a link to the children's message... You can click here to view this week's children's message by Pastor Patty.

If you've registered for one of the worship services at Lingle Park tomorrow, 9 am and 11 am, please look for an email with a few last minute details and reminders.

...If you still need to register for one of the September 20th services, click here for 9 am, or click here for 11 am.

If you have any questions between today and tomorrow morning (before 8:00 am), feel free to contact Pastor Hank or Pastor Lynda.

As a church family, let's keep in prayer those who have lost loved ones:

Please pray for Patti and Max Shradley and their family as they mourn the recent passing of Patti's brother.
Since we do not have a weekly worship service bulletin during this time, we are including a Schedule for the Week in this weekly email.

The following will be taking place during the week of September 20 to 26:

  • Sunday, 9 am - On-Line Worship Service (HBIC YouTube Channel)
  • Sunday, 9 am and 11 am - Worship Services (Lingle Park)
  • Sunday, 9 am and 11 am - Worship Service Livestream (HBIC YouTube Channel)
  • Sunday, 1 pm - Family Meet-Up for Children & Families (Lingle Park)
  • Sunday, 4 pm - In-Person Youth Group, Grades 6-12 (Lingle Park)
  • Sunday, 8 pm - Child Dedication Class for Parents (Zoom)
  • Monday, 4 pm - Creation Kids on Zoom (Zoom)
  • Monday, 6 pm - Church Board Meeting (Zoom)
  • Wednesday, 7 pm - Virtual Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
  • Thursday, 4 pm - Food Pantry (CE Room)
  • Thursday, 4 pm - Creation Kids on Zoom (Zoom)
  • Friday, 10 am - 3 pm - Red Cross Blood Drive (CE Room)
  • Friday, 7:30 pm - Child Dedication Class for Parents (Zoom)
  • Saturday, 2 pm - Young Adult Kayaking (Susquehanna Outfitters)

If you'd like more information, contact any of the pastors or the church office. And please keep these groups, gatherings, and meetings in prayer this week as you pray for the church.

This Sunday Sept 20th, the Children's Ministry Team is offering a Family Meet-Up at Lingle Park, 1:00 to 2:30 pm. We will have some organized games, masks, hand sanitizer, and a time to be together. 

Our youth are having In-Person Youth Group at Lingle Park on Sundays from 4:00 to 5:30pm, combined for both Jr and Sr High. These outdoor gatherings will take place through the end of October. Contact Pastor Brie for more info!

Pastor Patty and some of our children's ministry volunteers are looking forward to hanging out with your children on Zoom, Monday and Thursday afternoons at 4 pm, catching up with one another, playing some games, and praying together. Contact Pastor Patty for the link that your child will need for these times of connection designed especially for kids.

All are invited to join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings on Zoom, 7 pm.

We hope to see you at this special gathering to pray for one another, our church, community, and world! Click on the purple button below to link to the Prayer Meeting. Contact Pastor Hank for more info.

Our Food Pantry will have its semi-monthly distribution this Thursday, September 24, from 4:00-5:30 pm, outside the CE Room.

Our Food Pantry ministry provides supplemental food for households, to help with several days of food. If you'd like more information about making use of this resource or about volunteering, please contact Pastor Carmen.

On Friday, September 25, our church will be a host site for a local Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 am to 3 pm, in the CE Room. We invite you to consider giving blood on that day if you are able! And watch for more details in the coming week!

All young adults are invited to a kayaking outing this Saturday, September 26th at 2 pm at Susquehanna Outfitters, 333 Front St., Wormleysburg. There are a few spots left... Contact Pastor Brie for all of the details if interested!

Each week, the opening page of our church's website,, has the registration links for both the 9 am and the 11 am services! We are currently meeting at Lingle Park, through the end of September - this will be our last Sunday at the park! (Click here to see our protocols for meeting together during this time of Covid-19.)

Please be sure to register by Saturday in order to help the staff to prepare the check-in list, etc. If you have any questions about our outdoor services, contact Pastor Hank or Pastor Lynda. We look forward to seeing you if you are able to join us at Lingle Park for our outdoor services!

Next Sunday, we will have Parent/Child Dedication in both services at Lingle Park.

Parent/Child Dedication is a time where parents commit to raising their child in a Christian home, and the church also commits to supporting parents.

There will be ten children dedicated next Sunday, five in each service. We hope you'll be able to join us for this special time!

On Friday, October 2, there will be a Children’s Ministry Meet-Up for families and volunteers at 3B’s Ice cream on Derry St., 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Join us for a fun time together and some great ice cream! Bring a chair or blanket to sit on the lawn. (CM will purchase ice cream for the kids, and adults are on their own! ) 

One of our special times of gathering each fall is for our Missions Prayer Breakfast... We wondered, can we still have a prayer breakfast without the breakfast? Sure we can!

Join us on Saturday morning, October 3 (with your own breakfast if you'd like), 9 to 11 am for a special time of gathering to pray. Missions Prayer on Zoom, sponsored by the Prayer and Missions Ministry Teams, will give us the opportunity to pray for - and in some cases with - our missionaries! We hope you'll be able to be with us...Watch for the link next week!

On Sunday, October 4 we will celebrate our annual Missions Sunday - we hope you'll join us, either in person or online, for this special service!
Jonathan Lloyd, Director of BIC World Missions, will be with us to share the morning's message, Following the Commands of Christ: Go and Make Disciples of All Nations (Matthew 28:19-20). We're looking forward to Jonathan's inspiration and challenge from the Word! And some of our church's missionaries will also be taking part in the service. Don't miss it!

And each year on Missions Sunday, we take a special Missions Offering, which is used primarily to provide a love gift to all of the missionaries sent out from our church, plus a small portion also given to BIC World Missions. Our Offering Goal for this year is $10,000 or more. It will take many gifts, both large and small, to reach this goal. Each of us is encouraged to ask God for direction in what we are to share in order to support and bless our missionaries this year. You can give your Missions Offering in person at our services on October 4, or you can give online or mail a check to the church (marked for Missions Offering) anytime between now and the last Sunday in October.

(Note: If you'll be joining us for the in-person services on October 4, we will be having outdoor services at the church, across from our main sanctuary entrance, inside the fenced lot by the blue building on 22nd St. Bring your own chair if you can! We'll be continuing with pre-registering for our services, the link will be on the church website by Sept. 28th.)

Beginning Sundays in October, Youth Sunday School will resume - all youth in grades 6-12 are invited! Sunday School will take place during our 11 am service, in the large youth room!

We're excited about the many Life Group and Study Group opportunities available this fall... you can link to the information here. To sign up for one of the groups, click on the light green button below.

Most groups will be meeting online; those meeting in person will do so with the church's covid-safety-protocols (mask wearing, 6 ft. distancing, etc.).

We believe that an important aspect of our walk of faith is to learn and grow with others, so we hope you will consider joining a group! You can contact Pastor Woody if you have any questions about any of the groups. Sign up today!

Looking for ways to spend some time outdoors? If you have some spare time and would like to do some weeding at the church property, we have just the job for you! We've made some progress on the weeds, but more help is needed!

To schedule a time to come and help out, contact Pastor Lynda . You can bring your own gloves and weeding tools if you have them, or we can provide what you need. We appreciate any time that you can give, whether a little or a lot!

Some changes are coming to all Zoom accounts... Starting September 27, Zoom will require that all meetings have a Passcode or a Waiting Room enabled.

So don't be alarmed if you are put in a "waiting room" to start or if you're asked for a passcode. The leader of each meeting/gathering will keep an eye out for waiting room entries, and/or we will start providing passcodes with the links for meetings and gatherings. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Brie, who is managing our church's Zoom account and schedule.