November is National Runaway & Homeless Youth Prevention Month
A new chapter for Adventure Challenge: Youth Development Coordinator Ethan May (far right, in front of the guide on a Whitewater rafting AC trip) retired this fall after 31 years.
We want to thank you and all friends of New Beginnings for your ongoing support to help us provide stability for the youth we serve during these unprecedented times. Like you, we are weathering many changes this year!
Check out this issue (and follow us on Instagram) to learn more about one youth's path to success, a milestone staff retirement, November Runaway & Homeless Youth Prevention month events including our annual (Virtual) Open House at noon on Nov. 17, and more!
Thank you for helping to make all of our work possible.
If you prefer to read your news in the same layout as the paper newsletter, you can find the entire Autumn 2021 Newsletter on our website.
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When Haley* first came to Marian’s Place emergency shelter, she left behind a childhood spent taking care of parents who could not properly care for her. Their health problems meant they couldn’t work or pay their bills, leading to the family constantly uprooting and moving from place to place.
“My parents have been sick for as long as I can remember. So, I became the parent. It was a toxic situation for me.” At age 19, she was on her own living at the shelter, with no support after years of caring for her family. “I didn’t have the best home life, and I knew I’d have to rely on myself to change that. I wanted more.”
Haley struggled with severe depression but was determined to make something out of her life. Marian’s Place staff helped her get connected with mental health services and New Beginnings’ Transitional Living Program (TLP) Community Living apartments for young adults ages 18 to 21. “It was the first time I was only responsible for myself, but I still needed support to learn how to live, do dishes, make food, everything.”
When Haley came to the TLP, she was a quiet young woman who knew what she wanted, but didn’t necessarily have the skills, support, or self-esteem to do it on her own. At the TLP Community Living program, Haley was able to get supportive housing for up to 18 months. At the heart of New Beginnings’ model of care is creating caring and trusting relationships with young people that we know can bring about change.
Along with housing, the TLP offers intensive case management to support youth’s goals, a housing manager to teach tenant-landlord skills, and supportive services like education/employment support and prevention education – all with the goal to improve independent living skills.
“Support is key, but you have to accept it. Not everyone is ready to do that, but I was.” Haley’s New Beginnings case manager helped her figure out the steps she needed to accomplish her ambitious plan: find her own apartment, get counseling and other outside supports she would need in place for when she would leave the TLP, and work on her herself and her skills.
With a support system around her and a listening ear whenever she needed it, Haley began working on her plan. Over time, Haley was able to be successful. When asked how her life has changed since coming to New Beginnings, Haley said, “I’m making a life on my own, I got an apartment, food stamps, and I did it on my own, I’m proud of that!”
Marian’s Place shelter can be reached from our 24-hour Helpline (207)-795-4070.
To learn more or make a referral to our TLP or CLP, please contact TLP Coordinator Denise Vaillancourt at (207) 795-4074.
*Youth name changed to protect privacy
New Beginnings 2020 Annual Report
Adventure Challenge: 31 YEARS STRONG
Ethan May (middle) on a Whitewater rafting AC trip, Summer 2021
Ethan May, New Beginnings’ longest continuously serving employee, retired as Youth Development Coordinator this fall. Ethan co-founded and developed the Adventure Challenge (AC) component of the Transitional Living Program (TLP), leading small groups of NB youth and staff on nearly 200 wilderness trips and urban adventures over his three decades.
Since the very first AC camping trip to Bradbury Mountain State Park in 1989, Ethan has brought youth all over New England and beyond for skiing, winter camping, canoeing, whitewater rafting, ropes courses, deep sea fishing, backpacking, rock climbing, apple picking, horseback riding, and more.
The Adventure Challenge (AC) program, originally modelled after Outward Bound, offers experiential learning designed to include therapeutic nature-based experiences, physical challenges, and teach important life and social-emotional skills like teamwork, trust, and belief in one’s own abilities.
Many New Beginnings youth have never travelled beyond the places they grew up and Lewiston, nor had the resources to experience outdoor recreation that many Mainers simply take for granted. Most have never experienced “big city” life either; so urban adventures also brought youth to Portland, Boston, Washington D.C., Quebec City, and New York. All the AC trips help youth grow by trying new things and taking positive, healthy risks outside their comfort zone with caring adult support.
"In wilderness travel, like in life, you go as slow as the slowest person. Thanks for the Adventure Challenges."
—Former Youth
Ethan’s steady, humble dedication to the youth has been remarkable and appreciated by generations of TLP youth. “Going on these trips helps youth realize they are capable of so much more than they thought.” Ethan said at his retirement celebration, “I am honored to have been able to be a part of this, and lucky to have met so many amazing young people.” Ethan shared that the agency’s focus on Positive Youth Development and his “incredible co-workers” were what made his long tenure possible. “I never thought I’d be doing this for 10 years, let alone 30, but it has been incredibly fulfilling.”
Ethan shared that a favorite memento he’d received was a note from a former youth, “The note said he’d learned that ‘In wilderness travel, like in life, you go as slow as the slowest person. Thanks for the Adventure Challenges.’ – Isn’t that the truth!? He understood the concept of TEAMWORK. Life lessons come from AC trips for the youth and the adults!”
We all wish Ethan the best of luck in his newest adventures – retirement and grand-parenthood! – and look forward to the ways that new staff at the TLP will continue his legacy with future Adventure Challenges.
New Beginnings is always seeking in-kind or reduced-cost options for Adventure Challenge trip opportunities and equipment. To support future AC trips, please contact
BENEFIT CONCERT THANKS: We are grateful to Boardman, Muise and Gawler, a folk music string trio which performed traditional and new fiddle tunes and songs to benefit New Beginnings on Saturday October 30th at Trinity Church! We love when community members make a difference for runaway & homeless youth!
YOUTH ACTION BOARD: The Maine Statewide Youth Action Board (YAB) has been focusing a lot of energy on advocacy for unhoused young people. Recently they took part in a few national conferences about ending youth homelessness. YAB Members have consistently been consulting with service providers across the state of Maine, ensuring that youth/young adult voice is at the table and valued for their expertise. The statewide YAB is recruiting young adults with lived experience of homelessness/systems of care. Contact Bridgette Semler at or call/text 207-402-9106.
RECENT GRANTS: We have been fortunate to receive grants for program support from MainStreet Foundation (for the Youth Action Board); Elmina B. Sewall Foundation (Community Services & a rapid response TLP project); ME Association of REALTORS Foundation (Outreach & Client Assistance); Healthy Neighborhoods/LA Metro Chamber (Community Services); and two 3-year federal Runaway & Homeless Youth Act grants for our Basic Center (Marian’s Place Shelter) and Transitional Living Programs.
NEW Public Service Announcement
Our Youth have powerful voices and we want them heard!
Be sure to check out New Beginnings Public Service Announcement,
launching on November 22, 2021.
Help make the holiday season brighter for homeless youth!
Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, every December New Beginnings distributes holiday gifts to youth in our programs in Lewiston, Augusta, and Farmington.
This year we need your support to make it possible for 100 youth to each get a care package containing gifts and winter necessities.
(207) 795-4077 or
Learn more online at:
New Beginnings is funded in part by the State of Maine and US Departments of Health & Human Services, Family & Youth Services Bureau, Housing & Urban Development, and United Way.