13 April 2023

Worship With Us at Trinity Church

Sunday, 16 April
The Second Sunday of Easter

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church

10:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church
and live-streamed via YouTube

In This Week's eVoice
Church by the Pond - 15 April
Adult Christian Formation Forum - 16 April
Welcome Madison Thompson - Substitute Organist
EfM Open House - 17 April
Vestry Meeting - 18 April
Avery Ensemble Concert - 21 April
Adult Christian Formation Forum - 23 April
Road Construction - Sigourney Street
“SAHEBA'S SEWING” is open for business!
Lost and Found
Lenten Giving Opportunity - Cathedral Drop-off Dates
Prayer List Requests
Special Prayer Requests
News from the Diocese
Church by the Pond on April 15
Trinity's next opportunity to participate in this ministry led by Christ Church Cathedral is Saturday, April 15.
- We'll meet in the Trinity kitchen at 12:30 to prepare bag lunches, entering though the outside door to the kitchen.
- At 1:45 we'll bring those lunches to Bushnell Park, where we'll participate in the worship service by the pond, led by Rev. D.
- We'll distribute our lunches and personal care items following the service, and finish around 3:00.
All parishioners and families are welcome. Volunteers will observe mask and social distancing protocols in the kitchen, and Cathedral mask protocol in effect at the time for in-person worship at the park.
Questions? Feel free to contact Percy Williamson or Penny Pearson. 
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Processing Three Years Of Change
If someone asked you, “What’s new at Trinity Church?” how would you answer?
So much has changed in the past few years – we said goodbye to one rector and welcomed another, we said goodbye to one minister of music and welcomed another, we made it through a pandemic but we’ve had to say goodbye to some long-time and short-time members – it would be hard to answer that question quickly.

The Adult Christian Formation team invites you to come to the Library following the 10 o’clock Eucharist on Sunday, April 16 to talk about what’s changed: what we’ve gained, and what we’ve let go of over the past 3 years. We will reminisce and mourn, but we will also celebrate. Where has God been present in all of these changes? Who is God calling us to be now?

Roy McAlpine will facilitate our discussion. Please join us!
Welcome Madison Thompson, Substitute Organist
Michelle Horsley is on vacation Sunday, taking some well-deserved time off. In her place, we welcome Madison Thompson, a sophomore at Trinity College who studies organ with Christopher Houlihan. Madison also serves as the Chapel Organist on campus as well as the organ scholar at St. Patrick- St. Anthony Church.
Welcome, Madison!
EfM Open House Monday
April 17 at 6:30 pm
EFM (Education for Ministry, rewarding program of lay people which combines a detailed examination of the Old and New Testaments with church history and theology in a small seminar setting.  Discussions focus on weekly assignments and the personal faith and life experiences of group members as we share what we have learned and reflect on how God has been known to his people through history and in our own lives.    
An EFM Seminar currently meets weekly, September through May, at St. James’s Church in West Hartford Center. An Open House will be held on Monday, April 17 at 6:30 pm in the St. James’s Parish Room, 1018 Farmington Ave. If you can’t make the open house or have any questions, please contact Ron Ward, 860 463 8057.
Vestry Meeting
The Vestry will meet on Tuesday, April 18th 
at 7 pm online only
(Meeting ID: 857 1776 4576
Passcode: 847853).
Vestry meetings are open to any member of the parish. Members of the parish are especially invited to bring concerns and feedback to the Vestry during the “Feedback from Congregation” section of the meeting which begins at about 7:20/7:30. (The first 15-20 minutes of the meeting are a time of reflection and connection).
Members who choose to do so are welcome to come only to the beginning of the meeting to share concerns or are welcome to stay for the entire meeting. Please note that if there are conversations that are confidential in nature, visitors to the meeting will be asked to excuse themselves for that portion and then will be invited back in.
Trinity Church is hosting a concert by the Avery Ensemble.
The Program includes the Mozart Piano Quartet in E flat Major and Brahms Piano Quartet in A Major.
A free will offering will be taken.
Celebrate Renewal with the Avery Ensemble in honor of pianist Adriana Jarvis's renewed health and recovery from long Covid and in honor of our newest members, violinist Laura Bossert and violist Emily Lane.
Adult Christian Formation
Part 2 of Processing Three Years of Change
What’s New in Episcopal Churches? April 23, 2023

On Sunday April 23, Donald Romanik, President of the Episcopal Church Foundation and member of Trinity Church, will share his observations about what has been happening in other parishes across the country as they have negotiated the shifting landscape of our nation and our Church.

  • What have other churches given up in order to remain viable during the unprecedented national COVID lockdown?
  • What new practices are parishes engaging in to remain vital?
  • What can Trinity Church learn from the experiences of these other parishes?

The Adult Christian Formation team invites you to come to the Library following the 10 o’clock Eucharist on Sunday, April 23 to hear how other parishes in other places are living into the faith that we share. Please join us!
Road Construction
on Sigourney Street

Significant work in the area by the gas company is beginning on Garden St in a few weeks and eventually moving to Sigourney St between Farmington Ave. and Asylum Ave. The projected completion of the project is late December/Early Jan 2024. The work will begin every weekday at 8:30 am and will stop by 3:30 pm.

Please know that it may be difficult to enter through the Sigourney St. entrance. Please plan accordingly and use the Farmington Ave. entrance.
The office will monitor and issue any updates.
“SAHEBA'S SEWING” is open for business!
Trinity's Afghan refugee mom has opened a sewing business from her home, and welcomes new customers. She has a shop in the family home conveniently located off Farmington Avenue, where she sees customers at their convenience. Saheba does alterations and repairs and creates beautiful clothing, both International and Western, for both women and children, as well as fabric items of all sorts, such as tote bags, gardener’s aprons, and covers for musical instruments.
To make an appointment with Saheba, please call Anne Rapkin, 860-521-5992 or

Have you misplaced a pair of eyeglasses or a favorite scarf? Has your umbrella gotten away from you? Please check with the office. Items will be sent to Good Will in May to make room for new articles.
Contact Barbara in the office.
Lenten Giving Opportunity to Benefit
College Students - Thank you!

To everyone who was able to participate in purchasing personal care items during Lent to benefit the Capital Community College (CCC) Food Pantry - thank you! What a generous outpouring of support for these students, yet another example of our Faith in Action!
(Reminder: If you are planning to deliver your items in-person to the Cathedral, the drop-off timetable is Friday (4/14), from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m; Sunday (4/16) from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.)
Prayer List
Should you like a name added to the Prayer List, please contact Barbara in the office at office at or 860-527-8133 ext. 204.
Please note that unless the office is otherwise notified, the name will be on the list for 4 weeks and then removed.
Special Prayer Request

A member of our parish, Jacqui Lucier has advanced kidney disease and is in need of a transplant.

As we pray for Jacqui, we also ask that you prayerfully consider being screened as a potential kidney donor. For more information about living organ donation and to sign up to be screened, please visit Please encourage your friends and family to consider donor screening.

To hear Jacqui talk about her illness and need for a transplant, watch this clip that has aired on local news.
Weekly Calendar
Find upcoming events HERE .
News from the Diocese

Click the links below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, and in our North Central Region.

Click here to watch a 5 minute reflection by Bishop Jeff on “Race as a Lens".

eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to Barbara Roos at by Wednesday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.
120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105