November 18, 2021
What's Inside...
  • Municipal Health Solutions
  • Save The Date Employment Workshop
  • Save The Date Budget Process Workshop
  • OML/OMUP Water and Environmental Summit
  • 2022 "If I Were Mayor..." Essay Contest
  • TSET’s Investment in Prevention Benefits Oklahoma
Municipal Health Solutions
Oklahoma Cities and Towns…enrollment for Municipal Health Solutions (MHS) is currently underway. If you are interested in lowering your rising healthcare costs for your municipal officials and staff, please consider MHS for your comprehensive health benefits. 
Over the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that Oklahoma cities and towns are facing rising healthcare costs that present challenges to fiscal responsibility and competitive benefits. MHS is a possible solution in helping to control these rising costs with a program that is specifically built for you and your municipality.

If you are interested in joining other fellow Oklahoma municipalities in combating rising healthcare costs, all the while offering a highly competitive plan and benefits, please contact Nancee Morris, MHS Plan Administrator, at 405-528-7515 or email: Nancee Morris for a consultation and to receive complete plan information. We also invite you to visit our MHS Website.
2022 "If I Were Mayor..." Essay Contest
The Mayors Council of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Municipal League invite 8th graders from home, public, and private schools throughout Oklahoma to participate in a statewide essay contest, “If I Were Mayor, I Would ...” to tell others what they would do as mayor to make their city or town a better place to live. More Information
TSET’s Investment in Prevention Benefits Oklahoma
By Michelle Stephens, Chair, TSET Board of Directors
It’s common knowledge that Oklahoma’s health outcomes rate poorly compared to other states.  Those poor health outcomes didn’t happen overnight, and are often the result of habits and behaviors passed from generation to generation. Prevention is a more cost effective way to improve health than treatment, which is why TSET is leading a renewed focus on the youngest Oklahomans and empowering youth to be physically active, eat nutritiously and stay tobacco-free. More Information
Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support