The racial reckoning of 2020 saw organizations of every size and sector flooding social media with statements of racial solidarity. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) budgets and efforts increased and employees of color at many organizations breathed a sigh of relief. They would finally be seen and heard at work. Later in the year, a COVID-19 vaccine was introduced, America had a new president-elect, and the first ever woman, and person of color, vice president-elect. As life progressed, DEI fervor slowly regressed, and workplace culture gradually returned to business as usual...

Will this be the way future generations tell our story? Today can slip away as a moment in time, or we can make it a movement for change; TBC chooses the latter.

That is why our Organizational Equity Practice (OEP) is doubling down and increasing capacity to help organizations meet their racial equity challenges. Over the past four years, 188 nonprofits have participated in OEP's racial equity trainings and workshops. 133 Senior and Emerging Leaders have attended 6 or 10 month cohort trainings, applying what they learn to their organization's equity practices. And today, the demand for OEP's services exceeds capacity. By supporting our Annual Fund, you help OEP advance racial equity in organizations across Boston, and beyond. Join us in changing the narrative of workplace culture.

Thank you to everyone who has already given! If you haven't yet, please make a tax-deductible donation toward our Annual Fund
by December 31st.
Enroot, a Boston nonprofit serving first generation youth of color in the city, has been a longtime OEP client. Watch the video below to hear Ben Clark, their executive director, talk about OEP's impact on Enroot.