District 6 Newsletter 
September 2020

Dear Neighbors,

Once again, the late summer season has become a "fire season" in California. The recent outbreak of fires closest to us - dubbed by CalFire as the "SCU Lightning Complex" - has burned around 400,000 acres of nature, destroyed and damaged over a hundred structures, and has caused emergency evacuations for our friends and neighbors in San Jose. As of today, CalFire is reporting that this fire is 94% contained.

Read more here

District 6 Spotlight

 Office Hours - Live from Dev's Garage! 

Join me for Office Hours Saturdays from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM. I'll give you an update about the District and other important news and answer your most pressing questions.
To send your questions in advance, please email district6@sanjoseca.gov.

Recordings will also be posted on my Facebook page. 

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Emergency Interim Housing: Evans Lane

If you were unable to attend the Virtual Public Information Meeting on August 12 on Evans Lane, please watch the recording below. I am excited for this path to permanent housing for families that will be living on this site. I want this to be a success for the families and the entire neighborhood. Thank you to PATH and Adobe for their partnership. 

Evans Lane

COVID-19 City/County Updates & Resources
Eviction Moratorium Extended

San Jose's temporary eviction moratorium has been extended until October 17, 2020. For more information and questions, please contact the Rent Stabilization Program at RSP@sanjoseca.gov or 408-975-4480.

Social Distance Protocol Search

Curious about which businesses are COVID-19 prepared? You can now search the business database to see which businesses are following Social Distancing Protocols. Search by name, type or location here.

Businesses must require the following for employees and customers:
☑️ Face coverings (exceptions for medical reasons)
☑️ Social distancing
☑️ Hand-washing or provide hand sanitizer stations

KQED: How to file for Unemployment 

KQED has put together an FAQ about how to file for unemployment benefits in California. Read the FAQ here

Free COVID-19 Testing in Santa Clara County

Santa Clara County recently announced two FREE COVID-19 diagnostic tests. They are available for Santa Clara County residents, with or without symptoms, at PAL Stadium and the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. There are no fees and insurance is not required. Sign-up here

More testing sites in Santa Clara County here

Virtual Local Assistance Center

With the County of Santa Clara extending the Shelter-in-Place Order though May 31, you may be wondering how to access helpful government services. The City's Virtual Local Assistance Center is here to help. The website includes information about where food is being distributed and where to get help with housing, rent, and eviction issues. It also covers unemployment services, domestic violence services, and how to keep healthy during the pandemic. Residents can also call 311 for the same information. 

Volunteers Needed!

Provide a helping hand! Volunteers are needed at various sites. To volunteer, please text your name and number to 408-420-6905. See flyer below for dates, times, and locations. 


Mental and Emotional Health Resources 

I am very concerned about people's mental and emotional health during this time and want to share any resources that may help here. 
The following resources are available to help people who may be experiencing distress or heightened anxiety right now:

24/7 Behavioral Health Services Department Call Center: (800) 704-0900
Crisis Text Line: Text RENEW to 741741
Suicide and Crisis Hotline 24/7: (855) 278-4204
If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911 immediately.

Mental health appointments can continue. Patients should consult with their practitioners to determine whether it is appropriate and feasible to conduct individual mental health appointments remotely.

Silicon Valley Strong Fund

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is already hurting Silicon Valley residents, businesses, and community-based organizations. Particularly hard hit are those families and individuals who can least afford a medical or financial crisis, small businesses whose revenues have fallen off, and nonprofits that are seeing an increased need for services or have had to cancel arts, cultural, or fundraising events. The Silicon Valley Strong Fund-in partnership with lead organizations and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation-will work to address these economic impacts.

Now is the time for residents, businesses, and government to partner together to help. Donate, volunteer and read more here

City News & Updates

Emergency Preparedness Virtual Town Hall

Monday, September 14 at 10:00 AM

Get on target with your Emergency Preparedness efforts! Learn to navigate the "Circles of Preparedness," starting with your own personal preparedness and safety. Because California has been impacted by past fires, earthquakes, floods, and now a pandemic, California has developed a free and easy 4-step Personal Emergency Preparedness Training called Listos California for All. It is designed to make preparedness interactive and less stress. Join this FREE enjoyable webinar and get prepared today!

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82780613856
Webinar ID: 827 8061 3856

Register here

Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley: Paint the Town

Thursday September 17, at 6:30 p.m.

Join Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley for their popular Paint the Town event on Thursday, September 17, at 6:30 p.m. This year the event will be held online and is free to attend. Go to their website for details on how to join this fast-paced get-together here. Proceeds from the event go directly to providing home repairs for our neighbors in need. More information here


The City of San Jose R.O.C.K. n' Learn after school program is HERE FOR SCHOLARSHIP-ELIGIBLE FAMILIES! For more information about scholarship eligibility and the program registration process, please contact one of the community centers listed below. You can also visit the website here


WEX is a community-based subsidized employment initiative. It is a coalition of private and public sector leaders who are working together to connect people with training and access to jobs. 

WEX is an initial phase of workforce recovery to support job seekers impacted by Covid-19. The program provides income assistance through subsidized employment for lower-income individuals who lost jobs due to Covid-19, and supports businesses seeking to bring on and train new personnel employers with working capital in the form of fully subsidized team member.

The employment program will be fully subsidized (up to $20 per hour) providing participants with work-based learning exposure to potential new occupation. The program will provide funding for supportive services to participants. Services shall range from rental assistance, utilities, childcare, transportation, food, household goods and toiletries, and appropriate clothing, as needed. 

Application and more information here

PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs 

High temperatures, extreme dryness and record-high winds have created conditions in our state where any spark at the wrong time and place can lead to a major wildfire. If severe weather threatens a portion of the electric system, it may be necessary for PG&E to turn off electricity in the interest of public safety. This is known as a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS.)

How often will PSPS occurs? This is determined by weather data collected over the past 30 years. PSPS will be sent out two days in advance and one day in advance to customers with time expectancy and restoration. The following are also used to determine whether a PSPS is necessary: Low humidity levels (< 20%), High sustained winds (25 mph+ & wind gusts 45mph+) and Red Flag Warning declared by weather service. 

How can you help minimize fire risk?

-Put mesh over fire place
-Do NOT store anything under your staircase
-Make sure you have enough clearance 
-Visit CalFire or SJFD to learn more 

Sign-up to receive the seven-day PSPS forecast here

Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

Preserving open space is key to having healthier and happier communities. As the Open Space Authority and our partners begin to create an "open space for all", your input is crucial to the master design process for nearly 1,000 acres of Coyote Valley. Share your stories of what Coyote Valley means to you and what you love about open spaces. Share your thoughts here.

Resident Assistant by City of San José

When it comes to City Hall, we know that the answers to your questions can be a bit difficult to find. That's why we launched the Resident Assistant, a chatbot and SMS (text) messaging service for the City of San José. It's designed to help you find what you're looking for in a faster and easier way.

You can try it out now by visiting here or texting your question to (408) 413-0375.

The Resident Assistant is available in three languages - English, Spanish and Vietnamese. You can give feedback to the Resident Assistant by asking it "give feedback". It will then redirect you to a response form

Battery Backup Power Resources & Resiliency Education

Backup battery storage makes it possible to keep the lights and important appliances on during planned or unplanned power outages. Administered by the Business Council on Climate Change, Bay Area SunShares is a limited-time renewable energy program that provides discounts and guidance for San José residents who want to make the switch to solar and install energy storage.

Or, if you already have solar panels, you can take advantage of this program to add a battery storage unit to your system.

Beginning September 1, SunShares' pre-vetted vendors will provide a 15% discount on solar and up to a 10% discount on battery storage. Plus, you can take advantage of the Solar Tax Credit before it expires in 2021.

Sign up for more information about these discounts. To qualify for discounts, participants must sign up starting September 1 through November 30, 2020.

Visit our Backup Power Options webpage to discover the benefits and options for backup energy systems. And stay tuned for a SunShares workshop to get your storage questions answered, coming this fall!

Discounts on Electric Vehicles

Transportation accounts for over 60% of San José's greenhouse gas emissions. The City of San José has partnered with Capitol Chevy, Capitol Hyundai, Capitol Kia, Premier Nissan of San José, and Stevens Creek Kia to offer extra dealership discounts up to $3,000 on seven electric vehicle models from August 1 through October 31, 2020.

Customers can stack these dealership discounts on top of local, state, and federal rebates for up to $13,000 in savings!

Electricity costs less than $2 for the equivalent gallon of gasoline, and maintenance over the lifetime of an EV is 40-70% lower than a conventional gas powered vehicle, saving electric vehicle drivers more than $1,000 a year. Plus, by switching to an electric you'll be reducing carbon emissions and air pollution by driving on renewable energy from San José Clean Energy.

Learn more about each model, discounts, incentives, and FAQs. These extra limited-time discounts are offered exclusively by the auto dealerships listed above, with no funding provided by the City of San José.

Reminder: There is still time to complete the 2020 Census!

To complete the Census, please copy and paste this link in a new tab: https://go.usa.gov/xdK58 and remember that your response will help shape public services like healthcare clinics, emergency response preparedness and education programs. For more information about the 2020 U.S. Census, please visit www.2020census.gov.


Download the Free Emergency Stroke Awareness Foundation Mobile App

The Stroke Awareness Foundation (SAF) aims to improve community awareness and better prepare families and loved ones for what can be the devastating effects of stroke. Their app can help identify stroke signs, quickly locate the nearest Certified Stroke Centers, and allow you to call 911 while simultaneously texting emergency contacts of your location.

More information here.

Recycle Right

With a lot of our favorite restaurants open for takeout only, many of us are disposing more containers than usual. While we may be changing how we eat out, how we dispose of these containers remains the same! Food and liquid-soiled containers contaminate our recycling carts or bins.

It is important to empty and scrape plastic takeout containers and other containers such as pasta jars and yogurt tubs. Watch this video to see how easy it is to recycle clean in San José. If your container is still soiled with food, liquid, or grease after emptying and scraping, place it in the garbage cart or bin. 

Construction Contracting Webinar Series 

The City's Public Works Department will be offering its Construction Academy (formerly known as the Public Works Academy) for all interested construction contractors this summer/fall. Two FREE Opportunity Awareness Events are scheduled on August 12 and September 2, and a FREE six-week Construction Contracting Webinar Series will be kick-off on September 23 to October 28.

See flyers for more details. 

Free Drive-In Citizenship Application Assistance 

The Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Immigration Legal Services Team would like to invite community members to our FREE Drive-In Citizenship Application Assistance Workshop. This is a great opportunity for Legal Permanent Residents who are eligible to Naturalize to receive free legal assistance in order to apply for Citizenship in the United States.

Participants will have an opportunity to have their Citizenship application reviewed by either an Attorney or a Department of Justice Accredited Representative. A staff member will provide corrections, edits, guidance, and legal advice to those who are eligible. We will also provide mailing material so that the applicant can easily submit applications after corrections are made. Staff will determine if the applicant is eligible for a fee waiver, meaning that there is a possibility that the participant may not have to pay the $725 USCIS fee in order to naturalize.

Pavement Projects Storymap

This year, DOT is providing a new pavement "story map" that contains an overview of paving operations and detailed information on the three-year plan shared in December of 2019. The "2020 Paving" tab allows the community to track progress of the current construction season on specific roadway segments. The link to the map is below and can also be found on the DOT Pavement Maintenance website here

City of San Jose Board and Commission Vacancies 

Apply for a City of San Jose Board or Commission! Please note that list of current and upcoming vacancies is always available on our website here. Because this work can be done remotely, the City is not postponing the boards and commissions recruitment. 

Office of Councilmember Davis | 408-535-4906 | district6@sanjoseca.gov | www.sjd6.org