***News and upcoming events for the families and kids of Shir Chadash***
DECEMBER 9, 2020
Shir Chadash 60th Anniversary Gala
Kids Video Project:
Thank you!

We have received a grand total of 18 videos from you and your adorable and hilarious kids! On behalf of the Gala Committee, THANK YOU so much to all who took the time and effort to make and submit these videos. This will definitely be one of the highlights of the evening!


Still have funny unused takes on your phone? Send'em in for the blooper reel! Deadline is the end of Chanukah.

Questions? Contact Meryl ( or Cait Gladow (
Havdalah on the Bayou

Our first Havdalah on the Bayou was a huge success! Thank you to all who came.
Save the date for the next one: January 9!

We had a blast hanging out with our ISJL Fellow, Paige Beame, this past Sunday on Zoom! We discussed our favorite things to do on Chanukah, debated the best latke topping, and made dreidels out of clay!

Click here to watch the recording of Sunday's program so you can join in on the fun even if you couldn't make it live!

(for our youngest members and their parents)

Based on your feedback, we are changing the format of Shabbat youth services at Shir Chadash. Instead of one service every week for all ages, we will be alternating between two different services: Family Shabbat and Junior Congregation.

Family Shabbat is an informal service that will include prayers, songs, movement, story time, and of course dinosaurs! It will be geared for kids ages 6 and under, but all are welcome. Parents will be expected to stay and pray with their kids and celebrate Shabbat together.

This Saturday 12/12, and every other Saturday thereafter, we will have Family Shabbat.

Junior Congregation is a prayer-centered service for kids who want to learn the Shabbat morning prayers and practice leading them. We will use Siddur Lev Shalem for this service. We'll also discuss the week's parsha. Children ages 7 and up may be dropped off, and parents are welcome to register for and attend adult services if they wish.

Next Saturday 12/19, and every other Saturday thereafter, we will have Junior Congregation.

Both services will be held outdoors in our Sukkah garden beginning at 10:30 AM. Both will run for an hour.

• We have space for 8 family "pods". Please register early to ensure a place.

• Please bring your own blanket and/or chairs, siddurim, and kippot/tallitot.

• All members of a family unit need to stay in their pod for the duration of the service.

• Masks are required at all times.

• On arrival at Shir Chadash your temperature will be checked and you will need to answer a symptom checklist. We operate on the honor system, so please stay at home if you are feeling under the weather and we will see you next time!

• Please DO NOT bring any food. The only beverage allowed is water. Do not share your water with any other pods.

Please note- registering does NOT guarantee you a spot. We are granting reservations on a first come, first served basis.

This registration form must be submitted by 9am on Friday.*
(*note: new extended deadline!)

You will receive confirmation of your family's registration by noon on Friday.

We look forward to seeing you at Shir Chadash!
Prayer Practice Video of the Week:
Ein Keloheinu

Each week, I'll post a new video of one of the prayers included in our Youth Shabbat services. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this week's video is Ein Keloheinu. You can find it on page 204 of Siddur Lev Shalem. Happy practicing!

Thursday, December 10th at 7pm:
First Night Candle Lighting for 6-8th Graders
Chanukah chot chocolate & card-making in the Sukkah.
Mitzvah opportunity!

Please RSVP to Meryl Zimmerman before Dec. 10th. 
Sunday, December 13 at 4pm:
Chanukah Musical Program for Young Children with Meryl Zimmerman
Bring your young ones (6 and under) for a fun-filled 30mts of singing, dancing, and of course spinning like dreidels as we celebrate Chanukah through music and movement.

Here's the Zoom link+info:

Topic: Chanukah Music with Meryl!
Time: Dec 13, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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