Looking for a CSA in Richmond?
Join the newly relaunched Farm to Table CSA
Update by Doria Robinson, Executive Director
This summer Urban Tilth is proud to join forces with the Richmond Community Foundation, County Supervisor John Gioia's office and the Brentwood Agriculture Land Trust to relaunch the Farm to Table Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project!
Get a box of delicious, FRESH locally grown, sustainably harvested produce. Boxes will now feature some organic produce and some "Richmond GROWN" produce from the vibrant Urban Agriculture projects thriving in Richmond! Full, Half and Subsidized Shares will be available. In the coming months, you will also be able to add on special seasonal products such as locally grown HONEY, herbal teas, jams and vegetable and herb plant starts for a small additional fee.

Update by Tania Pulido, Project Assistant - Root Farm
Tania Pulido representing Roots Farm at Verde Elementary Health Fair
This summer Urban Tilth is collaborating with County Supervisor John Gioia's on our most exciting farm project to date. Our newest (and largest) site is the 3-acre ROOTS Farm on the corner of Fred Jackson Way & Brookside Drive! Roots Farm will have an outdoor education center, amphitheater, farm animals, and an outdoor kitchen! We are also excited that the food grown in on this farm will broaden the amount of people we serve through the use of our new CSA boxes, market stands, and cooking classes.
This summer we will bring together a dynamic and visionary group of North Richmond residents and stakeholders to form the Roots Farm Community Advisory Council. The Community Advisory Council will work with the Technical Advisory Council to bring to North Richmond this sustainable, community led and managed Urban Agricultural Park. If you are interested in joining the Roots Farm Community Advisory Committee, contact Tania Pulido, Tania@urbantilth.org.
We will also get this project off the ground by employing our first crew of 8 North Richmond youth as apart of our Summer Apprentice Program. This summer's Roots Farm Site Apprentices will learn gardening and carpentry skills, volunteer and project management, community advocacy and engagement and begin to explore the basics of economic, social, food and environmental justice. The team will also work at Verde Elementary's garden, complete service projects for the North Richmond Senior Center and build a garden on 1st Street in collaboration with Urban Creek's Council to help neighbors stop the dumping that plagues their neighborhood.
Get your pick axes and sun hats ready - more info to come!
For more information about this project, or to follow it as it develops go to:
Join the Richmond Food Policy Council for an evening of deep conversation, great food, and the next film in our Food Justice Film Series:
The Power of Community:
How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (2006) Director, Faith Morgan
6:00pm - 8:30pm
@ Bridge Art Space - Main Gallery
23 Maine Richmond, CA
Film is FREE
$5 Suggested donation for Dinner
* No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds
Community Partners: Bridge Art Space, Liberty Ship Cafe and Sip to Live Teas
For more information about the Richmond Food Policy Council go to:
2nd Saturday Greenway Gathering
2nd Street - Bike Fix-in Station
6th Street - Community Gardens & Bioswale
16th Street - Edible Forest Garden
Saturday, July 13th
10am - 2pm
Join Urban Tilth, CURME, The Watershed Project, The Native American Health Center and Rich City Rides on the Greenway and learn new skills, share your knowledge, meet your neighbors and help us grow a new future in Richmond!
2nd Sunday AdamsCrest Farm Volunteer Day
5000 Patterson Circle Richmond, CASunday, July 14th 10am - 2pm Come out learn and grow healthy food for Richmond with your neighbors, family and friends! Dress in layers, wear closed toe shoes, gloves, tools, snacks and a good time provided.  Regular Greenway Volunteer Day Join us every Friday on the Greenway @ 6th Street 10:00am - 12:00 pm For more information contact: volunteer@urbantilth.org
Catahoula Market Stand
Every Sunday at Catahoula Coffee Marketstand*
@ 12472 San Pablo Ave.
9am - 1pm
*Grab a hot delicious cup of coffee and a treat from Catahoula your favorite Richmond coffee roasterie and shop then come out and support Urban Tilth by bringing home a jar of local honey, jam, herbal hand salve, an apron, a vegetable plant for your garden or a fresh bouquet of wild flowers grown in our gardens.

Richmond Main Street's
Healthy Village Farm Stand
1st Fridays at
@ Harbour Way & MacDonald 12pm - 2pm
*Ride your bike downtown and enjoy a lovely Friday afternoon at Richmond Main Street's Healthy Village Farm Stand! FREE bike valet and minor repairs with Rich City Rides. Bring home irresistible herbal body products from CURME, produce and herbs from Happy Lot Farm and Urban Tilth, delicious food by Liberty Ship Cafe and much more!
In August Urban Tilth's apprentice's will be offering BIKE powered ALL FRUIT smoothies at the market so don't miss it! For more information: http://www.richmondmainstreet.org/ * All proceeds from our Farm Stands go to support our school and community garden programs. |
July Planting Guide
Update by AdamsCrest Volunteer farmer Kenji Warren
Planting from Seeds:
- Bush Beans
- Pole Beans
- Beets
- Carrots
- Lettuce
- Summer Squash
- Swiss Chard
Planting Vegetable Starts:
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Collards
Source: Golden Gate Gardening by Pam Pierce

 Explore our new BLOG Interested in the exploring ideas and issues in Transformative Life Skills, Food Justice, Urban Agriculture, Restoration Ecology, Water Rights, Environmental, Economic and Social Justice, Community Advocacy and Just Transition? Check out GROW YOUR OWN a new BLOG written by our Executive Director, Doria Robinson - New entries every week
- Guest authors every month
GROW with us!