September 9, 2020
Peñasco ISD Weekly Update
Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the Covid-19 crisis, all school plans are subject to change based on orders from the governor and recommendations from scientific health organizations.
Are You Comfortable Sending Your Kids Back to School in a Hybrid Model? Let Us Know.
School will remain remote (online) through October 19. The district has not made plans for how school will proceed after that date. The state has given permission for elementary students (pre-K through 6th) to meet via a hybrid plan (2 days in school in person, 2 days online). Would you be comfortable sending your student to school in-person in a hybrid plan? Please let us know. (Parents/caregivers of students pre-K through 6th only.)

Fill out this very short survey:
Looking for Help with School and Support for Your Child?
PISD is fortunate to have a strong partnership with Taos Behavioral Health. Right now, TBH is meeting with their student clients at the Penasco Elementary building, in a 5-1 ratio, following all Covid-safe practices. Students in the program receive help and supervision with their online school work, counseling, and help accessing any other health or wellness resources they might need (speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy).

This is a wonderful program. If you would like your child to take part, please do the following:
  1. Fill out this referral form: If you need help filling it out or emailing it to Rachael Pyne at TBH (, please contact the Community School Coordinator Michael Noll: 575-779-1466.
  2. Call TBH and ask for an intake: 575-758-4297

To qualify for the program, these criteria must be met:
  • Students must have a diagnosed medical issue such as ADHD or other behavioral issue
  • Students must have experienced some form of severe emotional distress
  • Students must be on Medicaid.

Other therapeutic services are available to all students, regardless of insurance coverage.
After-School Program Schedule
PISD is offering online afterschool programs starting this week. Programs include art, gardening, podcasting, robotics, yoga, and more. All of these programs will take place online, with some opportunities for in-person activities. For more information about after school programs, visit the Community Schools page on the district website:

Afterschool programs will be fun! Interactive! Students will develop real-world skills that will help them in life!

This Thursday, we'll be hosting our first Robotics meeting. Students will be working with the Scratch animation coding program and receiving help from Peñasco high school students and college students from Northern. Please sign up for Scratch, the free online coding/animation tool developed by MIT. You can join the Peñasco after school program by clicking this link: You will create a user name and password. Do not include your name in the user name. Write down your password so that you will remember it.

The Robotics after school program will meet on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Click this link to join the Zoom meeting:

2-3 p.m.: Yoga
  • Video available via Canvas starting next week

Starting September 15 (if state and district policies allow)
2-3 p.m.: Yoga
  • In-person in 2 groups of five students at Peñasco Elementary
  • Streamed live via Canvas and recorded for viewing any time

2-4 p.m.: Podcast
  • Online via Canvas starting soon

2:30-3:30 p.m.: Robotics
  • Online via Zoom (Link will be in Canvas) starting this week

Art and gardening programs will be coming soon!

Questions? Want to sign up? Contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466. Call, text, or email your student's name and the program(s) they're interested in.
Complete the Census, Get a Chance to Win $500
Here's a chance to win a $500 Gift Card of your choice when you complete the 2020 Census! AND win $2000 for your school or $500 for your early childhood organization!

Here's how:
  1. Complete the Census at or call 844-330-2020 for English or 844-468-2020 for Spanish between 5 a.m. MT and midnight MT.
  2. Complete the entry form in the website below, with your Census Confirmation number, date of completion, and the school or early childhood organization you wish to nominate.

To get your confirmation number:
  • If you complete the Census online, you will receive a unique confirmation number on the closing web page.
  • If you complete it over the phone, you MUST ASK for one from the Census taker.
  • If you complete it by mail, use your unique 12 digit Census code provided on the form.

You must have completed the Census on or after August 27, 2020 and on or before September 30, 2020. Submissions must be received during the Prize Giveaway Period. The prize drawing will take place on October 1st, 2020. One lucky household will receive a $500 gift card of their choice. The school with the highest number of nominations will receive a $2000 donation and the early childhood organization with the highest number of nominations will receive a $500 donation.

Enter the drawing here:
Internet Update
Kit Carson Telecom is offering families of students in its service area discounted installation and service. To get service from Kit Carson, fill out this form: and email it to Mark Poche ( and Nadine Varela ( You can also call (575) 758-2258 between 8-4:30, M-F.
P-EBT Card Update
Students who did not receive cards in the first round will be receiving cards soon. The state has informed the district that the cards were mailed out on August 31. So, please be watching your mail for the cards.
Have Questions or Concerns?
Let us know.
The district has set up an email address specifically for questions and concerns:

If you have suggestions for the newsletter, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Important Links
(Check here for updates from the state.)
(Check here for activities and videos for kids.)