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In "The New Rules of Marketing and PR," David Meerman Scott writes, "I receive hundreds of broadcast email press releases and pitches per month from well-meaning PR people who want me to write about their products and services. Guess what? In five years, I have never written about a company because of the nontargeted broadcast press release or pitch that someone sent me. Think about that: tens of
thousands of press releases and pitches; Zero stories.
He continues, "Here's another amazing figure: in more than 10 years, only a tiny number PR people have commented on my blog or reached out to me as a result of a blog post or a story I've written in the magazine."
The point he is making is seemingly obvious, but is routinely ignored. If we're not careful, we can spend enormous amounts of time and money marketing and designing in ways that are invalid or ineffective.
We should always be asking: Does this make sense for this client, at this time, under these circumstances?
I mention it to you to remind myself,
Have you seen my InDesign Ideabook?
315 template files in 19 different categories -- Everything from brochures, newsletters, and direct mail to packaging, calendars, and books (one CD works with both Mac and PC). Use two or three files and you'll pay for the entire book and disc...
Meet lettering designer Kelly Thorn
Kelly Thorn is another talented alumnus of Louise Fili Ltd. Does Fili have some secret formula for creating illustrative lettering? I'm sure there are some techniques she teaches (or somehow exudes) that helps to turn raw talent into truth and elegance.
Kelly Thorn's animated sig...
Thorn's Instagram page...
Also via Louis Fili: John Passafiume...
Pictures of ideas -- a tour of Scripts: Elegant Lettering from Design's Golden Age...
Paranoid about copyright? You will be after you read this...
If you weren't paranoid about copyright laws-it can get a tad-bit confusing-you will be after you read this.
Thanks to Jim Green for pointing us to it.
Copyright and the old family photo by Judy G. Russell...
My Grandmother Grace-photographer unknown...
1001 ways to create an online form
That's the title I imagine to a book about creating online forms. To me, it seems there must be at LEAST 1001 schemes for creating forms-it's never been particularly easy so seemingly everyone has taken a run at coming up with a way of automating the process.
Here's a real, free book on the subject by the folks at Zapier (they have a system of automating automating tasks between the app the support).
One part of the book presents "The 14 Best Online Form Builders for Every Task," a good, comprehensive look at many of the leading form generation tools.
Do you create online forms using something other than what you see here?
Zapier's Ultimate Guide to Forms and Surveys...
The 14 Best Online Form Builders for Every Task...
A good article on illustrator Bill Nelson
From our local Richmond, Virginia newspaper. (Too bad they don't include all of the images from the hard copy.)
A web page that will put a smile on every graphic designer's face
The other day I posted my response to an email I received from someone who works for a design crowdsourcing site offering to write an article for my blog.
Our fellow designer Dan Antonelli commented by saying, "You might appreciate the link on site which automatically displays if our site is linked to from any crowdsourcing site..."
I did and suspect you will too...
First, my email response to Brian from a design crowdsourcing site...
The Smile from Dan's website: Copyright Warning to Those Who Intend to Steal or Be "Inspired" by Our Work...
Here's a post about Dan's website and book...
Also from Chuck Green: Check out the biggest, best place on the web to find and buy fonts...
More about Google's take on design
A couple of posts ago I pointed you to Google's Material Design. While we're at it, here's a link, generally, to the Google Design website and specifically, to links from their SPAN Design Conference.
It is an invitation-only conference billed as "Conversations about design and technology" and was held in October of 2015.
About Google Design...
A look at SPAN 2015...
The SPAN 2015 reader (see the bottom of the page for the articles from the book)...
Meet illustrator and designer Steve Dressler
I saw Steve Dressler's tribute to Pee-Wee's Big Adventure illustration on the cover of Alternative Movie Posters II: Film art from the Underground by Matthew Chojnacki, and I dug a little deeper. He has several different core styles and a well-developed sense of humor.
Dressler's website...
Alternative Movie Posters II...