Online scheduling is now available for COVID-19 vaccine appointments
We have good news to share – it is now easier to schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination through our online scheduling tool!

Appointments are available for all eligible residents, whether you’re a PeaceHealth patient or not. We are continuing to follow state eligibility guidelines, so please check your status first through the Washington Department of Health Phase Finder. Updates about how many appointments will be available and the link to schedule online are posted on our COVID-19 Vaccine web page

And more good news – we’ve eased some of the visitor restrictions in our hospitals and clinics. Visitors are still limited, but most patients who are not positive for COVID-19 can now have at least one support person accompany them. You can find full details here for Vancouver and here for Longview.

Remember, masks are still required in all PeaceHealth facilities.
What can you do after your shot?
Once you've gotten your COVID-19 vaccine, here are the CDC recommendations on what you can and can't do.

Be aware of this silent factor
Cholesterol can silently raise your risk for heart attack and stroke. Here's what you need to know to bring it under control.

Recipe: Springtime Brunch Strata
Here's an easy strata you can load with a mix of your favorite veggies, cheese and meat (or plant-based substitute).

Everyday Moments of Grace Quilter creates "lasting hugs"
Beth Skoll's hobby makes her happy and it brings happiness to hundreds of others.

Healthy You Classes & Events
Join us for a free interactive online workshop on completing an Advance Directive. All participants will be guided through this simple, yet thought-provoking, process of choosing a healthcare agent and putting your wishes in writing. Wednesday, May 3, 1-3 p.m.

Join us for a free interactive online workshop on completing an Advance Directive. All participants will be guided through this simple, yet thought-provoking, process of choosing a healthcare agent and putting your wishes in writing. Wednesday, May 3, 1-3 p.m.

Bring unused medication for safe, free disposal. Event presented by Prevent Coalition. 
Saturday, April 24 
10 a.m.-2 p.m. 
PeaceHealth Urgent Care Memorial
3400 Main St 
Vancouver, WA 98663 
Learn about the process of birthing, including breathing techniques, relaxation skills, pain management and variations of labor. This free virtual class gives you the opportunity to talk with a certified childbirth instructor and learn how we’re keeping mom and baby safe during the pandemic.  
Thursdays, May 6, 13, 20 
7-8:30 p.m.   

Note: Classes and events may be subject to change.
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Please contact your provider or nearest PeaceHealth location for all medical and scheduling questions.