A Message from 
Erica L. Bulk, Principal   
December 14, 2021

  • 12/13 & 12/14 ELVES ROOM
  • 12/16 - Report Cards Sent Home in Backpacks
  • 12/17 - School SPIRIT DAY - Blue & White Sharkie Gear & Popcorn
  • 12/20 - Holiday Sweater Day
  • 12/21 -Holiday PJ Day
  • 12/22 - Favorite Holiday Spirit Day & MHS Chrous Visits
  • 12/23-1/2 -NO SCHOOL - VACATION WEEK
Please sign up to help out the PTG for Popcorn day on Friday, December 17th. Please use the sign up genius linked below. THANK YOU!!!!
Let's have some school fun

Friday - 12/17 - BLUE & WHITE DAY & SHARKIE Gear

Monday - 12/20 - Ugly Holiday Sweater

Tuesday - 12/21 - Holiday PJ Day

Wednesday - 12/22 - Favorite Holiday clothing & MHS Chorus Visits Aquidneck
This year in order to protect everyone's health, we will be outside more than ever and the class windows are open with fan ventilation, so please dress warm. Arrival and dismissal procedures will rarely change during bad weather and we will go outside for recess whenever possible. Please be sure to dress your children in weather appropriate clothing and layers. Boots, snow pants, hats and gloves are important for outdoor dress.
Report Cards are coming home on Thursday, December 16th. Please check your child's backpack on Thursday!
As we head into the winter months, if school is closed because of inclement weather, Aquidneck School will be following a school wide schedule. This schedule will be a combination of Synchronous(LIVE TEACHING - Google Meets) & Asynchronous (independent work). This will count as a school day and live instruction will take place, so attendance is important. We at Aquidneck also believe that students need to have fun in the snow too! The afternoon portion of the day will be flexible.
Aquidneck Elementary
K-3 Students


9:00-9:30 - Morning Meeting & Literacy Lesson -Synchronous 
Google Meets - Found in Google Classroom

Go over schedule for the day
Direct Instruction - Literacy Lesson

9:30-10:30 - Literacy -Asynchronous -Folder work or work in google classroom
Small groups - synchronous for some students

10:30-10:45 -Math - Synchronous - Direct Instruction
Google Meets - Found in Google Classroom

10:45-11:45 Math - Asynchronous -Folder work or work in google classroom
Small groups - synchronous for some students

11:45-12:45 -Lunch & Recess

12:45- 3:00 -Students work on Asynchronous work

(see examples below)

  • Student work on Special (PE/Health, Art, Music, Library Steam) Asynchronous work that correlate to snowy day fun found in google classroom

  • Teachers have small groups for students that need more help with asynchronous work

  • Specialists will work with students for extra support if needed (Speech, IEP, ELL, Reading Support)

  • Play in the snow & have family fun!

PRE- K Schedule

PreK AM - 9:00- 9:30 Circle Time with Literacy & Numerous Meeting - Google Meets - Synchronous  

PreK PM - 12-12:30 Circle Time with Literacy & Numerous Meeting - Google Meets - Synchronous  

Nurse Information

  • Please make sure that your child wears a mask to school. It is a good idea to have a few extras in their backpacks.

  • Water Bottles are encouraged throughout the school day. Please make sure your child's name is on it.

  • Medication at school – if your child has a prescription medication that needs to be given during the school day, a medication form must be submitted by the parent and signed by the doctor. All medications must be brought to school in a pharmacy labeled container stating the students name, dose, and time to be given. 

Too sick for school guidelines – your child should not come to school if: 
They have a fever of 100 or greater (students should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication like Tylenol or Motrin)  
Have nausea/vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours. 
Have pink, irritated eyes with drainage or crusty discharge 
Have a rash of unknown origin (if a rash develops seek medical advice)  
Have a runny nose, nasal discharge, cough, excessive sneezing (if your child has difficulty breathing seek immediate medical advice).  
Due to the increase of Covid cases in our area, please contact your child’s doctor for advice on Covid testing with any of the symptoms listed above. We will also be able to provide you with a list of free Covid testing sites for your family. 

If your child was tested for COVID, please don't send them to school with out a negative test result.

As your school nurse-teachers, we are excited to have our students get off to a great start! Please do not hesitate to contact us with your concerns or if we can help you in any way. Thank you, parents, and guardians, for all your efforts to help your child start school ready to learn. 
Mrs. Cheryl Rosa

Información de la Enfermera  
Asegúrese de que su hijo use una máscara para ir a la escuela. Es una buena idea tener algunas mascaras extras en la mochila. 
Se les incentiva el uso de las botellas de agua durante el día escolar. Por favor, asegúrese de que el nombre de su hijo esté en la botella de agua. 
Medicamentos en la escuela: si su hijo tiene un medicamento recetado que debe administrarse durante el día escolar, el padre debe enviar el formulario de medicamento y firmarlo. Todos los medicamentos deben llevarse a la escuela en un recipiente etiquetado de farmacia que indique el nombre, la dosis y la hora de administración de los estudiantes. 
• Si está demasiado enfermo para asistir a la escuela: su hijo no debe ir a la escuela si: 
★ Tienen fiebre de 100 o más (los estudiantes no deben regresar a la escuela hasta que estén libres de fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre como Tylenol o Motrin) 
★ tiene náuseas/vómitos o diarrea dentro de las 24 horas. 
★ Tienen ojos rosados e irritados con drenaje o secreción crujiente 
★ Tiene una erupción de origen desconocido (si se desarrolla una erupción, consulte a un médico) 
★ Tiene secreción nasal, tos, estornudos excesivos (si su hijo tiene dificultad para respirar, consulte a un médico inmediato). 
★ Debido al aumento de casos de Covid en nuestra área, comuníquese con el médico de su hijo para obtener asesoramiento sobre las pruebas de Covid con cualquiera de los síntomas enumerados anteriormente. También podremos proporcionarle una lista de sitios de pruebas de Covid gratuitos para su familia. 
Si su hijo se hizo la prueba de COVID, no lo envíe a la escuela sin un resultado negativo de la prueba. 
Como enfermeras-maestras de su escuela, ¡estamos emocionados de que nuestros estudiantes tengan un gran comienzo! Por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros con sus inquietudes o si podemos ayudarle de alguna manera. Gracias, padres y tutores, por todos sus esfuerzos para ayudar a su hijo/hija a comenzar la escuela lista para aprender. 
Sra. Cheryl Rosa 


Check out our new website! It is filled with great information! Make sure to Scroll Down to see the NEWS Section.
Middletown Prevention Coalition December Newsletter

The Middletown Prevention Coalition Family Update was created to provide information and resources regarding substance use and mental health information to families based on feedback we were given in our parent focus group. The link attached is a link to an online newsletter: Please click to link at the bottom of the newsletter to follow and receive future issues.