Weekly Update
A Message from Board President Matt Keillor
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Dear Parents,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank all of you who participated in the annual Parent Satisfaction Survey last week. We received a total of 482 responses this year, which is a 25 percent increase over last year.
The BFA School Accountability Committee (SAC), led by Betsy Brown and Erika Krantz will compile all the data from this survey and present their findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors at our Board meeting on Tuesday, April 18.
In addition to the SAC presentation, Principal Simpson and each of the seven members of the Board of Directors will read every comment submitted by our community through this survey. Your feedback is so valuable as it assists the Board in formulating our BFA Strategic Plan and goals for the 2023-24 school year.
In April, the BFA community will elect (or re-elect) two (2) directors to serve on the seven-member board. The current Board will appoint one (1) director. Please join us for the Candidate Q&A, which will take place at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21, (immediately prior to the Board meeting). This will be a wonderful opportunity for the BFA community to hear from all of the candidates. I encourage you to join us in person or via Zoom.
Thank you,
Matt Keillor
President, BFA Board of Directors
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Important Calendar Reminders |
Tomorrow, Feb. 24, is an EXTRA Dress of Choice day for all students in appreciation of parents completing the Parent Satisfaction Survey.
Next Wednesday, March 1, is a Formal Uniform Day. Students should wear their navy polo shirt with the BFA logo and tan pants, shorts, skirt or a skort.
Next Wednesday, March 1, also is the end of the second trimester.
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Reminder of BFA's Weather Procedures |
Weather in our area can be tricky – so we want to be sure everyone is clear on our weather procedures:
- BFA follows the direction of the Douglas County School District (DCSD) regarding school closures and delays due to weather.
You can find all our procedures on the website under the "Parents" tab. Just scroll down to “Hours, Carpool, Delayed Start, Parking, Weather” or click here.
- Oftentimes, you’ll also receive a communication from BFA; but if you are ever unsure, please refer to the procedures on the website for guidance.
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BFA DI Team Competing this Saturday! |
BFA's Destination Imagination (DI) team has been preparing since September for the spring competition season. The team consists of current seventh grade students, Grayson Wilt, Keian Martinez, Luke E. Smith, and Ryan Fillmore. Ryan is a veteran of the DI program having competed alongside his older brother, Connor, and several former BFA students for almost five years. The team, named R.A.T.T.S. (which means Remy Says Anyone Can Cook, after the movie "Ratatouille"), has picked an Improv challenge for this season.
On Saturday, Jan. 28, the team participated in the Instant Challenge Day at St. Mary’s Academy, and did very well in each of the four instant challenges. They’re now gearing up for the culmination of the season and the South Metro Regional Competition on Saturday, Feb. 25, and then the DI State Competition on Saturday, April 1. The boys are excited and showing a huge amount of creativity, humor, and originality as they prepare for their upcoming Improv competitions against competitors from around Colorado.
For those unfamiliar with the Destination Imagination program, it’s a STEAM rooted challenge that promotes creativity and encourages kids to develop critical thinking, problem solving, and leadership skills. You can find out more about DI on their website.
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Left to right: Grayson Wilt, Luke E. Smith, Ryan Fillmore and Keian Martinez | | |
Charity Week Begins March 6,
Order T-Shirts by 2 p.m. Tomorrow!
Each year Student Council selects a worthy charity to support as part of our mission to be civically engaged and give back to our local community. This year, Student Council is partnering with the Community Events Committee (CEC) to support the Boys and Girls Club, an organization that supports school-age children to succeed in school, develop good character and citizenship, and live healthy lives.
Charity Week will kick off on Monday, March 6, when t-shirts will be handed out. ALL students can participate in fun, themed dress up days all week, and we’ll close out the week with Middle School Dodgeball for Dollars on Friday, March 10. It will be a fun week for everyone, with the two biggest fundraisers for Charity Week being Dodgeball for Dollars and sales of the Charity Week 2023 t-shirt.
Order Your T-shirt Today!
T-shirts are available in MySchoolBucks through 2 p.m. TOMORROW, Feb. 24. Unfortunately, we cannot accept late orders. Elementary and middle school students may wear the shirt to school with uniform bottoms starting Charity Week through the end of the school year. Next year, students may wear the shirt on Spirit Days. The cost of the t-shirt is $20. All proceeds, less the cost of printing the shirts, will go to the Boys and Girls Club. The winner of the t-shirt design contest (pictured here) is seventh grader Olivia Emanuel! Congratulations, Olivia!
Middle School Dodgeball for Dollars
Dodgeball for Dollars will be held from approximately 8:30 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. on Friday, March 10, in the Thunder gym. Students should bring their own lunch, and lunch will be held from noon – 1 p.m. Middle School students can sign up to play through MySchoolBucks for $5 per player, per team. Students may sign up to play on up to three teams but they need to choose a primary team in case their teams play each other. Any student that joined more teams than they are registered for in MySchoolBucks will be invoiced later.
Students who do not want to participate will go to a designated classroom for study hall.
Thanks for supporting Charity Week!
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"Little Mermaid, JR" on the BFA Stage Next Weekend! |
Journey "under the sea" with Ariel and her aquatic friends in Disney's "The Little Mermaid, JR" at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4, in the Thunder Gym on the BFA stage. In a magical underwater kingdom, the beautiful young mermaid, Ariel, longs to leave her ocean home — and her fins — behind and live in the world above. But first, she'll have to defy her father, King Triton, make a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, and convince the handsome Prince Eric that she's the girl whose enchanting voice he's been seeking.
Tickets are FREE so please make plans to come see our amazing student performers and support our wonderful tech crew!
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Simply Savor Spirit Night |
Want to try fresh, chef-prepared meals, delivered to your doorstep? Now’s your chance! Order by 8 p.m. tomorrow, Feb. 24, for delivery next Tuesday, Feb. 28. You can also order by 8 p.m. Friday, March 3, for delivery on March 7 as part of our spirit night.
Simply Savor is a local catering, charcuterie and meal delivery service, based in Highlands Ranch. They'll give back 20 percent of purchases to the BFA PTO, so be sure to reference Ben Franklin Academy in the checkout notes. For more information about Simply Savor and to view the menus, visit their website.
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Check Lost and Found before March 10 |
All items in Lost and Found will be donated before Spring Break. Please ask your student to check the Lost and Found. Parents are also welcome to stop by and see if you can find any of your missing items. (Please bring your Driver’s License!)
Items that have not been claimed by Friday, March 10, will be donated.
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Save the Date for the 2023 BENefit Bash! |
The BENefit Bash will be the PTO's primary fundraiser this school year. The Bash has been a BFA tradition since before the school opened in 2011. Parents look forward to a fun night out with friends and an opportunity to meet new families while supporting the school. We hope you'll save the date for the next BENefit Bash, which will be from 5 - 10 p.m. on Saturday, April 1, at Freedom Golf Carts.
It takes a lot of support to host the Bash--so whether you're new to auctions/events or a veteran Bash volunteer--we could sure use your help! To get started, please contact Andreya Flanigan, PTO fundraising coordinator.
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Make a Difference, Meet New People, Have FUN! |
If making a difference, meeting new people and having fun sounds like the PERFECT way to support your school and earn volunteer hours, then the PTO is the place for you! The PTO is looking to fill volunteer positions for the 2023-24 school year, and they would love for you to join their team!
They have a variety of volunteer positions that can be done from home or school, and that fit any schedule--days, nights or weekends. The PTO offers behind-the-scenes volunteer opportunities, as well as those that put you front and center. You name it, they’ve got it!
PTO nominations will take place from March 12-26. Please nominate yourself or a friend. PTO elections will be held April 23-29. For more information on the PTO, including job descriptions of the volunteer positions, please visit their webpage, and click on PTO Elections.
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Moms Night Out Next Wednesday |
The members of the PTO are looking forward to a fun evening of dinner and connecting at Moms Night Out from 6-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, at Los Dos Potrillos! The sign-up for the event is currently full, but you are welcome to check back for cancellations. For those signed up, please remove your sign up if you decide you can't make it, so another mom can take your spot.
Please contact Kristin Clark-Bretch, PTO welcoming committee manager, with any questions.
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Sweetheart Ball Photo Link |
Thanks to all of the BFA girls and their fathers or special adults who attended this year’s Sweetheart Ball, Denim and Diamonds! Here is a LINK to the photos from the ball. The PTO is providing a 5x7 photo to each family who attended the event.
If you have questions, please contact Christina Dilley and Kelly Dees, PTO sweetheart ball committee managers.
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Save the Date for a Sweet Spirit Day! |
Mark your calendars for a sweet spirit day/night from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, March 22, at Twisted Sugar in Highlands Ranch (3624 E Highlands Ranch Parkway). They will offer special BFA Bolt Cookies and a Signature Bolt Drink!
Twisted Sugar will give 20 percent back to the PTO, so be sure to mention BFA.
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BFA's Summer Camp Program |
Again this year, BFA will offer a fun-filled summer camp program! Although the calendar of activities is not complete yet, you can be sure it will be a great summer. The first day of camp is Wednesday, May 31, and camp will run through Friday, Aug. 11. We will be closed July 3-7 for the holiday week.
More details will be coming out soon, so stay tuned. For questions, please email base@bfacademy.org
OR summercamp@bfacademy.org.
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Sign Up for First-Ever Family Fun Night! |
We are excited to announce a never-before science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) event hosted at Ben Franklin Academy! Get ready for our first-ever Family Fun Night - Spaghetti Tower Challenge - from 5 - 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, in the Thunder Gym at BFA!
Our STEM Committee along with the help from the local organization, Science Matters In America, will be organizing this FREE event. It is a school-wide challenge where students and families are invited to compete in pasta building challenges. Who can build the highest tower made of spaghetti? Who can build the longest and strongest bridge out of spaghetti? Who can come up with the most creative design?
After some brief instructions (and the establishment of rules) participants will work in teams to design and build structures using spaghetti and other household materials. Some light snacks will be provided and prizes will be awarded in multiple categories.
Don’t miss out! Sign up to participate in this free, fun, STEM-tastic evening of friendly competition at BFA!
Bring your thinking caps, teamwork, and a little ingenuity for this fun and brain-tingling night.
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Theatre Department Looking for Clothing Donations |
The theatre department is looking for donations of middle school size clothing. Please take a look at this list and consider donating any good condition, unwanted clothes.
Thank you for your support!
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Get to Know our BFA PTO Sponsors! | |
In the upcoming Principal Newsletters, the PTO plans to recognize all of our 2022-23 BFA PTO Sponsors. We are incredibly grateful for their support and excited to give each one a spotlight.
This week, we’re highlighting the first group of our sponsors in the SILVER category; we’re very thankful for their support at our fifth highest donation level and hope you’ll take a few minutes out of your day to learn about these businesses.
Please watch these short videos from our first group of Silver Sponsors BRAND NEW BFA PTO YOUTUBE CHANNEL:
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Bravo Initiative Plumbing |
Bravo Initiative, LLC offers professional Plumbing Services, from a simple faucet adjustment to more in-depth repairs of water lines and drain lines. They do everything from sump pumps to water heaters and installation of new gas lines.
Les Bowman, master plumber, manages the family-owned Bravo Initiative, LLC and brings over 30 years of experience in plumbing and construction to every job. Born in Southwest Virginia, Les retains his Southern friendliness and – some say – his Southern accent, as well. He’s also a commercial pilot and flight instructor, which he enjoys doing when he’s not working on pipes or performing other plumbing services.
CONNECTION TO BFA: Their clients have students at BFA
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Crete Jack is a veteran and family-owned foam leveling company which, along with their parent company Pride Construction, specializes in foundation and structural repair. Their goal is to provide cost effective solutions to repair your failing concrete.
CONNECTION TO BFA: New BFA Family with Kindie and 1st Grader
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Destiny Dance Studio - Parents, this is for YOU! |
For all the parents looking for a good date night, come dance with us! Destiny Dance Studio offers social, partner dance instruction for adults in over 40 dance styles ranging from salsa and swing to waltz and tango. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff provide one on one and group instruction in a fun and inviting atmosphere where you will feel comfortable and confident learning. We believe that everyone can and should experience the joy of dance, and our mission is to provide you with the tools to do just that. We don't take ourselves too seriously and we are known to throw out a bad dad joke from time to time so come join the fun.
No partner or previous dance experience necessary, just an urge to have a little fun. See you on the dance floor!
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Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
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