April showers can bring a lot of Rain!   
Do you have adequate flood insurance coverage?
Ronalyn D. Birnbaum
Member Protection Sales Associate

Her name is Ronalyn Birnbaum; she is located in our Lehighton office. "Ronnie" has lived most of her life in Lehighton with a few exceptions. She attended 2 years at Johnson & Wales College
in Providence, RI and graduated with a degree in Business Management. She spent 1 year in Miyazaki, Japan as an exchange student and also spent 1 year in Colorado. Growing up she was surrounded by 4 sisters, being the second oldest.
Do you know FRM Group has a Flood Insurance Specialist?
 In 1986 she took a job as Office Manager with Prudential. When Prudential downsized, she joined Markley Insurance, a Nationwide insurance agency. She became a licensed agent in 1998 as required by Nationwide. She's been blessed with 2 sons, a loving daughter-in-law, and 2 grandsons. Ronnie's hobbies are reading, travel, baseball (Little League and the NY Mets in particular) but her favorite is any activity that include her grandsons.

"People don’t realize that Flood insurance is typically excluded from coverage under property insurance policies, 25% of all Flood insurance losses occur in low hazard (“X”) zones, and Flood insurance can address things like surface water run-off, inundation of rains, or overflow of a body of water,” states Birnbaum. 

Stop in at 445 Coal Street, Lehighton, PA 18235 and say hello the next time you're in town or call her at 610-377-4382
Flash floods can occur within minutes or hours of excessive rainfall, a dam or levee failure, or a sudden release of water held by an ice jam. Overland flooding, the most common type of flooding event typically occurs when waterways, such as rivers or streams, overflow their banks as a result of rainwater or a possible levee breach and cause flooding in surrounding areas.
Are You Prepared? - Floods
It can also occur when rainfall or snowmelt exceeds the capacity of underground pipes, or the capacity of streets and drains designed to carry floodwater away from urban areas.

Be aware of flood hazards no matter where you live or work, but especially if you are in low-lying areas, near water, behind a levee or downstream from a dam. Even very small streams, gullies, creeks, culverts, dry streambeds or low-lying ground that appear harmless in dry weather can flood.

Ways to Celebrate Easter Locally!
As COVID-19 cases have declined across the Commonwealth, Gov. Tom Wolf this week announced plans to lift some of his targeted restrictions on restaurants and other businesses, as well as increase gathering limits. 

The following changes take effect on Sunday, April 4:

· Restaurants may resume bar service.
· Alcohol service will be allowed without the purchase of food.

· The curfew for removing alcoholic drinks from tables will be lifted.
· Indoor dining capacity will be raised to 75% for those restaurants that are currently self-certified and those that undergo the self-certification process, which involves agreeing to strictly comply to all public health safety guidelines and orders, including the cleaning and mitigation protocols and other operational requirements.

· Those restaurants that do not self-certify may raise capacity to 50%.
· Occupancy capacity for other businesses also will be increased, including moving personal services facilities, gyms and entertainment facilities (casinos, theatres, malls) to 75%.

· Occupancy limits for indoor events will increase to 25% of maximum, regardless of venue size, and maximum occupancy limits for outdoor events to allow for 50% of maximum occupancy, regardless of venue size. Maximum occupancy is permitted only if attendees and workers are able to comply with the 6-foot physical distancing requirement.
Requirements such as mask-wearing and social distancing are unchanged. 
#poconoinsurance #thinkfraileyfirst
FRM Group
1286 N Ninth Street, Stroudsburg , PA 18360
445 Coal Street, Lehighton, PA 18235