November 23,2020
To: All GEC Units & Programs
As we are all aware, Covid-19 is a constantly evolving element that every organization has to recognize the challenges it is creating in every aspect of our lives, including Scouting. First, and foremost, the safety of our leaders and youth are the most important component of the Scouting program so it is important to abide by government and health organizations recommendations.
Governor Evers has issued several Executive Orders to try to limit the spread of Covid-19 and we ask that our Scouting community follow those orders.
What does this means for Scouting?
Scout meetings/activities should be kept to a minimum and attendees should follow the County requirements in which they meet. This may be different from County to County so be sure to check the County in which you meet prior to your activity. If you can hold your meetings virtually using Zoom, or some other form of media, we strongly recommend this.
In addition, check with your Chartered Organization to determine if they have any guidelines or restrictions for meeting at the facility. You should discuss this with your Charted Org Rep and the Institutional Head.
Below is a link regarding face cover guidelines and what constitutes a face covering. It is important that all participants adhere to these guidelines when in a group setting. Make sure the nose and mouth are covered at all times.
Always Remember:
In the event that your unit does gather in one place, as always with every gathering, please adhere to the three "W's":
  • Wash your hands and sanitize!
  • Watch your distance-6 feet apart at all times
  • Wear a mask (and properly)
In the event that a participant has any Covid-19 symptom, or does not feel well, stay home. We recommend taking temperatures as participants arrive, have them immediately wash and sanitize hands as they enter the meeting, and wear face coverings during all activities.  
In addition, Scouts BSA has provided a simple checklist to help assure a safe environment in which to meet. This link will take you to the document.
This communication is meant to simply provide some guidance during Covid-19 for Scouting. Each unit needs to determine what is proper for them to keep the participants safe at all times while still providing a quality Scouting program.
GEC will continue to monitor State and Local guidance and will work to update you as much as possible. We know that Scouting provides a significant positive influence in the lives of our members and volunteers and we hope it continues to do so even in the midst of our current situation.

Yours in Scouting, 
Glacier's Edge Council, BSA
Glacier's Edge Council - Boy Scouts of America |