Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Symptoms to watch for, treatment and support resources, and tips

for partners and family

It’s not a secret that pregnancy, childbirth, and jumping into motherhood takes a major physical toll on mothers. However, many new moms and their partners aren’t prepared for the mental health impacts that can happen during this time. While postpartum depression is often discussed, other postpartum mood and anxiety disorders are not widely known, despite the fact that many women experience them. 

The most important thing to remember is that these conditions don’t make a woman a bad mother if she experiences them during or after pregnancy. Postpartum mood and anxiety disorders are caused by chemical changes in the brain and can improve with proper treatment. It’s crucial to learn about the different types of disorders, symptoms to watch for, how to be supportive, and the treatment options available so everyone is prepared. Early intervention is key. 

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression, or PPD, is one of the better known postpartum conditions. Approximately 15% of women will experience depression after childbirth. Women with PPD may experience feelings of anger, sadness, guilt, irritability, lack of interest in the baby, changes in eating and sleeping habits, trouble concentrating, thoughts of hopelessness, and thoughts of hurting themselves or the baby. PPD is different from the “baby blues,” which many new moms experience. 

Postpartum Anxiety

An estimated 10% of women experience postpartum anxiety, or PPA, and it can be accompanied by PPD. Symptoms to look out for include constant worry, feeling that something bad is going to happen, racing thoughts, changes in sleep or appetite, inability to sit still, physical symptoms including dizziness, racing heart, and hot flashes. 

Women with PPA can also experience postpartum panic disorder, where they feel very nervous and have recurring panic attacks. These attacks can bring shortness of breath, chest pain, claustrophobia, dizziness, heart palpitations, and numbness or tingling in hands and feet. Although these sensations are very uncomfortable, they are not harmful. 

Postpartum OCD

Postpartum OCD is the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed postpartum disorder. About 3-5% of new mothers will experience postpartum OCD. 

Postpartum OCD is characterized by obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions, known as intrusive thoughts, are persistent, repetitive thoughts or mental images related to the baby. They can be very upsetting thoughts, and are not something that the woman has experienced before. Compulsions are when the mom does things over and over again to reduce fears, such as cleaning constantly, checking things many times, counting or reordering things. 

Other symptoms of postpartum OCD include a sense of horror about the obsessions, fear of being left alone with the baby, hypervigilance in protecting the baby. These moms know that their fears are unlikely to occur, but they cannot stop them.

Read our latest blog for tips to learn more and find treatment and support resources.

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Events from The Hub

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March 1st, 3:00 - 4:00 PM

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March 7th, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

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Disclaimer: The Hub shares information and resources on a variety of behavioral health topics. We do not endorse specific events, policies or agencies

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Opportunities & Resources

The Be In The Know CT Toolkit is live! The toolkit is a resource for community partners that is designed to help start a conversation in your community about how cannabis affects our bodies, minds and health. This toolkit includes shareable content such as sample posts and downloadable graphics that can be posted on your own social media channels. This toolkit will be updated throughout the life of the campaign with new material. Please share this with your partners and remember to connect to the campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

New Resources on Alcohol, Cannabis and Athletic Performance

These free, pocket-sized materials from CT Clearinghouse help educate young athletes about the harms of alcohol and cannabis. Download below or order printed copies.

5-Minute Survey: Share Your Thoughts

This survey is for adults ages 18 and older who live in Connecticut. Please take 5 minutes to share your thoughts and experiences with gambling, gaming, substance use, and mental health. Take survey now.

Advocacy Corner

Our friends at The Norwalk Partnership wrote this blog summarizing two bills related to cannabis and the opportunities to participate in the public hearings.

Cannabis Advocacy Alert

We are expecting two bills related to cannabis (marijuana) to have public hearings before the Connecticut legislature next week. In addition, there is an opportunity for the public to make their voices heard on a federal cannabis proposal. We are also sharing recent action by the Connecticut Attorney General.

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Visit for more information.

In the News

Can't say no to sweets and snacks? It could be a sign of food addiction.

Eating too many sweet treats or salty snacks may sound like something you'd grow out of, but a sizable proportion of adults over 50 say they can't say no to highly processed foods, a survey published Monday from the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation found.

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10 things to know about how social media affects teens' brains

If you or someone you know may be considering suicide, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing or texting 9-8-8. The statistics are sobering. Nearly 1 in 3 teen girls report having seriously considered suicide in the past year. One in 5 teens identifying as LGBTQ+ say they attempted suicide in that time.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

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