I've been off the air for a couple of months
transforming Ideabook.com
I set out with two goals, first to fold three sites into one: Ideabook.com (my design website), Pageplane.com (my blog), and Jumpola.com (my big list of links) are now one under Ideabook.com.
And my second goal has been to streamline the user experience and make the site friendly for phones and tablets.
I hope you'll take a minute to try it on. I'd give you some tips on how to use it, but the whole idea was to make it simple enough that you don't need instructions.
Fingers crossed,
Chuck Green
Welcome to the new Ideabook.com...
Have thoughts on the new design?
Share them here...
And here's Ideabook.com Briefing 225...
The National Archives puts the history of
the United States in motion...
Home town boy makes good:
Illustrator Don Moyer does a riff on designs of china from China...
I take special notice in expressions of interest and involvement
hat grow out of devotion...
Getting beyond the fleeting trends, false goals, and
dreadful jargon of contemporary advertising...
I love getting mail.
Especially this kind of mail...
The Socially Aware Blog: Cutting-edge legal issues
arising out of social media...