Scout In Need, Scout Night at the Diamond, Citizenship in Society... and more!
HOVC Scouter Newsletter | June 3rd, 2022
Camp T. Brady Saunders is looking to fill staff openings at summer camp, specifically in our Eagle Area, Kitchen, Trading Post, and for our Trail Blazers program. We're also looking for an Archery Instructor and Counselors in Training! Staff may work the whole summer season (June 14th - July 23rd) or as many weeks as they are available.
District UP3 Training Events - Last Call!
June is Unit Program Planning Party (UP3) Time! UP3 is a yearly event to help unit leadership teams get what they need to deliver fun and exciting activities for their Scouts. This year the Districts are teaming up to provide program stations covering a myriad of topics. Please note, any Scouter can attend any / all of the UP3 events!
A local family is searching for a young person to be a Personal Care Attendantduring summer camp at T. Brady Saunders the week of July 10th - 15th, and possibly for future Scouting trips for Ben, an 11 year old with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Must be 18, pass a background check, hold a current VA driver’s license. Details including credentials, responsibilities, pay, and contact information can be found by visiting the link below.
Last chance! Need to earn some funds for Summer Camp or high adventure? The Camp Card fundraiser offers a risk-free opportunity to earn your way to summer fun! There are only TWO weeks left in the sale, so act fast! Camp Cards are available at the Council Leadership Center and at our upcomingUP3 events. With 50% commission and over $100 in savings, it's easy to earn your own way and cards are easy to sell! Sale ends June 17th.
The NationalSummertime Pack Award is made to encourage a pack to be active when school is out for the summer, by doing one activity per month in June, July, and August. Has your unit planned for the Summertime Pack Award?
Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Conselors Needed
The new Citizenship in Society MeritBadge becomes required for all Scouts as of July 1, 2022, so counselors are needed ASAP! Since this badge is to be taught in small groups to Scouts within their own troop, the Heart of Virginia Council needs every troop to select at least one person who will help guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery.
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, rwatching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”