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November 20, 2020
Le 20 novembre 2020

Bringing Surveying News to You
Nouvelles de PSC-GPC News
Report to Membership
October 2020

Our Board has a new Director from Alberta
The Board of Directors continues to evolve as time goes on. New Brunswick Director Dave Parkhill has retired and stepped down. A big thank you to Dave for his help on the board. Colin Keir has joined our Board of Directors as the new director from Alberta. We are still in the process of finding a new director to represent New Brunswick. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the office should you wish to serve on the Board or help with one of our Committees.

Our Strategic Planning is in Full Swing

Rapport aux membres
Octobre 2020

Notre conseil d’administration accueille un nouveau membre de l’Alberta
Le conseil d’administration est en constante évolution. Dave Parkhill a pris sa retraite et a quitté son poste de membre du conseil d’administration pour le Nouveau-Brunswick. Un gros merci à Dave pour son aide au sein du conseil d’administration. Colin Keir s’est joint comme nouveau membre du conseil d’administration pour l’Alberta. Nous sommes toujours à la recherche d’un nouveau membre pour représenter le Nouveau-Brunswick. N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec notre bureau si vous souhaitez siéger au conseil ou contribuer à l’un de nos comités.

Notre planification stratégique bat son plein

PSC Membership

If you are not yet a PSC member and you are a member of the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors, the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors, Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec - sign up between now and the end of December, and your membership will be good until December 31, 2021.

If you would like to receive an invoice for a new membership or renewal, send us a note.

PSC also offers these membership categories: retired, student, associate and corporate.

Adhésion auprès de GPC

Si vous n’êtes pas encore membre de GPC et que vous êtes membre de l’Association des arpenteurs des terres du Canada, de l’Ordre des arpenteurs géomètres de l'Ontario ou de l’Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec, faites une demande d’adhésion d’ici à la fin de décembre, et votre adhésion sera valide jusqu’au 31 décembre 2021.

Si vous voulez recevoir une facture pour une nouvelle adhésion ou pour un renouvellement, envoyez nous une note.

GPC offre également les catégories d’adhésion suivantes : retraité, étudiant, associé et corporatif.
PSC Town Hall

PSC held its virtual Town Hall this week for PSC members and it was a great success - Michael Thompson, Chair gave a great talk and held the interest of 68 participants for the duration of most of the meeting! We also received wonderful feedback from members.

Check out our new Vision and Mission statements on the PSC Vision, Mission and Governance web page, and PSC's Strategic Plan for 2021-2023 in the Members' Area (no login required).

Wilson Phillips, Director - Manitoba and Past Chair, is looking for people interested in volunteering for an underground registries initiative. You can contact Wilson at if you would like more information or would like to get involved.

Séance de discussion ouverte de GPC

GPC a tenu sa séance de discussion ouverte virtuelle cette semaine avec des membres de GPC. Ce fut un grand succès. Michael Thompson a fait un très bel exposé et a retenu l’attention de 68 participants pendant toute la durée d’une grande partie de la réunion!

Jetez un coup d’œil à nos nouveaux énoncés de vision et de mission sur la page Web Vision, mission et gouvernance de GPC, et le Plan stratégique 2021-2023 de GPC dans la Section des membres (pas besoin de se connecter).

Wilson Phillips, directeur - Manitoba et ancien président, recherche des bénévoles pour participer à une initiative sur les registres d’infrastructure souterraine. Pour plus d’information ou pour participer, veuillez communiquer avec Wilson à
New Job Postings / Nouvelles offres d'emploi
Nova Scotia Land Surveyor
Qualifications: Registered (or eligible for registration) as a Professional Nova Scotia Land Surveyor
Remuneration: Comprehensive benefits package including matching RSP plan

BC Land Surveyor or Land Surveyor in Training, Victoria BC
Location: Victoria, BC
Requirements: BCLS accreditation or LST with strong office skills
Job type: Permanent, Full Time

Complimentary Job Postings / Affichage gratuit d'offres d'emploi

The National Job Bank has been designed by surveyors specifically for members of the Professional Surveyors Canada community. Complimentary posting of information to the National Job Bank is a benefit of membership.

La Banque d'emplois nationale a été conçue par des arpenteurs-géomètres spécifiquement pour les membres de Géomètres professionnels du Canada. L’affichage gratuit sur la banque d’emplois nationale constitue l’un des avantages de votre adhésion.
Association News / Nouvelles des associations
The Boundary Point
Is the Test different for Acquiring an Easement by Prescription by a Public Authority having an Expropriation Power?
Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2020
By Four Point Learning
This issue talks about an interesting dilemma: a claim to an easement by prescription must still meet the tests for a valid easement to exist. What can be said of the “necessity element” of that test when the claimant is a municipality that has other means and powers at its disposal to acquire an easement?
Read the complete article here.

Sign up for The Boundary Point
The Boundary Point is published by Four Point Learning as a free monthly e-newsletter, providing case comments of decisions involving some issue or aspect of property title and boundary law in Canada.
In the Media / Dans les médias
Alberta government tables omnibus bill that would take away municipalities' power to set development timelines
Edmonton Journal
Municipalities with 15,000 residents or more would lose the power to determine their own development timelines under new legislation tabled by the UCP government Monday.
Bill 48, the Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, aims to speed up approvals, cut regulations and save money for businesses by changing 12 pieces of legislation across eight government ministries.
Grant Hunter, associate minister of red tape reduction, said Monday the proposed changes would speed up subdivision and development permit approvals while reducing costs for developers to ultimately bring down the cost of homes. Read more
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Qu'est-ce que l'hydrospatiale ?
Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec
Volume 47 - numéro 2
Automne 2020
Taking a Measure of Sea Level Rise: Land Motion
NASA Earth Observatory
You may have heard that sea levels are rising because of the thermal expansion of warming ocean water and the addition of fresh water to the oceans from melting ice sheets and glaciers. That’s true. But there is another reason that sea levels in your local area could be rising (or even falling): the land also moves relative to the sea.
Scientists who study changes in Earth’s size and shape, or geodesists, have long measured vertical land motion with inexpensive ground-based tools. But in the Space Age, satellite-based techniques have revolutionized geodesy by making it possible to study Earth’s changing shape—including subsidence and uplift—on a global scale and in three dimensions.
A century ago, surveyors measured the height of land with spirit levels—part carpenter’s level and part telescope. Read more
House Passes Ruppersberger’s Bill to Help Coastal Communities Prepare for Storms, Floods
U.S. Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation authored by Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) and cosponsored by Congressman Don Young (R-AK) that will help local and state governments protect the country’s 95,000 miles of shoreline. The Digital Coast Act will now be considered by the U.S. Senate, which already passed the legislation before technical changes were made.
The Digital Coast Act creates a new program at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), allowing it to begin a comprehensive mapping process of the nation’s shorelines. Read more
Projet de loi no 67 – L’OAGQ se prononce
Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec
QUÉBEC, le 26 octobre 2020 – L’Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec (OAGQ) a récemment commenté le projet de loi no 67, Loi instaurant un nouveau régime d’aménagement dans les zones inondables des lacs et des cours d’eau, octroyant temporairement aux municipalités des pouvoirs visant à répondre à certains besoins et modifiant certaines dispositions, dans une lettre adressée aux membres de la Commission de l’aménagement du territoire.
L’OAGQ est particulièrement interpelé par le volet traitant de la délimitation des zones inondables et de la diffusion de la cartographie représentant les limites établies. Le président de l’Ordre, monsieur Orlando Rodriguez, g., tient d’ailleurs à souligner l’approche du gouvernement prônant la valorisation de l’information géospatiale: « Nous saluons l’initiative visant à diffuser toute information géospatiale pouvant servir à mieux informer le public et donc à sécuriser les transactions immobilières ». Lire plus
Amazon Quiz Answers Today, November 13 2020: Amazon Rs.15,000 Amazon Pay Quiz Answers
Republic World
Amazon India is back with the daily Amazon Quiz where users can answer questions and stand a chance to win exciting prizes.
Question 2. Which site, home to 2000-year-old designs on the ground - known as geoglyphs, was first discovered by a Peruvian aerial surveyor in 1927? Click here to see the answer.
History Maps Win Competition
University of Delaware
Students’ success with data mapping to be honored at Geographic Information Systems Day
Two seniors in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment have won a University of Delaware mapping competition recognizing both the art and science of mapping, and the winners combined accurate representation of their data with visual styles reflecting their subject matter. Read more
SmartWater Forensic Solution Used to Tackle Surveying Equipment Theft
Endeavor Business Media
Leading risk management company, the SmartWater Group is working with The Survey Association (TSA) and survey equipment manufacturers to help tackle the growing problem of surveying equipment theft.
Increasingly, criminal gangs are targeting building and transport construction sites to steal expensive surveying tools. Read more
Land Surveys: What to Know About a Property Survey
Reality Biz News
A Land Survey Explained
Are you considering paying for a survey of a piece of property? When you purchase land, it’s not a bad idea to know exactly what you are paying for. Land surveys give you more information about the property you want to buy and can help reveal its true value.
Let’s review the things you need to understand about land surveys before you decide to get one. Understanding what a land survey does is especially vital when buying a home.
The Advantages of Having a Property Survey. Read more
International News / Informations internationales
Three mountains named after surveyors:

How The Peaks Of The Kosciuszko Main Range Got Their Names
Ever wondered how those high peaks in the Main Range got their names? Most of us have heard the story behind the naming of Kosciuszko, but some of the others aren’t well known. Here’s a potted history of the naming of the main peaks along the range.
Mt Townsend (2209m)
The mountain named after the great surveyor of the Main Range, Thomas Scott Townsend. Read more
Tatra peaks and valleys from a plane. Check new aerial video-map
The Slovak Spectator
It is possible to get to know the High Tatras thanks to 360° technology. Pilot Milan Paprcka, cartographer Bohuš Schwarzbacher and graphic artist Milan Jancovic created an aerial video-map of the High Tatras using this technology.
The High Tatras are probably the first and only mountains in the world that may boast this kind of map, opined Paprcka. Read more
Korea, Japan both claim victory as East Sea is relabeled by IHO
Korea JoongAng Daily
Forget the "Sea of Japan" — or the "East Sea" for that matter. The people in charge of naming seas and oceans are just going to assign it a number instead.
The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) reached an agreement Monday to name global seas with numerical codes rather than specific names, after Korea has protested for decades Japan’s naming the body of water between the two countries. Read more
Six steps to follow when bitten by a snake: ministry
Taipei Times
A surveyor at Pingtung County’s Chaojhou Township (??) Land Office, surnamed Wu (?), died from a snake bite on June 20 in the mountains near Taiwu Township (??).
Wu, 46, was unconscious when he was found by fellow surveyors, who rushed him to a hospital, the office said. Read more
My neighbour is using a lane I own to access his house. What can I do?
Irish Times
My deeds show my property runs to the far side of an old farm lane to the back of my house. My neighbour has cleared the lane and made a rough road out of it to access the back of his house. Where do I stand on ownership? Read more
Tech News / Nouvelles techno
Le mot de passe « 123456 », plus populaire que jamais
Les internautes ne semblent pas avoir encore saisi l’importance d’avoir un mot de passe solide, si on en croit une analyse de la base de données du logiciel NordPass.
C’est 123456, utilisé par plus de 2,5 millions de personnes, qui se hisse en tête dupalmarès des 200 mots de passe les plus courants de 2020?(Nouvelle fenêtre)?, après un examen de quelque 275,7 millions d’entrées sur l’application NordPass.
Après s’être classé en 2e position en 2019, il vient détrôner son petit frère 12345, qui glisse en huitième position, utilisé par tout de même 188 000 internautes. Lire plus

If your password is on this list, you should change it
CTV News
Yes it’s 2020, but some people still use codes and words like "123456" and "password" for their online accounts.
Basic passwords that take less than a second to crack remain incredibly popular, according to an annual survey released by password manager software NordPass, which analyzed a database of nearly 275.7 million passwords. Read more
Surveyors take to air to see underground over Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin
Lompoc Record
A helicopter making low-level passes over the Santa Ynez Valley towing a large hexagonal frame is using a technology first developed in World War II to peer as far as 1,400 feet below the surface to map the groundwater basin. Read more
Porté par la 5G, le piratage éthique entre dans son âge d'or
Des centaines de millions d'objets connectés et autant de failles possibles pour du piratage s’invitent peu à peu dans nos maisons. Devant ce risque décuplé, de plus en plus d'entreprises s'offrent les services de pirates qui attaquent leurs systèmes pour en détecter les points faibles.
La mission de ces pros du piratage numérique se généralise rapidement avec l'avènement annoncé de l'Internet des objets, sortant le secteur de son statut de niche, selon des spécialistes.
Selon cette spécialiste, aujourd'hui, des programmes de primes au bogue sont proposés par de multiples organismes, des grands – comme le Pentagone, les banques, les compagnies aériennes et autres géants de la technologie –, mais aussi des milliers de petites entreprises. Lire plus
Advertise in Horizon /
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Please contact Ria van der Veen, Executive Assistant & Registrar for ad specifications and rates. Horizon is distributed to over 2500 readers.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Ria van der Veen, Adjointe exécutive, Registraire. Horizon est distribué à plus de 2 500 lecteurs.
xyHt Subscription
Did you know that PSC Members receive a free subscription* to xyHt “North America’s Leading Geospatial Magazine”?
(*Canadian or US mailing address only)

If you are a member, contact us to receive the digital or print edition of xyHt Canada.