In the course of this fiscal year (ending Sept. 30) we again felt that some of the provisions in the bylaws were presenting an obstacle to the smooth running of the organization, and more specifically to the succession of the Board’s officers. For many years we had a president elect (who was “in training” to take over the presidency the following fiscal year), a president, and a past president (the president of the previous fiscal year who was acting as helper and mentor to the president). However, the succession was repeatedly hampered because board members in the presidency pipeline had to beg out of for various reasons, leaving the board without either a past president or, even more difficult, without a president.
Given the above challenges, the Board formed a committee to examine the succession question and to come up with a better alternative – which is the current proposed change to the bylaws. If approved, the new system would be less rigid. The 3 presidents would be replaced with a president, a vice-president and a parliamentarian who would be tasked with ensuring the smooth running of the meetings and that all protocols and decisions are in accordance with the bylaws. These officers would have the option of being reelected to their respective positions if they wish to run again. At the same time, it would remove the 3-year commitment for board members who volunteer for the presidency pipeline, hopefully encouraging more board members to step up to these positions.
-Irene Vlach