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Making Tracks

The Newsletter of the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Joyfully Connecting our Community with the Wonder of the Refuge

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Members that RSVP will receive the Zoom link via email.

We hope you enjoy this edition of Making Tracks. We will be happy to hear your feedback and what you'd like to see in the newsletter going forward.

Larry Klimek Retires

After 36 plus years with the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Project Leader Larry Klimek retired on August 31, 2021. Larry has been the Project

Leader at TRNWRC for over four years and has been an amazing partner. Together, the Friends have worked on multiple projects for the two refuges. Congratulations on a long and distinguished career with the Service. We look forward to seeing you back out on the refuge- as a volunteer! But until then- enjoy some much deserved rest and relaxation and some good fishing!

Larry will be a featured speaker at the Annual Meeting on September 25th. He will be sharing his photos and impressions of his time spent as acting Project Leader on Midway Atoll NWR in July. RSVP

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Friends, Refuge & Greenway Elementary

"Building Community Engagement"

Jennifer Whitten, Principal of Greenway will be a featured speaker at the Annual Meeting on September 25th


Mini Bird Fest on April 29th was the culmination of the Friends working with Greenway to find ways for us to be a community asset for their staff, students and families. The year was spent exploring bird identification and a virtual fieldtrip to the Refuge. The students also provided Ask the Expert questions for our Virtual Bird Festival in May

Greenway Summer Camp

By Phyllis Millan

Part of our growing partnership with Greenway Elementary School in Beaverton, Oregon involved Friends of the Refuge Friday's during Greenway's summer camp for students during the month of July. Tom Hartz our intrepid kids camp leader and myself were never phased when 75 students grade 1 through 5 descended on our table for 4 Fridays. Bonnie Anderson and Rob Roberson were great camp assistants also, with Bonnie also coordinating logistics with the school staff.

The kids each received their own nature journal & colored pencils. Each week they were able to take a few minutes to just draw or write & think about nature.  They were excited to take them home at the end of the camp.  We did a session on pelts & skulls as well as the. Web of Life and how to use binoculars for the slightly older children.

We heard from the principal that the Friends of the Refugee was one of their favorite special visitors. We are so excited to be working with this great school. And feel confident the future of nature conservation is going to be in some good hands

Greenway hosted a teacher/staff workshop on September 1 that included seven Refuge volunteer naturalist that have committed to an environmental education pilot program with the school. Refuge Park Ranger Todd McKinney and school Principal Jennifer Whitten led the workshop that included exploring water collected at a nearby stream and discussing the theme for the year "We are Water Protectors" The teachers, staff and naturalist all had a chance to meet and get to know one another before the school year started.

Greenway & Friends Hold Mini Bird Fest & Bird Count

Watch the videos put together by Greenway Elementary School in Beaverton, Oregon promoting the first mini- Bird Fest and the Bird Count. The Friends and Refuge staff worked with school staff on bird identification, owl pellets, and donated binoculars and a spotting scope for the students to use during their recess time.

Fridays With The Friends Program

This year, the Friends will be volunteering at Greenway once a month for Friday with the Friends. On the first Friday of each month, volunteers will assist the students with the monoculars, binoculars and spotting scopes we donated to the school. If you are interested in working with the students on developing their birding skills contact Bonnie to learn more about the requirements for this engagement opportunity.


News From the Board

Irene Vlach, Secretary

Friends members who attend the Annual Member Meeting are aware that every so often, they are asked to vote on proposed changes to the Friends’ bylaws. From a distance, these changes may seem rather wonky and perhaps obscure to someone not involved in the running of the organization. Approving changes to the bylaws will again be on the agenda of the upcoming September 25 Annual Meeting.

Bylaws are the blue print by which the organization is run. In essence, they are laws by which the organization must abide. They are written with the best of intentions for a smooth running of the organization. However, life happens and circumstances change, and sometimes we find ourselves in a position where the bylaws prevent us from doing what we feel is best for the Friends. This is how, last year, we had to amend the bylaws for them to allow virtual board and Annual meetings. Scroll Down to Read More

Oregon Chinese Coalition Day of Service at TRNWR

On September 11, the Friends and the Refuge hosted 40 volunteers from the Oregon Chinese Coalition. The group rotated each hour between three stations. One station worked with Park Ranger Todd McKinney to remove cocklebur and velvet leaf from the wetland behind the Visitor Center, another station worked with Park Ranger Natalie Balkam to remove blackberry bushes near the Visitor Center and the final station broke into two nature walks lead by Friends Board members. This project marks the beginning of our growing relationship with the Oregon Chinese Coalition.


Upcoming Opportunities

We have one invasive plant removal opportunities coming up in September!

Contact Carly to register to Volunteer

September 25th –

Invasive Plant Removal – 9:00am – 12:00

Please note- This is the same time and date as the Annual Meeting. Come out to the Refuge and help us give our native plant and wildflower species a fighting chance to grow up big and strong!

*All volunteers will need to read and agree to our COVID – 19 Job Hazard Analysis and review their volunteer forms to participate.

Nature's Overlook Store- Online

Online sales from our Nature's Overlook store support the work of the Friends. Please visit our online store and see our wide selection of nature related books, Friends and Refuge logo wear, jewelry and toys. Shopping with the Friends is the gift that gives twice. All proceeds go to the direct support of the work the Friends do on behalf of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Our online sales are an important means of support during the closure due to COVID-19. Items can be mailed or you may utilize our contactless pickup option.

And Remember- Friends receive a 10% discount - even online!


News From the Board continued

In the course of this fiscal year (ending Sept. 30) we again felt that some of the provisions in the bylaws were presenting an obstacle to the smooth running of the organization, and more specifically to the succession of the Board’s officers. For many years we had a president elect (who was “in training” to take over the presidency the following fiscal year), a president, and a past president (the president of the previous fiscal year who was acting as helper and mentor to the president). However, the succession was repeatedly hampered because board members in the presidency pipeline had to beg out of for various reasons, leaving the board without either a past president or, even more difficult, without a president.

Given the above challenges, the Board formed a committee to examine the succession question and to come up with a better alternative – which is the current proposed change to the bylaws. If approved, the new system would be less rigid. The 3 presidents would be replaced with a president, a vice-president and a parliamentarian who would be tasked with ensuring the smooth running of the meetings and that all protocols and decisions are in accordance with the bylaws. These officers would have the option of being reelected to their respective positions if they wish to run again. At the same time, it would remove the 3-year commitment for board members who volunteer for the presidency pipeline, hopefully encouraging more board members to step up to these positions.

-Irene Vlach

Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

19255 SW Pacific Hwy Sherwood, Oregon 97140

503.625.5944 x 15227
