Christ Church exists to show everyone God loves them unconditionally.
God's love.
There are three ways to give to the mission of Christ Church:
you can mail in your pledge, give online, or text GIVE to (850) 403-6673.
We experience God's love (Worship)
Sunday 10:30 AM service streamed on Facebook Live or YouTube
Click here to listen to last week's sermon.
**An email is sent on Saturdays with links for Sunday worship and Christian Education.
In-Person services on Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
In-Person service on Wednesday at 12:00 PM
We embrace God's love (Study/Formation)
Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks
Sundays ~ 9:15 AM
Rm. 31 of Education Bldg. or by Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 878 4884 3240 Password: 510649
**Please note: This Sunday our class will be joining the special Lenten presentation, "The Name of God" with Rabbi Joel Fleekop, held in the Parish Hall at 9:30 AM.
"Pouring into Our Parents" (POP)
Sundays ~ 9:30 AM ~ 2nd floor of the Christian Education Bldg.
Children & Family Ministries offers a parenting class on Sunday mornings and welcomes parents with newborn babies to high schoolers. This class, Pouring into Our Parents (POP), meets at 9:30 AM in the Library on the second floor of the Christian Education building. The class will begin with a series on what a gospel-centered parent looks like. Discussions and readings hit on family codes, discipline, trust, times of suffering, hope, and grace.
We extend the love of God (Outreach/Parishioner Support)
Montclair Elementary Volunteer Opportunity
Last month, Montclair began their Saturday Scholars program. From 8:30-10:30, select students are receiving direct instruction in both reading and math. Montclair is looking for volunteers who can support the teachers in providing one-on-one assistance throughout the sessions. This is strictly for 3rd-5th grade students. This program will run every Saturday morning; excluding, March 18 and April 8, and will conclude on April 29. If you are interested in supporting this program, please complete this form and we can get you started!
Bridging the Gap
Our neighbors without homes are in great need of new or used clothes (especially men’s), socks, washcloths, and toiletries – including bars of soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, disposable razors, hand sanitizer, and hand cream. Donations can be left in the boxes labeled 'Bridging the Gap' in the back hallway of the church offices. Please click here for more information on how to help.
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"Get wRight" Mardi Gras Fundraiser
Friday, February 17
& Saturday, February 18
Parish Office Closed
Monday, February 20
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, February 21
Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, February 22
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Monday–Friday ~ 9:00 AM–3:00 PM
Outside of these hours, please contact the church, 850-432-5115, for availability.
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with Rabbi Joel Fleekop
Sunday, February 19 ~ 9:30–10:15 AM ~ Parish Hall
To kick off our Lenten Series on the seven ‘I AM’ statements of the Gospel of John, Rabbi Joel Fleekop will be leading a special Sunday School class on the Tetragrammaton, the four letter name of God given to Moses in the book of Exodus. This passage is the foundation of the ‘I AM’ statements, and Rabbi Fleekop will share how that passage is understood from a Jewish perspective. The class will be Sunday, February 19 from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM in the Parish Hall.
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As we begin the Open Doors Capital Campaign, we will be having a series of small group presentations. Hosts will provide snacks and beverages, and Fr. Michael will be on hand with the latest plans and renderings for the project. There will be a mix of sessions at the church and in homes around town, but will all be a relaxed opportunity to see plans and ask any questions you might have about the project! Please RSVP to Honey by the day before the event so we can be sure to plan for space and food. Stay tuned for more dates!
Thursday, February 16 ~ 4:30-6:30 PM
hosted by Honey & Chuck Harris
Thursday, February 23 ~ 5:30-7:30 PM
hosted by Laura & Ethan Sadowski
East Hill
Tuesday, February 28 ~ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Parish Hall
Wednesday, March 1 ~ 5:00 PM
hosted by Ashley & Dean Prestwood
Thursday, March 2 ~ 5:30 PM
hosted by Jill & Grover Robinson
Cordova Park Neighborhood
Thursday, March 9 ~ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Parish Hall
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Tuesday, February 21 ~ 5:30-7:00 PM ~ Parish Hall
(sponsored by the Young Adults of Christ Church)
Celebrate Mardi Gras with a Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21 from 5:30-7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Come eat bacon, sausage and pancakes with all the fixin's! There will be small crafts for children and a Mardi Gras basket raffle for adults. Please bring cash for raffle tickets and suggested donation of $5 per person.
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Wednesday, February 22
7:30 AM - Imposition of Ashes
8:15 AM - EDS Imposition of Ashes
12:00 Noon - Holy Eucharist
& Imposition of Ashes
6:00 PM - Holy Eucharist
& Imposition of Ashes
Nursery care available at the 6:00 service.
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As part of the observance of a holy Lent this year, Christ Church invites you to be part of a small group. We are challenging everyone to consider how you will observe this season of Lent and intend for at least 150 individuals to be part of small groups of all generations. Groups will be at most 10 people in size and meet once a week for an hour for the six weeks of Lent beginning February 22. Based on your availability, you can be part of groups that gather on different days and times, both at Christ Church and around the community. Sign-up for small groups here. If you are interested in hosting a group or leading a small group, please email Rev. Katie.
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Honoring the original architecture of New Christ Church, the Celebrant will celebrate Eucharist ad orientem, “to the East,” during the season of Lent. “But that’s north!” you may say. For more information, please click here.
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Young Adults will NOT meet tonight due to Valentine's Day. We will resume on Tuesday, February 28. Come support our mission and outreach fund with a suggested $5 donation at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21, 5:30-7:00 PM, in the Parish Hall.
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Wednesday, February 15 ~ 1:30 PM ~ Parlor
The next Primetimers Large Group Meeting will be on Wednesday, February 15 at 1:30 PM in the Parlor. After a brief business meeting, Becca Schmidt will introduce us to low impact yoga. Please wear comfortable clothing and non-skid shoes. We hope to see you there!
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Thursday, February 16 ~ 9:30 AM ~ Parlor
Newcomers always welcome; instructions provided for those who wish to learn!
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Saturday, February 18
8:00 AM ~ Parish Hall
Guest Speaker: Dr. Geoffrey Lentz,
Pastor, First United Methodist Church
"Discovering the Evangelical Vision
in the Christ Church Dome"
All invited! ~ Please make reservations here.
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Friday, February 17 & Saturday, February 18
It’s Mardi Gras time and the best place to enjoy the Friday evening illuminated parade and Saturday afternoon "grand" parade is in front of Christ Church! (The parades make the turn at Wright and Palafox Sts.). Bring the family and “GET wRIGHT” with adult beverages, water and snacks. All proceeds support our local parish outreach projects. Tell your friends and neighbors to stop by too! We will be open prior to the parades (7:30 PM on Friday and 2:00 PM on Saturday) and during the events.
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Saturday, February 18 ~ 10:00 AM
The Young Adults of Christ Church will have a parking lot fundraiser for the Grand Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday, February 18 beginning at 10:00 AM. Parking spaces will be sold for $20 per vehicle in the back parking lot off of Belmont St. All proceeds will support their mission and outreach fund.
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The Parish Office will be closed
on Monday, February 20 in honor of Presidents' Day.
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Last month, Montclair began their Saturday Scholars program. From 8:30-10:30, select students are receiving direct instruction in both reading and math. Montclair is looking for volunteers who can support the teachers in providing one-on-one assistance throughout the sessions. This is strictly for 3rd-5th grade students. This program will run every Saturday morning; excluding, March 18 and April 8, and will conclude on April 29. If you are interested in supporting this program, please complete this form and we can get you started!
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Wednesday, March 1 ~ 3:00 PM ~ Parish Hall
The Epic Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 3:00 PM. The March book discussion will be The Devil You Know by Charles Blow. Please click here to be added to the email list for updates, and/or join our Facebook group (EPIC Bookclub of Christ Episcopal Church).
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Coming soon!
Sunday, March 26 ~ after both services
Come and purchase our wonderful cookies, cakes, pies, candy and much more! Baked goods make great gifts!
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8:00 AM – The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old.
9:30 AM – Sunday School for 4 years old through 5th grade. The Nursery is available for our young children during this time as well.
• Nursery – The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old.
• Godly Play – Pre-K 4’s thru 3rd graders return to the Godly Play Room with a new season of stories and activities. In Godly Play, children learn the stories of our faith while playing, crafting, and exploring. A snack is offered. The Godly Play room is on the second floor of the Christian Education building. Running a little late? Just follow the footprints!
• Journey Through the Bible – 4th and 5th graders have started a brand new journey and are having a blast with trivia, games, and some pretty big goals for the year! "Journey Through the Bible" is a two year curriculum that tackles a Testament each year. This year is all about the Old Testament. This class is full of biblical adventure with a few treats, hands on activities, Bible Jeopardy, Trivia Treasure, prayer, and growth. The 4th and 5th grade room is on the second floor of the Christian Education building, at the end of the hall. Running a little late? Just follow the footprints!
10:30 AM – Children are always welcome during service at Christ Church. A "Kid's Korner" with books, quiet activities, and art has been created for you to use at the entrance on Wright Street. During the service, children will leave prior to the sermon for their own lesson and return at the passing of the peace.
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Children and Family Ministry (CFM) has two ways to keep our families connected with Christ Church during the week. CFM is on Instagram, @cckidspensacola, and shares what is happening on Sunday mornings & ideas for how to keep faithful conversations happening during the week. CFM also has a bite-sized weekly email with the "5 Things" our families need to know for the week – Sunday reminders, save the dates, and more. Would you like to be added? Email Victoria to be added to the list!
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High School Lunch has been moved to THIS Sunday, February 19
11:45 AM–1:30 PM ~ Graffiti Pizza
We will meet in the Parish Hall after the 10:30 service.
**NO HS lunch on Sunday, February 26**
Ash Wednesday ~ Wednesday, February 22
EYC youth are encouraged to attend the 6:00 PM service with their families.
EYC Volunteer Day at Escambia County Animal Shelter
Saturday, February 25 ~ 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Please sign up in advance here; e-mail Tess with questions.
Lenten Small Groups
Sign up for the HS or NEW MS Lenten Small Group here.
High School meets Thursday mornings from 7-8 AM at Bagelheads.
Middle School meets Monday nights from 7-8 PM at the Boyles' house.
If you want to start another small group for either HS or MS, contact Tess to discuss options!
NEW "Youth Chapel" ~ Sundays, February 26 thru March 2
During the 10:30 service, when children come forward for Children's Chapel, youth will meet at the BACK of the church and head to the Parlor where we will read and discuss the Gospel that week and check in with Lenten goals. ALL youth, 6th grade - High School may attend, including acolytes participating on Sunday.
Newsletter link here.
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Each week our worship service is enhanced with beautiful fresh flowers. After the Sunday services, the altar flower arrangements are reworked into smaller arrangements. These arrangements are delivered to members of our parish family that are unable to attend a Sunday service. The altar flowers are a memorial, a thanksgiving for an anniversary, a birthday, a new birth, or a thanksgiving for God's blessings. The donation is listed in the weekly bulletin. Forms to participate in this ministry are available here and on the information table in the Parish Office.
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Christ Church is here for you. There are many ministries to love and support the people who are the church. If you are interested in assisting with staying connected to our church family, please email Rev. Katie or call her at the Parish Office, 850-432-5115. It is easy to feel alone or disconnected, so reach out to one of the priests or someone at the church to say hello. Contact Rev. Katie if you or anyone you know has any needs. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call our pastoral care emergency line to speak directly with one of the priests: (850) 462-5137.
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We would like to give thanks for these special days and to add your name to the published prayer list in the Chronicle. Please print your name on the calendar on the information table in the Parish Office foyer. The calendar is checked weekly before the prayer list goes to print.
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I. For Those in Need. Including the poor, the unemployed, the lonely, the hungry, the homeless, the abused, the sick and dying, and those who grieve. For those suffering in body, mind, or spirit—including Members: Adelene Lovelace, Kathi Wright, George Andrews, John & Gail LeRoy, Leonora Edwards, Susan Martin, Nancy Stafford, Bruce & Meg Melvin, Laura Wolfersperger, Dee Whisenhunt Family & Friends: Amy Barton, Steve Corman, Melissa & William, Judy Holmes, Hal Major, Debbie Turner, Meghan, Xander & Zachary Lee, Kelly Currin, Dylan Sims, Rob Wilmer.
II. For Those in the Armed Forces, especially—Erik Barton, Stewart Bova, Danica Roark Domokos, Sam Gaston, Robert Geiger, Sterling Gilliam III, Mitchell Harless, William Harper, Harry B. Harris, Benjamin Jensen, Joshua Justin, Art Lantigua, Hillary Leonard, Ben Mathis, Kathryn Martin, Sean McAbee, Gavin Harris Patterson, Kyle Roberson, Peter Shelton, Evan Valdyke, Wesley Valdyke, Jake Willstatter; and all those who serve this nation in harm’s way.
III. For All who have Died. May their souls and the souls of all the departed rest in peace.
IV. In Thanksgiving. For those in our parish celebrating birthdays—Sarah Morrow—and anniversaries.
To submit a prayer request, email and let us know if this is for the public prayer list or for our confidential intercessory prayer list. You may also fill out the prayer request form online at our website (found on the Pastoral Care page under “Ministries”). All published prayer requests on this list also go on the confidential intercessory prayer list. Please note that names remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks and on our confidential intercessory prayer list until you ask to be removed. Please resubmit your request if you or a loved one needs to remain on the list. This helps keep our prayers current. Names in bold print indicate new additions to the prayer list.
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