Maintaining Professional Relationships In Uncertain Times
Your professional relationships are critical to both your career success and its evolution. You may have found it challenging to nourish and maintain these ties during the pandemic. Or, you may have welcomed the opportunity to keep in touch with contacts without travel.

As you gather with colleagues for the first time in many months, consider what has worked best for you and share tips. How does cultivating relationships differ among countries and cultures? Do electronic introductions work as well in France as in Anglo Saxon countries? Perhaps there are new ways to use electronic communications to your best advantage.

Following a brief introduction, attendees will be assembled in small groups for an interactive discussion, where you share your own stories and experiences of staying in touch.

Bring your questions about best practices for relationship management. Discuss what you've learned with colleagues as you network and enjoy light refreshments following the session.

You are also welcome to suggest topics and speakers for future events with the Paris members of 100WF who will be there in force! You are welcome to include a guest in your registration.

Your active participation will contribute to a fabulous, thoughtful session.

For more information please contact

Local health guidelines will be observed at this event. Participants must follow the procedures of the venue to ensure appropriate safety measures and distancing are implemented. Please check here for local health guidelines.

This is an IN-PERSON event ONLY.
21 September 2021
5:45 PM Registration and networking
6:30 PM Welcome and roundtables
7:30 PM Networking
8:00 PM End

Franco-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Crowe Fidelio
22 rue de Londres
75009, Paris, France
Wendy Cochran
Newen Search

Somesha Ferdinand
Wells Fargo Securities Europe

Hannah Rossiter

Isabelle Simon
Agami Family Office

Joanna Thompson de Colonges
Tembo Associates
Franco British Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Crowe Fidelio
This is an IN PERSON event ONLY.
You may include a non-member guest with your RSVP.
100WF’s policy is that a non-member may attend one 100WF event as a guest to learn more about 100WF and experience a 100WF event. To attend further events, the guest should register as a 100WF member.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Paris committee.

Visit your Member Profile RSVPs to confirm your event registration. If you have no-show fees or access fees due, the system cannot register you for an event. You can view and pay for any outstanding fees on your Member Profile. If you have any membership questions, please contact the Membership Committee.

Click here to view global upcoming events

100WF's 20th Anniversary
Throughout 2021, 100 Women in Finance will celebrate its twentieth year of operations with special events and recognition of the member volunteers who have built 100WF into today’s leading organization dedicated to the advancement of women in the global finance industry. Since its founding in 2001, 100WF’s pillars of Education, Peer Engagement and Impact have established a foundation of purpose, achievement and confidence that will guide the organization's future growth and focus on attaining its 30/40 Vision in the next twenty years.

100 Women in Finance
100 Women in Finance strengthens the global finance industry by empowering women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. Its members inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact. Through Education, Peer Engagement and Impact, the organization furthers the progress of women who have chosen finance as a career, and enables their positive influence over pre-career young women.
This event is NOT FOR ATTRIBUTION. All 100WF events are private events and we require that no one reports publicly on any aspect of them.

Space is limited.

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