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In this Newsletter:

*Presidents message on operations during COVID 19 
*Ranch is adding experienced trail horses
*Major changes at the barn in 2021 
*Introducing the Gammie House for large corporate or family groups 
*Lower prices for 5 days stays 
*New volunteer program for next year 
*Guide for 2021 released with important dates

President's Message On Operations During COVID 19

Wow wasn't that a year. We started by bringing staff in 6 weeks early to get everything ready for opening in a Covid year. New protocols, staff training on disinfecting buildings and new food handling methods. Then we had to work with the liquor board and worksafe BC to get the signs up and relocate all the tables and chairs to give us the right distancing. The entire time this was all happening we didn't even know if we were even going to be able to open with the mixed signals we were getting from the province. Finally, we got the go ahead that the travel advisory was lifted and on June 22 we opened. But right off the bat we were down in our reservations because all our USA friends and international travellers could not get in. And then the rains came! The most rain in 50 years according to the locals. The trails were flooded and muddy (The irony was environment Canada had just released a long range forecast of a hot dry summer with lots of fires). But then something amazing happened. The phones started to ring off the hook from all over BC from people who wanted to come up and visit the ranch. They were tired of being cooped up at home all Spring. Soon we had so many staycationers that we had to turn people away. The weather started to clear up, the trails gradually improved and we ended up with a very busy summer. When we closed this year we had enough hay in the barn for the winter and enough funds to bring in new horses and a bunch of other upgrades for the ranch. At the end of the day, we were lucky. Some of my friends in other parts of the province were not so lucky. They lost entire crops to the rains and my blueberry farmer friends could not get foreign workers to harvest the crops. Some tourist businesses were devastated. The main thing is that our COVID 19 protocols worked and people came and left safely the entire season (Turns out you were statistically safer to travel to the ranch then if you visited the American White House). I'd like to thank all the guests and staff for making this season successful.The best part is that most of our new visitors rebooked. We are working hard this fall and we will be ready for you next season. Scroll down below and you will see what we are doing to make that happen.  

John Lovelace
President and CEO
Flying U Ranch
New Horses

Over the past few years as our reservations have grown by leaps and bounds we have learned that more and more of our riders are new to riding! Also, with COVID we were pleased to see BC staycationers discovering the ranch and that also added new riders. So, we have gone on a quest to bring in more beginner safe horses. In 2020, we brought in 17 new horses aimed for our newer riders. And this year we plan to add another 20 beginner and kids safe horses. We are scouring western Canada for the perfect horses and are bringing horses all the way from Alberta. But don't worry, we still have the same great horses that are geared for the more advanced riders. So the new guests that are gaining experience will be graduating over the years ahead. It all adds up to a remarkable herd for beginners and experienced riders alike.
Major Changes at the Barn for 2021

We have decided to overhaul the barn operations for 2021 as many of the precedents have remained unchanged in last 100 years. The end result will streamline our operations and add more comfort and training for new riders. At the same time we will do this by keeping the existing unguided riding opportunities the same. First, we are pleased to announce that leading this initiative will be Victoria Gallant, who has been with the ranch for 5 years. She has a sound knowledge of the herd and understands what we need to do to upgrade our riding operations. We are adding two new pens for 2021 to accommodate a larger herd. The horses will be saddled and grouped by suitability for each riding group. For 2021, we will be adding a third package. This will be the platinum plus where guests will get formal training and trail rides and be assigned a wrangler. But the biggest change will be the additions to our herd of 20 new child safe and beginner horses.
Introducing the Gammie House: Perfect for large corporate or family groups

The Gammie family owned the ranch back in the 1950’s. This fall we have completely renovated the old Gammie homestead and are releasing it for guest use starting in the beginning of the 2021 season. This house is perfect for company retreats/weddings etc because the living room offers the largest private space at the ranch.There is also a kitchen, a laundry room with washer and dryer, a large separate eat in kitchen area, two full bathrooms, a private screened in porch and two separate decks. This centrally heated home also has its own wood stove for the ambiance of a cold fall night. There are 5 bedrooms including a separate loft for the kids. The house sleeps 12 people and there is separate private parking and an easy access side entrance. Minimum Booking number of guests required to book is 6.

New Lower Price Point for 5 Day Stays 

We want our guests to stay longer so we are going to make that happen with a new affordable rate. So new this year, pay for 4 nights and you get the 5th night for free!
That works out to a 20% discount. That gives you more time to enjoy the ranch during those lazy days of summer. Also, you can make it even more affordable to include non riding days to hang out on the waterfront, take the afternoon boat cruise or enjoy a book on the porch. 
New Volunteer Program 

Every year we get several inquiries from guests about coming up here to help out at the ranch and stay for free. Often these are from students who want to come up and learn or it could be from retired people too. Last year we had some wonderful folks who came up to help us out through our COVID 19 season when we needed a higher staff to guest ratio. It also kept the ranch warm and vibrant for our guests as new fresh volunteers were arriving every week. So, we have decided to formally introduce a program for Volunteers in 2021. Now people can come up to work for periods of a minimum of 1 week to 4 weeks maximum and stay for free. We offer staff housing, free meals and unlimited use of the ranch facilities. In exchange, the volunteers help for 6 hours a day in the barn area, the kitchen, front end, housekeeping or hospitality. If you are interested, send in your application here on our volunteer page. Hope to see you next summer!
P.O. Box 69, 70 Mile House
BC V0K 2K0 Canada